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MLB Uniforms Sets


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this is basically a spin-off of the My 2 cents on MLB Uniforms, Anyone agree? thread, i wanted to post my thoughts on the initial thread but i felt that i needed to give you an illustration of what im thinking ,now some of these you might have seen before (ie astros,royals) but i've finally finished all 30 MLB teams,and some you ya probally know whre im going with some of these teams,and now for your viewing pleasure

A.L. East

Orioles- added "BALTIMORE" on the roads ,used the late 60's-'89 wordmark for home and orange jersey changes to the black jersey

Red Sox-added a red cap to the red alts.

Yankees-added a navy alt

Devil Rays-a combination of old and new

Bue Jays-see devil rays,w/ help from stealthfrog's logo

A.L. Central

White Sox-made changes to the sleeveless unis

Indians-a combination the 80's uniforum w/ mid 70's wordmarks (and yes wahoo lives on)

Tigers-added a navy blue alt

Royals-got rid of the black,brought back the powder blue uniforms

Twins-it pretty much similar to lmupepbander Twins concept (which BTW is a very awesome concept),but the only differences is that i made the red/navy cap their away and added a red alt

A.L. West

Angels-switch the caps to navy/red,added a navy jersey

A's-added a yellow jersey

Mariners-added a teal jersey

Rangers-kinda sort of went back to the sets that they wore in 2000 red at home,blue on the road,added a red home alt

N.L. East

Braves-minor changes to the away jerseys,added a all navy cap on the road

Marlins-brought back the teal as the primary home color(what was the organization think when the got rid of the teal to begin w/ because of the simple fact that mami is hot as hell during the summer)

Mets-added a blue alt jersey,kept THE "NEW YORK" black alt,but took the cap logo of the all black cap and placed on the black/blue cap as a comprimise cause like everyone else in the board i too despise the overuse of black by the Mets,but the reality is the black merchidise is making them a $h*tload of $$$

Phillies-added Philadelphia on the away jerseys,also added red alt and removed the numbers f rom the right sleeve and placed them on the front of the jersey

Nationals- different wordmarks added a red and navy alt jersey (again thanks again to jkrdevil fur use of his wordmarks)

N.L. Central:

Cubs-made canges to the blue jerseys

Reds-see devil rays and blue jays

Astros-Extreme Makeover (as seen in the MS paint contest)because the current set doesn't go w/ the team's name

Brewers-Brought the glove out of retirement

Pirates-made changes to the black alt and added a gold alt

Cardinals-added "ST. LOUIS" on the away jerseys,added a red alt.

N.L. West

D'Backs-made changes to the primary home jersey,added a purple jersey

Rockies-made changes to the black alts,removed the pinstripes on the road uniforms

Dodgers-minor changes to the away uniform (combination of the Los Angeles" script w/ the 70-'s mid 90's away uniform),added a blue alt

Padres-(WARNING: Iron Shark Chef you might wanna turn away before looking,but seroiusly i reverted back to early 80's era uniforms,but added a road unifom using the "San Diego" script from '79

Giants-i add a black alt w/ the current uniforms

oh and as a bonus i added a expos set as well,and im not tring to be mean when i say this but w/ Canada day just a couple of days away.this will be the first one w/o the expos,so with that said that why im posting this concept

Expos-69-79 era home uniform (regular and sleevless),minor changes to the road uniforms,.and a blue "MONTREAL" jersey

and remember as always questions,comments,suggestions,gripes are always more than welcomed,

ps if you're good i'll post my AAA set in the next day or two,also if the description is skectchy is because im very sleepy right and im ready to go to bed :sleepy:

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You really put alot into this.

I like what you have done.

I would change the Phillies red to the '80s style maroon.

Also I would keep the Padres as is.

Astros is interesting.

You said you added a Yankees road alternate navy, but gave them pinstripe pants.

Other than that, awesome freakin job.

Just hope football is on its way....


big blue wrecking crew

die hard since '88

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Good stuff, like the Phillies road treatment. I as a White Sox fan wish they would update the stripes maybe go woth piping.

Man at the next homestand I should buy you a Sounds Red Ale from the Blackstone Brewery for all that work...

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Jeez that took awhile I bet. I like about 85% of what you did, which is pretty good! If everyone made those changes I'd be pretty happy. Some teams I think should be left alone but hey they're you're ideas, so you're entitled to them. Nice job dude!

