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New Yankee Stadium?


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so who is the architect of record of this puppy? my guess would be hok sport.

edit: just read the article and I'm right lol. thats what i get for being an architecture major, looking at a building and being able to tell who designed it.

No offense, but since HOK has designed about 90% of the ballparks of consequence lately, you had a pretty damn good chance of being right - architecture major or not :P


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There are also going to build a sports related High School near the stadium.

What exactly is a "sports related High School"?

Smart is believing half of what you hear. Genius is knowing which half.


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There are also going to build a sports related High School near the stadium.

What exactly is a "sports related High School"?

It's kinda like a college athletic department ^_^

I saw, I came, I left.

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There are also going to build a sports related High School near the stadium.

What exactly is a "sports related High School"?

Apparently it will be a scholl for students who want to go in a sports related field. To be honest with you, I have know clue what it is. That's just what I heard during the announcement.

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as a baseball fan, but not a yankee fan.. i don't like this idea... it will not be the House of Ruth, anymore...

No matter how great it is or will be...

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as a baseball fan, but not a yankee fan.. i don't like this idea... it will not be the House of Ruth, anymore...

No matter how great it is or will be...

It hasn't really been the house that Ruth built since the mid 70s anyway.

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same diamond location is what I mean by that...

i just think we are to quick to throw history away, myth and or other wise.. for the shake of another $.....

"Try not to have a good time ... This is supposed to be educational."

- Charles Schulz


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same diamond location is what I mean by that...

i just think we are to quick to throw history away, myth and or other wise.. for the shake of another $.....

Actually not. They moved the diamond when they remodeled.

Here's a sketch of Monument Park.


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same diamond location is what I mean by that...

i just think we are to quick to throw history away, myth and or other wise.. for the shake of another $.....

Actually not. They moved the diamond when they remodeled.

Here's a sketch of Monument Park.


Who tucks a jersey into khakis?

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The one thing I think that's cooler than anything else is a coworker of mine has a place that's literally a block from the current site and will now pretty much have Yankee Stadium across the street. Out the front door, look both ways and walk into the ballpark. I wouldn't live there if you paid me...but that's got to be sweet. To live across the street from the home of the most storied franchise in Major League Baseball. WOW.

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I figured more people would be upset, even if not a Yankee fan. One of the things about being a basebal fanl is going back to older ballparks that have survived generations of fans. I don't care if they remodeled, moved or etc. Yankee stadium is seen by most as the place where greats took to field.

If you move it, people will not come from all over as part of tour groups etc. Rebuild around what exists now.

Moving it, only ruins the legends, myths and what has been known as Yankee stadium. If you don't believe me, ask fans outside of Detriot about Tiger statium.

They will sell pieces of the old ball park to make money, if that does not cheapen it then I don't know what does, maybe the naming rights when it becomes, Pepsi presents Yankee Stadium what ever company buys the rights for 20 years.

Yes, I know it is not exactly as it was 70+ years ago, but it is still the same grounds.

"Try not to have a good time ... This is supposed to be educational."

- Charles Schulz


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They will sell pieces of the old ball park to make money, if that does not cheapen it then I don't know what does, maybe the naming rights when it becomes, Pepsi presents Yankee Stadium what ever company buys the rights for 20 years.

Did you miss the bit about it becoming a college/high school stadium?




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I figured more people would be upset, even if not a Yankee fan. One of the things about being a basebal fanl is going back to older ballparks that have survived generations of fans. I don't care if they remodeled, moved or etc. Yankee stadium is seen by most as the place where greats took to field.

If you move it, people will not come from all over as part of tour groups etc. Rebuild around what exists now.

Moving it, only ruins the legends, myths and what has been known as Yankee stadium. If you don't believe me, ask fans outside of Detriot about Tiger statium.

They will sell pieces of the old ball park to make money, if that does not cheapen it then I don't know what does, maybe the naming rights when it becomes, Pepsi presents Yankee Stadium what ever company buys the rights for 20 years.

Yes, I know it is not exactly as it was 70+ years ago, but it is still the same grounds.

I've been to all three "classic" ballparks (Wrigley more times than I can remember, Femway for the first time last summer, and Yankee Stadium last summer for the first time as well), and I came away specifically from Yankee Stadium with the feeling that the 1970's remodel likely took away most of the character of the building. Now, I'll qualify that with the statement that I never visited it prior to the renovations, but the Stadium feels much more modern than either Fenway or Wrigley.

I may be wrong, but I think, had the Stadium remained intact, and the renovations not taken place in the '70's, this new stadium would cause much more of an uproar.


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Well, from what I have heard about Yankee Stadium (I'm not nearly old enough to ever see the old stadium except on tv highlights) that the 70's remodeled kept it open for another 30 years. The stadium was apparently falling apart back then.

There is only a cetain number of times you can renovate a building. In 1998 a beam fell from Yankee Stadium and while the Stadium has been safe for the last 7 years and looks to be safe for at least untill a new stadium is built. However it is an indication that the stadium can't last forever and probably can't last for another 20-40 years. So unfortunatly it has come time for a new stadium. 85 years (2008 will be its 85th year) is a long time for a stadium most have a "shelf life of 30 years. And this isn't like Tiger Stadium where they are moving into a "carnival" stadium. By the sketches it seems like this will be a modernized version of the current stadium with a flavor of the original stadium. The will bring the monuments with them, the Facade will still be there. It's only going to be 1 street over from the current park. And that park will remain somewhat up with it being used for high school and little league. Granite the middle and upper deck seem like it will be knocked down but the field will be there. It's not like they are knocking it down and putting housing projects there.

I think the Yankees are doing this the best way.

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Well, from what I have heard about Yankee Stadium (I'm not nearly old enough to ever see the old stadium except on tv highlights) that the 70's remodeled kept it open for another 30 years. The stadium was apparently falling apart back then.

There is only a cetain number of times you can renovate a building. In 1998 a beam fell from Yankee Stadium and while the Stadium has been safe for the last 7 years and looks to be safe for at least untill a new stadium is built. However it is an indication that the stadium can't last forever and probably can't last for another 20-40 years. So unfortunatly it has come time for a new stadium. 85 years (2008 will be its 85th year) is a long time for a stadium most have a "shelf life of 30 years. And this isn't like Tiger Stadium where they are moving into a "carnival" stadium. By the sketches it seems like this will be a modernized version of the current stadium with a flavor of the original stadium. The will bring the monuments with them, the Facade will still be there. It's only going to be 1 street over from the current park. And that park will remain somewhat up with it being used for high school and little league. Granite the middle and upper deck seem like it will be knocked down but the field will be there. It's not like they are knocking it down and putting housing projects there.

I think the Yankees are doing this the best way.

That's what I mean. It's to the point where the "old" Yankee Stadium doesn't exsist anymore, because of the renovations, and the update is significally outdated. It's not like Fenway and Wrigley, where those parks have stood-up relativly well, and ownership has done a good job upgrading (Fenway's Monster Seats, Wrigleys bleacher addition comming after this season).


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