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NIT attempting to strike down NCAA


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Apprently the NIT has filed a lawsuit against the NCAA citing that the NCAA is a monopoly and eliminates all chance for competition from other entities during postseason college basketball. The NIT has hired a very high profile lawyer who is very good at what he does but this could seriously spell disaster for college basketball as we know it if the NCAA is brought to its knees by the low profile "consolation tournament" that is the NIT.

CBS Sportsline article


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I was wondering how long before this happened. Let's not forget who puts on the NIT. The Dolans and cablevision. The same family and company that has run the Knicks and Rangers into the ground. The same family and Company that caused most of the New York metro area to go a year without being able to watch Yankee Games on YES. The same family and Company that help stop the West Side Stadium. Although that last thing was a good thing.

This will be a fight.

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I dispise the Dolans :cursing:

The one good thing about the NCAA going to get ruined this could be the end of college sports, what will we have basketball bowls dear lord above.



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This will backfire and the NCAA will wind up getting an antitrust exemption from Congress, just like MLB got in 1922. It's a fair bet to say most if not all members of the US Congress receive substantial financial backing from people who also pour lots of money into NCAA schools and will have a ve$ted interest in protecting the system as it is now.

Shed no tears for the NCAA. If anything, they'll come out of this stronger.

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You have to be kidding me, right?

The point of the NIT is to have the teams who missed the NCAA's and give them a postseason tourny to compete in. Why go after one of the biggest cash cows the NCAA has? That almost sounds like suicide, you know.


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The NIT used to be THE college post-season tourney. When they started the NCAA tourney was the second-rate one. Now the roles are reversed and the NCAAs are a license to print money. This fight will get very ugly if allowed to proceed and the real losers will be the players and the fans. The Dolans better have VERY deep pockets. Win or lose it's going to cost major dinaro on both sides. :mad:

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I'm guessing that even if the NIT wins, they will lose. Why? Even if the rule stating they must play in the NCAA tourney if invited is gotten rid of, schools will still 99 out of 100 go to the NCAA due to it being on a major network as opposed to ESPN2.

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Well, some games are on ESPN during the NIT, that includes the Semis and Championship Game at MSG.

But, you have the spotlight in the NCAA Tourny. Imagine those cinderellas like Valpo, Gonzaga, Xavier, and Wisconsin-Milwaukee. Most of us would of never, ever, known these guys if it wasn't for the NCAA Tourny.

Yeah, the NIT was top dog back then, but now it should be glad some people pay attention to it.


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How can this even be an issue?

The NCAA runs the NCAA tournament correct?

The schools are members of the NCAA correct?

why does an organization (NCAA) even have to allow a private tournament (The NIT) to use members of its organization?

To me this shouldn't even get to the court. Its not a monoply. There are the NAIA, the NJCAA, and the NCCAA (Christian colleges, usually members of this organization and the NCAA or NAIA.)

Schools CHOOSE what organization they want to be a part of correct? Or at least they accept invitations. I mean, there's a choice that the athletic department makes if they want to be in the NAIA or the NCAA.

I don't know, just seems like a joke. Maybe I'm missing something completely and they have a case.

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.... and the NCCAA (Christian colleges, usually members of this organization and the NCAA or NAIA.)....

that's funny you mention them, i just noticed the other day that i drive past the NCCAA headquarters every morning on my drive in to work, and it's a super tiny office.

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This will backfire and the NCAA will wind up getting an antitrust exemption from Congress, just like MLB got in 1922. It's a fair bet to say most if not all members of the US Congress receive substantial financial backing from people who also pour lots of money into NCAA schools and will have a ve$ted interest in protecting the system as it is now.

Shed no tears for the NCAA. If anything, they'll come out of this stronger.

yh is right.

Congress will support the NCAA if it ever gets that far.


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I agree with pcgd here. It just seems silly for the NIT to sue, when the NCAA tournament is a tournament run by the NCAA FOR the NCAA. Of course NCAA teams should be required to choose the NCAA tournament... they're in the NCAA for the love of God!


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What a bunch of turds. Isn't this like saying that the Super Bowl has a monopoly on NFL teams?

If you said that 20 years ago we might still have a USFL :P


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By the way folks, quick history lesson:

1922: Federal Baseball Club vs. National League: After years of debate and legal moves, the National League and American League get a anti-trust exemption.

1986: USFL vs. NFL: USFL wins as far as proving the NFL was a monopoly, but is awarded 1 dollar in grievance, trebled to 3 dollars. The USFL goes broke.


What do they have in common?

The bigger league won. Heck, even when the NFL lost it won.

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What a bunch of turds. Isn't this like saying that the Super Bowl has a monopoly on NFL teams?

If you said that 20 years ago we might still have a USFL :P

Ah, if only that had happened. I miss the USFL...

Even if the NCAA loses the case, they have a simple remedy they can take that would effectively wipe the NIT off the map: expand the field to 128 teams.

But the NIT does have a case here folks, and the Dolans have VERY VERY DEEP pockets to fight it.


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Bob Knight defends NIT in testimony at trial

If the rule were not in place, Knight said, he might choose to sometimes take his team to the NIT rather than the NCAA, because an inexperienced team might benefit more from NIT competition and advance further in the postseason tournament/

He has a point, you know?


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