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Why Cowboys?


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Bumpin' this for Cowboy Kevin...

hey Pantone,

do you think we should start a grass roots campaign to get the Cowboys to use your ideas?

I want to write to someone in charge of their unis.

No...they can't use or even look at anything I have created. I would have to work for NFL Properties or a design company that NFL Properties hires to create a new identity.

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So the design of the uniforms is not part of the Cowboys merchandising being separate from the rest of the league? I assumed that was one of the reasons (money being #1, obviously) they broke away from the rest of the league.

"Hats for bats. Keep bats warm. Gracias"

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Nah, they broke away because they're the STINKIN COWBOYS and feel they can do what they please. Instead of a star on the helmet they should have a picture of a bandwagon...

Ok, now that I got that out I can share that I really do like their uniform sets, but hate the contradiction in color. As slats7 pointed out, I love those SB V unis using that cool number font.

Bring back the Whale!

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I agree, the Boys should go back to the more classic look and ditch the 42987 shades of blue and sliver. Everyone knows thats bull:censored: and just plain unprofessional. Here's a concept I came up with a few months ago, something more traditional, something I'd like to see happen someday.

Dirty Curty's Dallas Cowboys Concept


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Based a little bit on the early 80s design. I really liked the silver numerals.


Now how bout them Cowboys unis!







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Based a little bit on the early 80s design. I really liked the silver numerals.


The unlucky blue uni looks alot like the old Detroit Lions unis with the silver numbers - which isn't a bad thing. I like it. I especially like the white uni with the blue outline around the numbers...that's very sharp!

and looking at it again...do the blue sleeve stripes on the white jersey have silver borders? nice touch D.U.H.!

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Here is what *I* wanna know...

Why, if they are the Cowboys, do they not have a cowboy on their helemet? They are one of those teams whose helemt logo is not a graphic representation of their mascot.

Falcons? Have a falcon.

Dolphins? Have a Dolphin.

Cowboys? Have a... star

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Here is what *I* wanna know...

Why, if they are the Cowboys, do they not have a cowboy on their helemet? They are one of those teams whose helemt logo is not a graphic representation of their mascot.

Falcons? Have a falcon.

Dolphins? Have a Dolphin.

Cowboys? Have a... star

Presumably because the star symbolizes Texas as a whole and many cowboys wore star-shaped badges (Texas Rangers, sheriffs, etc.). If not, it still doesn't matter.

There are plenty of other examples just in football (particularly if you just look at helmets and not other logos):

Jets? Have an oval with a football and words.

Giants? Have initials.

Bears? Have a letter.

49ers? Have an oval with initials.

Saints? Have a fleur-de-lis.

Texans? Have a steer's head.

Browns? Have a . . . OK, bad example -- they don't have anything.

All in all, the bottom line is that a team can use whatever symbol it wants if they believe it somehow (however tangentially, if at all) represents the team and/or identifies the team to the general public. There is no need for a literal depiction of every team's nickname.

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Here is what *I* wanna know...

Why, if they are the Cowboys, do they not have a cowboy on their helemet? They are one of those teams whose helemt logo is not a graphic representation of their mascot.

Falcons? Have a falcon.

Dolphins? Have a Dolphin.

Cowboys? Have a... star

I don't know if it was mentioned in this thread (although I swear I've seen somebody discussing it here), but Dallas's NFL expansion franchise was originally called the Rangers. There was already a minor league baseball team in the Metroplex that used that nickname (the Dallas-Fort Worth Rangers), but they were set to relocate/disband after the 1960 season, putting the nickname in play. When they decided to stay in the area another season, Dallas's NFL franchise changed their nickname to the Cowboys to avoid confusion with the baseball team, but kept the old helmet logos (which would have made more sense for a team called the Rangers).


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and looking at it again...do the blue sleeve stripes on the white jersey have silver borders? nice touch D.U.H.!

They do have silver borders. It is a bit hard to see in that graphic though. The numerals do as well, though this image makes it look white. It is supposed to be silver.

I got the idea for the star patch from Nebraska's "N" patch they've been wearing for the last 10-15 years. I think it is less intrusive than two big ugly stars on the shoulders.

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  • 2 weeks later...

From an ESPN article on Drew Henson:


I don't think there is another single image that shows just how ridiculous the Cowboys color scheme is. There are approximately 439 different shades of blue in there.

By the way, what happened to Henson's arm stripes? He should have two.

1 hour ago, ShutUpLutz! said:

and the drunken doodoobags jumping off the tops of SUV's/vans/RV's onto tables because, oh yeah, they are drunken drug abusing doodoobags

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