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Phoenix coyotes new logo


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The uniforms will become more popular with time - just because they don't have the 'grab' factor doesn't mean they won't work in the long term.

Logo? Meh. I liked the 'Guatamalan Insanity Peppers' Coyote, so maybe I'm just bitter :P

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I remember when the Sharks came out everyone was like "Huh, Sharks? sounds like a high school team, and they look like one too!"

Halfway through the first season they were going nuts with the merchandise sales. The Sharks logo is still one of the highest sellers...

Some of you guys calling this uniform "collegiate at best" will eventually come around and you'll dig on these jerseys.....

These are professional looking jerseys.

Clean, simple, classic.

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This is from ESPN's article about the new logo:

"The logo was changed from an avant-garde hockey mask shaped like a coyote's head to the lifelike head of an animal howling, with teeth bared."

I had no idea that their old logo was ever supposed to be a hockey mask. Were any of you ever aware of this?

Oh, and in case anyone didn't know, the new logo was designed by Adrenalin Design Group, who, to be honest, aren't that great from the looks of their other work. See for yourself: http://www.adrenalindesigngroup.com/

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I have to agree with tamjcall's "insta-hater" observation.  There are few things people ever like on this board, I assume the Houston Rockets change may break the norm though.

I think this Coyotes idea is good.  It's fresh, clean, easy, steers a way from many recent uniform changes.  I do kinda think Detroit/Toronto should own the market on two tone uniforms, and they should have incorporated a little of the beige/sand color somewhere in there, just a minor touch of it would be nice.

Well done Coyotes...


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I'm not trying to be an "insta hater" in any sense, cause I actually like the new logo. I even like the simple style of the jersey. I just would've liked to have seen that sand color somewhere in the striping, or at least somewhere other than the logo itself on the jersey. I realize that it would be difficult, seeing as how sand next to the white would've meshed together from a distance or to a TV audience. I just keep thinking "Phoenix Dark Red Wings" when I see the pic of the player actually in the full uniform.Other than that, I think it was a great update for the Coyotes.
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Well done Phoenix. Now they'll look good until they change their name back to the Jets and move back to Winnipeg.

Sy, the Coyotes aren't coming home to Winnipeg.  They have a new arena, and Gretzky as an owner (that boy HATES us).

Now Pittsburgh, that's another story... watch out, Mario's in no danger of getting a new arena anytime soon, and I'd have to think it's a wide consensus that after the coming CBA/implosion, Winnipeg will be in more than decent shape to get the NHL back.

ANYWAY....I like the jerseys.  Not crazy over the logo, but I also hated the old one (anyone else notice the startling difference between the old 'Yotes logo and the Boston All-Star logo that appeared soon after? I did).  I'll be getting one of these from River City very very soon...

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Someone on one of the AZ Cardinals' boards had this to say about the Coyotes' new logo and unis:

My buddy's company did this Coyotes logo--Adrenalin Design Group in Denver.

I tipped him off that there was a rumor going around the Cards message boards that they might revamp the uni's to coincide with the new stadium. They contacted the organization about submitting a proposal and a bid. The Cards' response? "How did you hear about this?" So, the implication is that there is talk of a change in uniform. I don't think they've started to work on it yet, though.


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Adrenalin is just down the street from my office. I've been a fan of the stuff they did for the Chicago Fire and the collateral marks for the Broncos, but I'm not a fan of this logo at all.

The jerseys aren't bad, and I like where they're going with the colors, but I liked the old design a lot better. It was a lot more creative, it represented the area better, and with some tweaks in the colors (ie, eliminating the purple and green, maybe making the sweater brick red instead of black) I think they could have made a killer revamp of their identity.

Oh well.... at least the look of the logo doesn't match the jerseys and they've jumped on the dumb tie-collar-for-no-apparent-reason bandwagon. They'll always have that going for them. :-(

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I like the new logo. It's simple, and with a little exposure, will be easily recognizable. Nice branding move there. :)

Not overly crazy about the new unis. While they're a big improvement over the old ones, I they went too plain. The full uniform looks like red pajamas. Adding sand in the trim would look better... but no black, no no no! I hate red & black.

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Someone on one of the AZ Cardinals' boards had this to say about the Coyotes' new logo and unis:

My buddy's company did this Coyotes logo--Adrenalin Design Group in Denver.

I tipped him off that there was a rumor going around the Cards message boards that they might revamp the uni's to coincide with the new stadium. They contacted the organization about submitting a proposal and a bid. The Cards' response? "How did you hear about this?" So, the implication is that there is talk of a change in uniform. I don't think they've started to work on it yet, though.


I had a similar experience with the Rams back in 1998 - a full 2 years before their uniform redesign.  One of the guys I used to work with was a season ticket holder and apparently the team empaneled a couple of dozen season ticket holders to serve on a focus group to evaluate new uniform designs and color schemes.  They were sworn to secrecy at the risk of forfeiting their PSL's (this guy was getting ready to give up his tickets at the time so he really didn't care).  Anyway, I called the front office to find out whether they were going to put any members of the general public on this panel and my call was immediately transferred to the director of marketing who first denied the existence of the focus group but then tried to give me the third degree regarding where I would have heard anything about it.  So, it wouldn't surprise me at all if the Cardinals are in the process of doing this as well.  BTW, one of the proposals that was presented to the Rams focus group involved pinstriped pants.

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i love these jerseys and the logo looks really good on them. i love the absence of black and i like the tie up home collar.

so far gretzky as overseen 2 amazing jersey changes, phoenix and canada. good job gretz.

i like the old school classic college look that the jerseys have, they didn't try to be different or crazy or modern. there is a huge trend now towards vintage clothing and accessories and i think this was a smart move by the marketing team in phoenix.

i guess they are still called phoenix not glendale coyotes?

Vancouver 2010 Two Man Luge Gold Medalist.


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Wow, after looking in on threads for a while now, I have to say I'm disappointed with the 'popular opinion' on the big thumbs down for the new Coyotes logos & uniforms. Considering the travesty that was their old look, this is a huge improvement! The logo has strength in line and image, and the uniform is what everyone usually whines for, something simple and straight-forward, but cool. Adding black doesn't have to be such a knee-jerk reaction to design in sports today, does it? (Yes, Toronto BLUE Jays, I'm referring to you.)

IMHO, these are in the upper third tier of NHL uniforms, without question. Well done to all involved, and thanks for washing that atrocity that was the prime example of bad, overdone 1990's sports logo & uniform design off the Earth.

BTW, Sterling, considering your critique of the Coyotes logo, I really can't wait to see how that Manitoba Moose logo you did turns out. Very curious... ???

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BTW, Sterling, considering your critique of the Coyotes logo, I really can't wait to see how that Manitoba Moose logo you did turns out. Very curious...

Oh jeeeeez....what does that mean? What did I say?  Was I a total picky jerk?  I dont remember.  This is like therapy to me and sometimes I am over zealous.

Lemme go look up what I said.......................................................

Oh, Ok, that wasn't too bad I don't think.  I wasnt a prick.  I think I was pretty fair...it is sort of cool and yet sort of stretchy and awkward...unfinished.

RE: My Moosey, We'll see.  I am really nervous as to what people here think.  Not TOO nervous cause the team liked it and I can alway just never come here again and live a reclusive, Ray Finkle-type existence.  I'll just say that my style is similar, but I try to be very aware of what my little shadow/highlight shapes are doing.

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