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NFL Rewind project


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the season is about to start, and I figured now's a good time as any. that said, here I go with my NFL Rewind project...as you'll see, I plan on doing all 32 teams, but I've had to improvise on a couple...so here goes: AFC South


Colts: based on the throwback they wore last year

Titans: based on the Earl Campbell/Warren Moon era Oilers jersey

Texans: based on the 1960 Oilers jersey, though I admit it looks more like a practice jersey

Jaguars: supposed to resemble the Jacksonville Bulls jersey, though I know I'm missing something and shoulda used the full body jaguar instead of just the head


A strong mind gets high off success, a weak mind gets high off bull🤬

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So far, I like the Titans unis the best. :)

When you do the Lions uniforms, how about using the color scheme of the USFL's Michigan Panthers? :blink:

than it wouldn't be an "NFL" Rewind Project, they've had the Lions well before the Panthers showed up. My opinion, 1950's Detroit Lions

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I've used the old Jax Bulls for the Jags, so technically I broke that rule already...far as teh Lions go, I'm actually leaning towards dipping into some of Michigan's old roads cus the Lions have worn Northwestern striping for so long and the best I could do going back would be a black version of the beloved throwbacks. same with the Panthers, cus they've only worn one design their whole existence, I'm leaning towards something based off one of Clemson's jerseys.


A strong mind gets high off success, a weak mind gets high off bull🤬

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I've used the old Jax Bulls for the Jags, so technically I broke that rule already...far as teh Lions go, I'm actually leaning towards dipping into some of Michigan's old roads cus the Lions have worn Northwestern striping for so long and the best I could do going back would be a black version of the beloved throwbacks. same with the Panthers, cus they've only worn one design their whole existence, I'm leaning towards something based off one of Clemson's jerseys.

I've got the solution to your sleeve problem on Jacksonville: full-body Jaguar with "motion lines" modeled after the 1985 Bulls logo/trim...


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Time to throw down...every set is ready for numbering, just lettin ya know. anyways, I drop upon you...

the NFC East


and the AFC West


Redskins: based on 1972 jersey

Eagles: based on 1960 road jersey, which IIRC later got a home doppleganger. do not adjust your screen, I did use silver (I'm using the SSUR color pdf, so metallics look darker than you'd see em on the actual uniform)

Giants: based on the 50s/60s road jersey

Cowboys: based on original (60-63) jersey

Raiders:based on original (60-62) jersey...if you've never seen it, the Raiders haven't always been silver and black...in fact, they actually wore gold in their first three seasons. the jerseys in that time were Bears ripoffs, only replace navy wiht black and orange with gold. I want to use the present number fonts wehre possible, which is why this looks like a Niners throwback in rival colors.

Chargers: heh, I got nothin. this was basically gonna end up an alt anyway

Chiefs: again, this was basically gonna be nothin more than a glorified alt and I knew it.

Broncos: whew, something that's not a glorified alt :woot: based on the mid-60s jerseys, which were also worn in the 94 season.

next up...the AFC East, likely. either that or the AFC North (I wanna save the NFC North for last)


A strong mind gets high off success, a weak mind gets high off bull🤬

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'Scrim... nice.

FYI - Westbrook is #36, not #38. Just lettin' ya know. And now ya know.

"Start spreading the news... They're leavin' today... Won't get to be a part of it... In old New York..."


In order for the Mets' run of 12 losses in 17 games to mean something, the Phillies still had to win 13 of 17.

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I should have known I'd get somebody's number wrong, I always seem to do that. And I wasn't gonna use powder blue for this and never intended to.

that, and I got the year for the Eagles wrong, but it was sometime during the 60s, I know that. how bout King Corcoran and them Pottstown Firebirds, eh? :D


A strong mind gets high off success, a weak mind gets high off bull🤬

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  • 3 weeks later...

I figure I'll lead off with the NFC South and North. unless otherwise noted, all fonts used are the current fonts.

NFC South:


Falcons...late 80s design. sue me, I didn't have the color sheet with the flat silver til recently. the numbers would be metallic silver

Buccos...original design, using pewter as base color

Saints...basically inversed original jersey

Panthers...based on 90s Clemson jersey, hence the panthers on the shoulder fronts a la Clemson's tiger paws.

NFC North:


Vikings...old home design. like with the Saints, not much more than an inverse

Packers...94 throwback design, which was navy/gold.

Lions...based off last year's Michigan road style, and using a slight mod of the Lion that I had laying around from an old Lions set

Bears...94 throwback style, with one slight modification: I decided to have the traditional three stripes come vertically on the sleeves.

And yes...the front/sleeve numbers are the correct thicker versions B)


A strong mind gets high off success, a weak mind gets high off bull🤬

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AFC East:


Bills: in current Bills fashion, the numbers are primarily royal and the striping's primarily navy :P

Jets: it's not just you, that green's too damn dark for my tastes too...but I only have one other option, and it would have looked like a practice jersey.

Patriots: if you ever wondered what their old style would look like in blue, now you know. I stuck with white numbers, though I'd rather have had em silver...but then I ran into the same problem as with the Falcons jersey-it looks too dark onscreen.

Dolphins: 70s/early 80s style, and you know I wasn't gonna make this navy in a million years :P

NFC West:


Seahawks: yup yup...the classic returns. WAHSABEE!!!

Cardinals: using 2004 font (I don't have the 05 font)...basically an update of the pre-96 road style

Rams: 1950s style jersey, from when they had those beautiful gold shirts. the current font time-travels well

49ers: the classic Montana-era jersey, with one modern tweak

last but not least, the AFC North:


Bengals: original styled, except orange.

Steelers: mid 60s style...doesn't lend itself too well to having names on the back, but I've always liked it anyway.

Browns: briefly used mid 80s style, this basically wound up just looking like an orange jersey with the helmet stripe on the sleeves.

Ravens: mimicing Colts style, circa 1983. damn...I just noticed I left my "VanLandingham test"on this one :wacko: eh well, you konw who it's supposed to be

Thank you, thank you...I'll be here all next week :hockeysmiley:


A strong mind gets high off success, a weak mind gets high off bull🤬

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