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New Spider-Man Uniform

Saint Zephyr III

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I say you don't fluff with anything Jack Kirby designed.


"Political tags - such as royalist, communist, democrat, populist, fascist, liberal, conservative, and so forth - are never basic criteria. The human race divides politically into those who want people to be controlled and those who have no such desire."

- Robert A. Heinlein

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As I've heard it-originally Stan Lee & Jack Kirby created the idea for Spidey--but Lee switched to Steve Ditko for the actual comic, as he thought Ditko's style fit the character better, and Ditko designed Spidey's costume.

Spidey's first appearance in Amazing Fantasy #15 had input by Kirby. (He pencilled the cover-Ditko inked it)


Kirby has designed, drawn and created many characters--and did design a SPider character that never got published in the early 60's--pre-Spider-Man.

(editted to clarify that Kirby did pencils for the cover only, not the inside)

Comic Sans walks into a bar, and the bartender says, "Sorry, we don't serve your type here."

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey guys. Kind of a lurker here, but I just read something about the Kirby/Ditko Spider-Man Amazing Fantasy cover that was pretty interesting and thought I'd share it.


The link goes to a blog that's actually a good read if you're into comics at all. They have a feature where they go over comic urban legends. This one has an image of the original cover to Amazing Fantasy drawn by Ditko which was replaced by Stan Lee in favor of the the famous Kirby cover. Pretty interesting stuff if you're a nerd like me.

Anyway, I'm not a huge Spider-Man fan, but think the decision to change his costume is pretty stupid, and won't last too long. Didn't DC try to give Superman a new black and silver costume at one point? Look how long that lasted.

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Thanks, I was trying to find that cover--I did consider scaning it to post--but I'd have to dig it up first.

My old comic collection is not very organized anymore, having been mixed up in some moves.

Comic Sans walks into a bar, and the bartender says, "Sorry, we don't serve your type here."

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Didn't DC try to give Superman a new black and silver costume at one point? Look how long that lasted.

I seem to remember that. They got rid of his cape, too. Plus they tried to give him different powers. Bullets didn't just bounce off him anymore; they were absorbed into his energy matrix.

Or something like that. :rolleyes:

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Around 1997 during the "Final Night" Storyline, Superman actually gains new electric powers and is called "Superman Blue". (It's debatable whether these were new powers, the writers claimed this was just his old powers evolving and harnessing solar energy differently)

Any, Superman Blue was born and later was ripped in half by "Toyman" into two different characters "Superman Red" and "Superman Blue" each represting two distinct personalities but the same powers:


But the Names "Superman Red" and "Superman Blue" were used years before in 1963 in a Story about two different Supermen from other worlds:


But he still couldn't beat "Dennis Blue"

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Didn't DC try to give Superman a new black and silver costume at one point?  Look how long that lasted.

I seem to remember that. They got rid of his cape, too. Plus they tried to give him different powers. Bullets didn't just bounce off him anymore; they were absorbed into his energy matrix.

Or something like that. :rolleyes:

There was also a 3- or 4-issue JLA arc that had Superman in a black, red and gold costume briefly a few years ago. All the JLAers got split into two people, their secret identities and their superhero ones. Without their "everyday person" sides, the superheros kind of lost touch with their humanity and it was shown in their costumes, or something like that. Can't remember too well.

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Ladies and gentlemen...behold the inevitably brief era of the amazing...IRON SPIDER MAN!


Word has been building for months now, and comic fans have been dying to know- what is Spider-Man?s new costume?! Well, folks, here it is! Recognize the color scheme? You should, it?s playing an important role in the future of the web-slinger!

After the shocking events in "The Other" storyline, Peter receives this new costume to help him adjust to his newest developments, as well as giving him some added muscle! Designed by Marvel Editor-In-Chief Joe Quesada, this new design has a few tricks up its sleeve.

"The Iron Spider design - as I like to call it - came to me during a Spider-Man story meeting we were having, we were talking and I was involuntarily sketching on a pad. It's inspired by a sketch that Chris Bachalo did that showed a new Spidey costume with [CLASSIFIED]. I thought that was brilliant, especially since it echoed one of Spidey's greatest villains, and I took the idea and imagined it as though seeing it through the eyes of Tony Stark. The sky's the limit with respect to gadgetry when it comes to Tony inspired costumes."

Every "gift" has its cost, and this new look for Spidey will signal the beginnings of change, especially as it comes on the eve of the upcoming Civil War. Spider-Man has developed a growing trust and friendship with Iron Man, but how much in debt is Peter?s loyalty to Tony Stark going to cost him in the long run? If the color scheme is any indication, well... Joe Quesada says, "I imagined Tony presenting Peter with the new suit and Peter putting it on and saying that it looks great but that his colors are red and blue. Tony would simply respond, ?My design, my colors!?"

What is it that Joe is talking about that?s classified? How will Spidey?s relationship to Tony - and the new costume - play into Civil War?! You?ll have to read the books to see! But, it is safe to see that when it comes to this new costume, there is much more to the story!

Look for the new costume to debut in February?s Amazing Spider-Man #529. It will then be seen in the pages of Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man and Marvel Knights Spider-Man in April. For more news on Spider-Man, the costume, and Civil War, stay tuned, True Believers!


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