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Fantasy_Atlanta Delta

Le Québécois

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Salut l'Québécois! Bel uniforme, très dynamique. Je ne crois pas que *a fera l'unanimité car les gens sur ce forum sont très conservateur, mais moi j'aime bien! Il me rappelle un peu celui des Coyotes de Pheonix, mais en plus vivant. En as-tu fait un pour la rooute? Si oui, j'ai hâte de le voir. By the way, i hope you speak french!

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Si oui, j'ai hâte de le voir. By the way, i hope you speak french!

ben oui, ave cun nom comme le mien. Je suis bien content de pouvoir jaser fran*ais ici.

je vais en faire un pour la route et tu as bien raison en ce qui a trait au conservatisme... Je te reviens!

Thanx for the comment bigshoop!



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Sorry, Q. Not likin' this at all (pas du tout, si tu prèferes...).

1. Unless Delta Airlines sponsors the team, they probably won't like the logo. If they do sponsor the team, they would probably like their company colors. Furthermore, if they did sponsor/own the team, the logo is illegal, as it is basically free advertising for the airline.

2. If it's not a tribute to Delta, show me a river delta in Atlanta that would make this appropriate.

3. The colors are scary bright.

4. As was mentioned, the design is not something consistent or in line with the American Southeast.

5. The font is virtually illegible for player names and numbers, even without being done in 3 colors. The purpose of numbers and names on the jersey is identification of the individual wearing the uniform; the purpose of their very existence is lost with this design.

6. Don't get the random black triangles under the arms.

C'est très creatif, mais je ne l'aime pas.

"Start spreading the news... They're leavin' today... Won't get to be a part of it... In old New York..."


In order for the Mets' run of 12 losses in 17 games to mean something, the Phillies still had to win 13 of 17.

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Salut l'Québécois! Bel uniforme, très dynamique. Je ne crois pas que *a fera l'unanimité car les gens sur ce forum sont très conservateur, mais moi j'aime bien! Il me rappelle un peu celui des Coyotes de Pheonix, mais en plus vivant. En as-tu fait un pour la rooute? Si oui, j'ai hâte de le voir. By the way, i hope you speak french!

Was? :wacko: (speaking in German)

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