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The Serach for Steve Bartman.


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People blame this guy becuase he did the natural thing to do at a baseball game. Maybe Alou would of never gotten that fly ball? Was it his fault they gave up a lead? Was it his fault the Cubs made some errors on the field? Was it his fault that they lost a 3-1 series lead?

Leave the guy alone. IMO, he did nothing wrong. The people that hate and threaten him, are the Fan Club members that live in their parents attic/basement and spend all their McDonald's/Burger King/whatever fast food chain paychecks on tickets. And their overweight and in their mid-30's.

Yup, those people.

On 4/10/2017 at 3:05 PM, Rollins Man said:

what the hell is ccslc?



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It wasn't interference. If it was the a fan interference call would have been made. The Cubs never argued that a interference call should have been made (Dusty never came out of the dugout). As said 6 other people tried to catch the ball. The Cubs imploded themselves.

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Oh for the love of God, let the poor man be already!

At worst he made an innocent mistake. There was nothing evil or premeditated about it. He was/is a Cubs fan, and he wanted his team to win. He wasn't charged with a foul, and if the Cubs were truly worthy they would have won regardless. They didn't. They choked and other fans would rather blame a fan's blunder than admit their team faltered when the game was within their grasp. To blame him is petty, unfair, and untrue.

He went for a foul ball, somethign that most of us could just as easily be guilty of. It's not like he jumped onto the field and clubbed Sammy Sosa. If the Cubs had won the game and/or series nothing would have been thought of it. If you feel the need to blame someone, make sure it's someone who was wearing a Cubs uniform and was on the field sometime during the game.

To be honest, I cannot imagine what it's like to dedicate your love and devotion to a team, only to have been made the scapegoat by other fans when it falters. I'd like to think my fellow sportsfans share a kind of unwritten loyalty especially when we all share a common team. I shudder to think about if they all would turn on one of us.

We all have our little faults. Mine's in California.

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Steve Bartman will not  be able to rest or go to Wrigey until the Cubs go to the World Series.

lol, he'll never be able to go......even after they get to a world series.......whenever that is.....

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Steve Bartman will not  be able to rest or go to Wrigey until the Cubs go to the World Series.

The only thing that could have saved him was a Game 7 win in the 2003 NLCS. Instead us Cubs fans have had to suffer for two more years (and most likely many more to come) since the incident. The Cubs can win the next ten World Series' and Steve Bartman would still NEVER be welcome back to the Friendly Confines.


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You know, I've always wanted to walk around Chicago with my 2003 Marlins World Champions cap and a T-Shirt that says Bartman Rocks, GO MARLINS! I wonder what would happen if I did that.

"Every morning in Africa, a gazelle wakes up. It knows it must run faster than the fastest lion or it will be eaten. Every morning in Africa, a lion wakes up. It knows it must outrun the slowest gazelle or it will starve. It doesn't matter whether you're a lion or a gazelle. When the sun comes up, you'd better be running." - Unknown | 🌐 Check out my articles on jerseys at Bacon Sports 🔗

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You know, I've always wanted to walk around Chicago with my 2003 Marlins World Champions cap and a T-Shirt that says Bartman Rocks, GO MARLINS! I wonder what would happen if I did that.

Most likely a good ol' fashioned Wrigleyville beatdown.


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You know, I've always wanted to walk around Chicago with my 2003 Marlins World Champions cap and a T-Shirt that says Bartman Rocks, GO MARLINS!  I wonder what would happen if I did that.

Most likely a good ol' fashioned Wrigleyville beatdown.

...... or a south-side parade :)

I saw, I came, I left.

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You know, I've always wanted to walk around Chicago with my 2003 Marlins World Champions cap and a T-Shirt that says Bartman Rocks, GO MARLINS! I wonder what would happen if I did that.

The same thing that would happen if you walked on Yawkey Way with a shirt that says "Bucker Rocks! Go Mets."

If you are interested in them, I think Tank might have one. He loves his Mets, lol. :P

On 4/10/2017 at 3:05 PM, Rollins Man said:

what the hell is ccslc?



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Once upon a time Steve Bartman decided to become a Marlins fan. As a result, he became great friends with Billy the Marlin, but the side effects were that his body turned into that of a 13 year old girl who had sung the National Anthem at the game the night before.


The next night the Marlins played the Cubs. As it turns out Bill Goldberg was a big Cubs fan. Steve Bartman ran away, but Billy was too fat and slow.


The moral of the story is, Bill Goldberg probably does steroids and has really bad roid rage towards Steve Bartman. The End.

"Every morning in Africa, a gazelle wakes up. It knows it must run faster than the fastest lion or it will be eaten. Every morning in Africa, a lion wakes up. It knows it must outrun the slowest gazelle or it will starve. It doesn't matter whether you're a lion or a gazelle. When the sun comes up, you'd better be running." - Unknown | 🌐 Check out my articles on jerseys at Bacon Sports 🔗

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i'd just let him be...there are mainly two ex-Cubs I despise. Jose Vizcaino is one, and the other is Bootsy Gonzalez...come to think of it, I forget why I hate Vizcaino, but I'll keep doing it regardless :cursing:


A strong mind gets high off success, a weak mind gets high off bull🤬

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