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World Cup 06 Preview


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Can someone who is knowledgeable about soccer answer me this question. How can you tell when the game is going to end?

Official time in soccer is kept not on the scoreboard, but on the watch on the wrist of the referee. If there is a lengthy stoppage for an injury, the watch is stopped, so that time is "added" onto the end of the half. There is also time added for goals (I believe an automatic thirty seconds per goal, but I could be wrong) and substitutions (since it takes time to make the substitution).

Towards the end of each half, the referee signals to the fourth official how much time is to be "addded on." The fourth official then holds up a board signifying the minimum length of time, in minutes, there will be for stoppage time.

In the case of the Ecuador/Poland game, I'm guessing that someone from ESPN read the board wrong, and therefore put up that there would be one minute. When they announced that, it seems a bit short, as there were multiple subs, a goal, and a couple other short stoppages.


Tank, can I have some of what you're smoking? Granted, I'll be off-the-wall ecstatic if the US makes the semis, but let's face it, the US isn't likely to beat Brazil, no matter what round they might meet in. ;)

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On 7/14/2012 at 2:20 AM, tajmccall said:

When it comes to style, ya'll really should listen to Kev.

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Why shouldn't Tank take a shot at predicting the world cup? It's not like the experts of any sport are any better at predicting who would win. I mean a monkey who spins a wheel can predict a winner better than the experts..... (see TSN) Although, I am a little disappointed he didn't pick Togo to win it all :D

Hey, I'm not saying he can't make predictions, but if your making predictions based on a gut feeling then there is no need to put descriptions, and analysis that would fool people that are not regular soccer watchers, i mean quotes like its argentina's down year is beyond me.

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England has a load of talent and some of the best players in the World and when the Cup is Europe a Europeean team wins it.

England always has a load of talent and a European team always wins on Euro soil. Problem is, England always finds some way to lose, and the European team that wins it, except for '66, ain't England.



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Yeah but why not ENgland its not like tehy are the Cubs or anything.

they barely beat Paraguay today. Basically, same ol' England...the first round's not the problem, it's almost always the second round. drop "almost" and you can describe Spain's World Cup forays...like clockwork.


A strong mind gets high off success, a weak mind gets high off bull🤬

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David Beckham and Owen are they not two of the best players in the world? Or is this Beckham stuff all hype.

Heres a history lesson for you in the first game of the 1980 Olympics Team USA needed an Empty Net Goal to tie Sweden that didnt stop tehm from the Mircale on Ice.



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David Beckham and Owen are they not two of the best players in the world? Or is this Beckham stuff all hype.

Heres a history lesson for you in the first game of the 1980 Olympics Team USA needed an Empty Net Goal to tie Sweden that didnt stop tehm from the Mircale on Ice.

Two guys can't do it alone.

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Come one, guys... hes having fun, getting into the spirit, taking a shot at the WC. It hink its great. When everyone participates, more people leave as fans.

He prefaced by saying he wasnt a soccer expert, and he gave it his best guess.

While a little US-biased (as most of us Staters are) his predictions arent pure rubbish. They could very well all happen.

Nice work, Frank. I enjoyed it.

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Beckham and Owen are two very good players, but they've passed their prime...imo...1998-2002 was their years... now its all about Lampard-Gerrard and Wonder Wayne!!!


Netherlands a close second, although they did win Euro '88. But Netherlands could have very easily been the FRANCE, and Dennis Bergkamp could have very easily gotten the Zinedine Zidane Hype, as The Dutch lost the '98 World Cup semis and 2000 Euro semis both in shootouts. Although they did make amends by beating Sweden at Euro 2004 in a shootout.

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Can someone who is knowledgeable about soccer answer me this question. How can you tell when the game is going to end?

I'm watching the end of the Ecador-Poland game the clock reaches 90 and they say they are adding stoppage time of 1 minute. So the little stoppage time box on the score bar drops down and starts counting up. It gets to minute and it doesn't end. When it gets to 3:20 the game ends. I'm no math expert but I do not 3 minutes and 20 seconds is more than 1 minute. How as a spectator (or as a player) are you supposed to figure out how much time is left in the game. If I'm watching a game and it's close 1 goal game I would like to know exactly how much time is left.

Like someone said, the ref (and someone on the sidelines too, I'm assuming) has the game clock on their watch, stopping time for every injury and goal and substitution made. The dude on the sidelines shows how much time is approximately left just before the 90 minute mark. This also gives the ref aand teams a forewarning.

But it seems like when stoppage time is close to coming to an end, the ref will allow one more offensive possession to the team with the ball (granted thet move upfield in an efficient pace) and will call the game after they stall or lose possession.

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David Beckham and Owen are they not two of the best players in the world? Or is this Beckham stuff all hype.

Heres a history lesson for you in the first game of the 1980 Olympics Team USA needed an Empty Net Goal to tie Sweden that didnt stop tehm from the Mircale on Ice.

(Non-sequitur alert)

Had the US lost to Sweden, both teams would have still played Finland and the USSR in the Final Round (Assuming Sweden also beat the Czechs, I'm too lazy to look it up right now), because they finished in the top 2 of their group. Had everything else stayed the same, the US still would have played the USSR first, then Finland, and we know the results from that.

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Yeah but why not ENgland its not like tehy are the Cubs or anything.

they barely beat Paraguay today. Basically, same ol' England...the first round's not the problem, it's almost always the second round. drop "almost" and you can describe Spain's World Cup forays...like clockwork.

In 02 they dismantled Denmark 3-0 in the 2nd round before choking to Brazil, even though Ronaldinho was sent off for most of the 2nd half


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