"Every morning in Africa, a gazelle wakes up. It knows it must run faster than the fastest lion or it will be eaten. Every morning in Africa, a lion wakes up. It knows it must outrun the slowest gazelle or it will starve. It doesn't matter whether you're a lion or a gazelle. When the sun comes up, you'd better be running." - Unknown | 🌐 Check out my articles on jerseys at Bacon Sports 🔗

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Wow. Maybe the only time I've actually seen someone post on this board with quantity AND quality. Other than a little sacrilege (to some Yankee/Cardinal/Tiger fans mostly), and the of the Devil Rays gradient nightmares, I have nothing to add. Great stuff.

"Start spreading the news... They're leavin' today... Won't get to be a part of it... In old New York..."


In order for the Mets' run of 12 losses in 17 games to mean something, the Phillies still had to win 13 of 17.

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I checked out the Bucco one since I'm a Bucco fan. Got to say....love them. Love the gold alt, love the update of the black, love the removal of the red on the pirate head too.

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What great work!!!! You have a vision for baseball unies!!! Would have liked to seen a retro Astros rainbow jersey. That would have been stylin.

Thanks for doing a Expos set too, Bring a tear to me eyes. Job well done!!!

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I can't resist looking at this in playoff terms. I looked at the divisions, chose my favorite from each, and also added a wildcard for each league:

AL East: Toronto

AL Central: Chicago

AL West: Seattle

AL Wildcard: Angels

NL East: Florida

NL Central: St. Louis

NL West: San Francisco

NL Wildcard: Washington


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Good job. There are a number of things I agree with, a few that I disagree with.

And one I have a question on:

Why has it become a tradition now in the major leagues that they put the name of the city on the visiting uniform? Like you put St. Louis on the Cardinals visiting uniform instead of keeping just Cardinals.

My thinking is this: If you go watch the Cardinals on the road, do you really have to know that it's St. Louis?

Baseball has gone out of its way to emphasize the obvious, and I think it's kind of silly. I mean, you know that the Pirates are Pittsburgh. You know that the Twins are Minnesota. You know that the Braves are Atlanta. Why not keep the names of the teams on the visiting jerseys like some of these teams did in the past?

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The word "Cardinals" remains on the visiting uniforms. So do "Angels," "Orioles" and "Phillies."

Others that have used the team name in visiting uniforms were, as mentioned, the Twins, Braves and Pirates. Others include Dodgers, Astros, I believe Indians, A's and Royals. So this is nothing new.

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Excellent work. That was a lot to take in all at once, but I looked at every one.

I like the way the city names look on these concepts. I don't think it needs to be required, but it's a nice tip of the cap to the team's host city to have the name on a uni. Philadelphia is a tough one, but you made it look good.

Thumbs up on the Cubs, too. Like the blue road cap and the '80s road update as the alt (I think I saw this before, though).

Really nice job.. and nice presentation -- they all fit nicely in one post. :)

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I like the way the city names look on these concepts. I don't think it needs to be required, but it's a nice tip of the cap to the team's host city to have the name on a uni. Philadelphia is a tough one, but you made it look good.

I ain't gonna lie,i had a little help w/ the Phillies road jersey just to set the record straight :)

Good job. There are a number of things I agree with, a few that I disagree with.

And one I have a question on:

Why has it become a tradition now in the major leagues that they put the name of the city on the visiting uniform? Like you put St. Louis on the Cardinals visiting uniform instead of keeping just Cardinals.

My thinking is this: If you go watch the Cardinals on the road, do you really have to know that it's St. Louis?

Baseball has gone out of its way to emphasize the obvious, and I think it's kind of silly. I mean, you know that the Pirates are Pittsburgh. You know that the Twins are Minnesota. You know that the Braves are Atlanta. Why not keep the names of the teams on the visiting jerseys like some of these teams did in the past?

my guess is,that it becoming some more of an international game now,my guess is that the international audience figure out,"what's a Met" for example,so hence the city name on the jersey,again it is just a theory of mine.

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i did 2 concepts a day for a month

Let me guess, no children and most likely not married either. <sigh>

Nice work. You show some nice ideas (like Philadelphia and St. Louis on road jerseys) some nice restraint where needed (Yankees & Tigers) and a good sense of history. With that in mind, I'd love to see the Braves tomahawks go back to being black instead of their current red.

Just gotta avoid those gold/yellow alt jerseys! :wacko:



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?You don?t like to see 20 kids punching 20 other kids. But it?s not a disgrace, It?s hockey.? - Michael Farber

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