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Both members have been suspended for the use of racial slurs to defend arguments.


The length of the suspensions will be determined when all votes have been cast.


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21 minutes ago, JerseyJimmy said:

lmao so apparently calling a racist caricature racist gets you two months now? why don't you suspend freebie while you're at it, take away my only other reason for visiting this site

I'm going to guess there's an additive effect here. Having been suspended once only to fail to heed clear, site-wide warnings to avoid the subject, only to double back and 'oopsie i will change that word i shouldn't have used' probably means a bigger punishment is warranted.

It's where I sit.

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1 hour ago, JerseyJimmy said:

why don't you suspend freebie while you're at it, take away my only other reason for visiting this site

You could save yourself the time and, you know, just not visit the site.

"You are nothing more than a small cancer on this message board. You are not entertaining, you are a complete joke."


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8 hours ago, JerseyJimmy said:

lmao so apparently calling a racist caricature racist gets you two months now?


What part of our zero tolerance policy on racial slurs is tripping you up?




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"Use of racial slurs to defend arguments."

Yea, I just don't see that one working out well on a public forum with members of various background. Here's to hoping it gets the message across without further incident. That being said, I would be morbidly curious just to see what was said to furrow my brow and try and understand how they thought that was going to work. 

"And then I remember to relax, and stop trying to hold on to it, and then it flows through me like rain and I can't feel anything but gratitude for every single moment of my stupid little life... You have no idea what I'm talking about, I'm sure. But don't worry... you will someday." 

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31 minutes ago, Alex Houston said:

I would be morbidly curious just to see what was said to furrow my brow and try and understand how they thought that was going to work. 


They both used the same racial slur to describe chief wahoo. My guess is they figured it was OK to use a racial slur as long as they were using it in the "right way."





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Oy gevalt...


How hard is it to just not use racial slurs?

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