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America League...updated!


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Its been 4 long years since my last post here. My departure wasn't about anything other than just a slow decrease of posting until I stopped. I lurked for a bit after that without really posting. I've now moved to Portland, OR and had a kid, so my time really is even more limited.


However, with the pandemic happening, I got a chance to update my website (www.pcgd.co) and with that, I decided to make a home for The America League project I did back in 2013. I've updated the stories and mockups, created a full history of the league with yearly results, added a map, listed champions, and have mapped out the next two levels on the America League Pyramid. 


I thought anyone that was around back then, would appreciate seeing the updates!







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Guest darkpiranha

Yay!  The America League series was easily in my top three favorites of all time.  I love every design you made, and I love seeing the inspiration and process.  Hopefully that continues.  


But this is a great bit of news for me, who has had to evacuate from two hurricanes in the last six weeks.  If you ever get far enough down in the lower tiers to include Lake Charles, Louisiana, might I suggest something hurricane or debris-related for the mascot.  Shop-Vac would make a great sponsor.



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Unreal, I was on the site back then as a lurker, can't say I remember the series, but looking at it now the time you took and the classic identities you created feel like they would belong in England, they look unreal and timeless and represent the cities very well. Some great brands and flavor for every team, love it. Being from jersey and looking at the teams in my area I'd have to say I'd be a queens fan, that crest and home kit are gorgeous, and I'm a north jersey boy, Camden county doesn't even really feel like a home team for me.

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Pretty cool stuff!  I was a lurker back then as well and I love to see how that project evolved.  Love your brief description of the history of each team and how it actually plays into the real life local sporting culture.

Obviously I'd be a Third Ward supporter in this universe.  But I have to say even though I didn't see an issue with it the first time around, it's hard for me to wrap my head around their colors not including blue.  Especially for a team so steeped in Bavarian heritage.  I'm guessing since you're local (enough) you know of Bavarians SC and didn't want to do something that was essentially a take on their identity.  But the Milwaukee Wave and Milwaukee Torrent wear blue as well.  Then, of course, you have the Brewers, Marquette, and even the Bucks found a way to work it into their identity.  Blue is Milwaukee's sporting color (as odd as it is for me, a UWM alum, to admit that). 

Perhaps we could see a version of Third Ward that is blue and cream?  I do love the crest though.  That doesn't have to change even if the kit colors do, IMO.

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I am currently in the works of making a Football Manager database with your America League concept. I am actually having fun reading all the backstory and history behind every club and team, and even looking at the historical rankings of teams over the course of decades. Even the map with every America League team is super interesting as geography is one of my favorite subjects! The insane amount work put into this fully fleshed out series is actually out of this world. I look forward to more updates as this is my favorite fantasy league on this website!

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8 hours ago, SambamOverTime said:

I am currently in the works of making a Football Manager database with your America League concept. I am actually having fun reading all the backstory and history behind every club and team, and even looking at the historical rankings of teams over the course of decades. Even the map with every America League team is super interesting as geography is one of my favorite subjects! The insane amount work put into this fully fleshed out series is actually out of this world. I look forward to more updates as this is my favorite fantasy league on this website!

Could you let me know when you finish? And how to download it?

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Im an isles,rangers,devils,Sabres,Yankees,Mets,Braves,hawks,knicks,nets,bills,giants,falcons,and jets fan. So?

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