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Its supposed to be a cop.......in riot gear...the front thing is one of those plastic shields.

I dunno......where else can the name NightSticks go right?


The Official Cheese-Filled Snack of NASCAR

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well.........it wont actually adorn any uniforms ever. And only has to look good on our website and cbs.sportsline's. I think I can kind of break the rules of readability if I want.......(although of course you are correct).

So I dont mind that it doesn't show up. I kind of don't want it too. I know, contradictory much?

I just like the guy......he's cool. Thumpin heads.

This .GIF is just part of a draft interface we're running on a big TV during the fantasy draft.....hence the fake ESPN text at the bottom. It's going to be cool......it has a back end to upload each choice and then a live ticker on the bottom. Maybe next year video of your selection.

The Official Cheese-Filled Snack of NASCAR

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very cool. but 3 things about it stand out to me:

1. Nightsticks is too dark to read

2. Isn't a nightstick/police baton straight? Yours looks like a sickle.

3. How is he holding the stick? It looks very awkward to hold a stick or baton that way.

Back-to-Back Fatal Forty Champion 2015 & 2016

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very cool. but 3 things about it stand out to me:

1. Nightsticks is too dark to read

2. Isn't a nightstick/police baton straight? Yours looks like a sickle.

3. How is he holding the stick? It looks very awkward to hold a stick or baton that way.

1) granted.......see above

2) Yes.......they are straight...and I couldn't think of anything much more boring than that......so I made him kind of swinging it or menacing it and took some real comic book liberties with it how it was rendered........trying to add some flow.

3) They have this little handle on them near the end. He's holding that palm out with his arm up (Like you were trying to imitate a cactus) and the stick itself sits parallel to the arm. Holding the stick like this pretty much results in a forearm attack motion where you hit with the stick instead of your arm. SO the stick isnt swinging wildly about in a crowd. His body is sideways and his near arm is holding the shield. Its pretty much a fighting stance.

I may revisit this tonight......expand on it in some subtle areas so its not so vague what his pose is. I just didnt want to have it be too 'illustration-y' right away...tried to drive home the contained aspect and the logo-ness.

The Official Cheese-Filled Snack of NASCAR

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I like the logo but I think it would really pop with white edging on the wordmark.

Not outlining per se, but more a matter of having the blue part of the wordmark inset from the edges with the current lines being the white outline.

Other than that, I think the logo is awesome.

I have to take this opportunity to let you know that your work is fantastic, Sterling.

Nothing plants self doubt in my artistic abilities than seeing one of your logos. :P

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Another stellar logo Sterling. Your application of glare and shiny surfaces is what I really love about your work. The face and helmet are great and the treatment of the arm and baton are nicely done. My beef with it is that the arm looks separated from the head/shoulders due to the shape around your wordmark. IMO it slices that arm off and creates too much tension. You lose the connection point at the shoulder. The shape around the wordmark looks like a neck brace of sorts. Bang up job on a rather strange team moniker :)

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First I just want to say that this is incredible work. I too love the glare, and how you can see him knocking some tree-hugging protester into next week with an upcut.

upoon further inspection, I think the bottom of the stick should have a rounded edge. I looks like a icepick or a sickle as mentioned before.

Also, his jaw looks to be facing more forward than the rest of his head. Not much, just a little.

Other than that, awesome!



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UPDATED the logo.........little less contained........far more easy to see what he's doing and read.


Also for your enjoyment........some of my less original designs for my fantasy league. Personally........I've never been as into Bucco Bruce as I am now.



EDIT - When I say LESS ORIGINAL. THat means I know this is Tampa Bays property and the other one is ......I forget.....but not mine. This is only for fantasy purposes.......not portfolio or profit.

The Official Cheese-Filled Snack of NASCAR

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That's one yummy football chick you got there Sterling. The Bucs never looked better.

I love the improvements to the Nightsticks logo. Makes the figure standout much better and look even more forceful. Bravo, man! :notworthy::notworthy::notworthy:

Had to use the Beast in the Überbiatches being from Milwaukee huh. Why not PBR :D

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