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Red Sox win


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Its 8-1 in the 6th inning, and my perdiction, is a BoSox win.

They have won.

Congratulations, you've effectively made the easiest prediction ever. Also, it's the fourth inning, but nice try.

Try being me, a Yankee fan, and knowing since last night that your team had no chance to win this game.




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I've said it before and I'll say it again...


Jixing what? Its 8-1.

Shmee, I wasn't trying to piss anyone off or anything, but it is, 8-1, and if they give it up, Ill send you 50 dollars :D

The Red Sox arent my team, but no one in baseball is my team, im just watching the game.



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So if the Red Sox win, and that's a pretty big if, then the curse is over, obviously. But if this is intended to be reversed, what do you think will happen? Mr. Steinbrenner suffers a heart attack after the game, then Boston goes on to win 26 World Championships, while the Yankees get stuck with being the perrenial bridesmaids? Then they'll know how Sox fans felt, eh?

Welcome to the 21st Century.

Oh well, enjoy the game!

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Did you not hear them say a few years back the Yankees went into the 6th or 7th down by 6 and came back and won?

Remember guys... the "curse" is that the Red Sox can't win the Series. Not that they can't beat the Yankees. All it means is it gives the Red Sox a chance to prove the curse is real in the World Series.


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never, ever claim victory until the game is over, you don't run the rist of putting your foot in your mouth or sounding like a jackass

Exactly. I've seen some amazing comebacks in my 18 year life. Some VERY unlikely comebacks.

Like, for example... do you guys remember the one where the Yankees had a 3-0 lead on the Red Sox, and the Red Sox came back and forced a game 7...?

This series alone should teach you to shut up till the game/series is over.


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I'm just glad the radiators in my dorm carry the smoke from my neighbors' illegal activities into my room. And that Def Jam Vendetta has allowed me to take out any residual rage on Sean Paul.

And enough with this neurotic jinx paranoia bullplop. You've seen the way we've been hitting the last four days.

Good lord, am I glad I'm not Brian Cashman right now.

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This series alone should teach you to shut up till the game/series is over.

I didnt mean to start any fights.

I'm not mad, man. It's cool. I'm just trying to keep myself out of the mindset that the Red Sox have one this game, already. I've seen some pretty crazy things in sports.

And yeah, UW, can't really say I envy Cashman right now. I can't imagine how many calls he's gonna from the boss in this game, let alone this series.

I'm sure every time Ortiz gets on base he gets a phone call from Steinbrenner from not getting him.


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You know what? So what if they win? Seriously! They still have another 4 games to win guys!

We all thought the same thing about the Yankees last year on how they've won it all by beating Boston, and then get shocked by the Marlins.

As far as I know the Cards and Astros are two legit teams that could win it all, especially with this ALCS being the emotional rollercoaster it has been.

In 2, probably 3 games they'll have one less batter. That could be huge.


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You know what? So what if they win? Seriously! They still have another 4 games to win guys!

We all thought the same thing about the Yankees last year on how they've won it all by beating Boston, and then get shocked by the Marlins.

As far as I know the Cards and Astros are two legit teams that could win it all, especially with this ALCS being the emotional rollercoaster it has been.

In 2, probably 3 games they'll have one less batter. That could be huge.

I think there's a difference between the Yankees last year and the Red Sox this year. I don't think any team has EVER gone into the World Series as confident as the Red Sox will after making history, if they do close this one out.

Not to mention, this isn't what the Red Sox look forward to most. They know they aren't "heroes" until they win the World Series.


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Remember guys... the "curse" is that the Red Sox can't win the Series. Not that they can't beat the Yankees. All it means is it gives the Red Sox a chance to prove the curse is real in the World Series.

Nope, the "curse" is about the Red Sox failing to win big prizes like the final game of the WS or ALCS... or a playoff game.

OH NO... Pedro Martínez is warming up!!!


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