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Modesto's new team name choices are...

Brian in Boston

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NCFA Sunset Beach Tech - Octopi




Going to college gets you closer to the real world, kind of like climbing a tree gets you closer to the moon.

"...a nice illustration of what you get when skill, talent, and precedent are deducted from 'creativity.' " - James Howard Kunstler

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What was wrong with Stompers? It's a wine-growing area, as in stomping grapes. The Athletics elephant mascot is called Stomper. That would have been my pick for a nickname.

thing is, they are a Rockies team now....according to the contest, you will will Rockies merchandise

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Too bad Visalia already has the angry acorn logo, or else that would have been great for "Nuts." Honestly, those names are horrid. I imagine Studio Simon is developing (he does a majority of MiLB logos). Cannot imagine what "Steel" will look like. Should be a picture of Zoolander's "Steel" look. That'd be funny....

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That is seriously the worst ad campaign in the world. If I had one free stabbing, I'd use it on the guy who came up with that campaign, but line him up next to Avril Lavigne and use something really long. Okay, maybe a bit much. But, you can't be punk and spell skater with an 8, and you can't have an ad campaign based soley on flipping through the E and N sections of the dictionary and picking random words.

I guess I have to pick me up a Modesto A's cap because those logos were sweet.

The new names are terrible. Is Modesto Nuts really an option? Because the Visalia Oaks use an acorn/nut like logo and they're in California too(which I just realized blackjack pointed out).

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... you can't have an ad campaign based soley on flipping through the E and N sections of the dictionary and picking random words.

Is Modesto Nuts really an option?

Well, whichever advertising agency took the Empire Nut Company's money would tell you that you can have an advertising campaign based solely on flipping through the E and N entries in the dictionary. In fact, this thread is a testament to the fact that the campaign exists. Now, whether or not it's a successful or appealing campaign... that's open to debate.

As for the Modesto Nuts identity... yes, it really is an option.

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If they name the team the Modesto Nuts, will they rename the home field in Modesto "The Asylum?" Nuts is another way of saying mentally unkempt if you know what I mean.

"I better go take a long walk off a short pier or something."

Some people on this bolard have told me to do just that.

My "Ron Mexico" alias is "Jon Tobago".

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Idiots who rip off commercials, are idiots.

Great. Really. I'm glad you have no sense of humor. Thanks for putting us in our place.


Actually, I was kidding..you see, I have a thing called SARCASM!

I know it's a new concept..but you get the picture.


I don't speak for democrats, democrats don't speak for me.

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The minor-league baseball franchise formerly known as the Modeto A's has narrowed down the possibilities for a new team identity. The five candidates are:

Modesto Derailers...

Modesto Dusters...

Modesto Steel...

Modesto Strike...

... and my personal favorite, the Modesto Nuts.


Oh; you're serious? Really?

Oh dear, what a shame.

Who came up with those 5?

Oh, and I've got a site.

Footy Jumpers Dot Com

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