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Red Auerbach Memorial Patch...


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I don't want to diminish his contribution, but he didn't create the team. He elevated it to another level, and there's a huge difference there.

I think the permanent uniform tribute should be used very sparingly. Not Vince Lombardi, not Curly Lambeau. The only person I could see worth debating, other than Halas, is Wellington Mara. Red is a very close second, but doesn't make the cut in my mind.

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The Boston Celtics will wear a black clover leaf on their uniforms for the upcoming season as a tribute to former coach and general manager Red Auerbach, who died Saturday of a heart attack at age 89.

The clover will appear on the right side of the jersey and will be inscribed with the word "Red" in green lettering.


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i think the clover on the back of the jersey above the nameplate should be permanantly black to honor mr. auerbach. first off, this is something permanant, but not to the level of Halas, and it would also make the clover not stand out as much on the back. i think he deserves something like that.

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He might have made the Celtics a force in basketball, but he wasn't anything like Halas in terms of his singular contribution to his club.

Over his nearly 57 years with team, Red served as coach, GM and eventually team president. Whether or not he contributed more to the Celts than Halas did to the Bears is debatable, but Red was the embodiment of the Boston Celtics and any permanant tribute would be appropriate.

Red IS the Boston Celtics!! No person in any sport can be more completely linked to every aspect of a teams history, and we aren't talking about some moderatly successful run here, either. At one time Red's Celtics had won 16 out of 30 championships, and he was either coach or GM for every one of those!!! If you don't think he is to the Celts what Halas was to the Bears, you are crazy!!!

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Red is not only the Boston Celtics he is the NBA. Larry O Brien and David Stern have used Red in many many important situations over the year. Cripes, Red was the 1st coach to have an all black starting 5, in a city like Boston, which at that time...lets just say, was not a racially diverse as it is today. For that alone Red deserves special consideration. Red's contributuions to the NBA and American Basketball helped lay the foundations that spawned the boom of the 1980's. Just look at all the trades that changed the franchise over the years, and look at all the GMs, that because of Red's personallity, came back for more and more and more. You young guns don't really have a grasp on what Red means and meant to the NBA, without Red's abilities, the NBA isn't where it is today.

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i think the clover on the back of the jersey above the nameplate should be permanantly black to honor mr. auerbach. first off, this is something permanant, but not to the level of Halas, and it would also make the clover not stand out as much on the back. i think he deserves something like that.

That's what I had in mind when I suggested it. Not necessarily initials but something subtle like that as a permanent tribute. Like when Rolls-Royce changed their logo from a red RR to a black RR to mourn the death of its founders.

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It is fitting to have a black clover for the 2006-07 season in mourning of Red Auerbach, but after this season, to leave a permanent black clover on the uniforms will actually seem a bit morbid and very out-of-place on a uniform that has no black on it whatsoever.

If they were to keep a permanent clover, it should be white with a black outline (or green with a black outline on the white jersey).

--Roger "Time?" Clemente.

Follow me on Twitter if you care: @Animal_Clans.

My opinion may or may not be the same as yours. The choice is up to you.

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They could really honor Red by not having cheerleaders... ever. Has anyone ever gone to an NBA game to see a dance team?

oh ,my god ,i strong recommend you to have a visit on the website ,or if i'm the president ,i would have an barceque with the anthor of the articel .
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They could really honor Red by not having cheerleaders... ever. Has anyone ever gone to an NBA game to see a dance team?

Red did say in a story in the Boston Globe last year that the Celtics would have cheerleaders over his dead body...maybe he knew more than we did. A great man will be missed

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If you don't think he is to the Celts what Halas was to the Bears, you are crazy!!!

Call me crazy, then.

If he didn't found the team, if he didn't create the league, then he isn't the same as Halas.

And I hate Halas with the passion that only a fan of the Packers, a team he got booted out of the NFL so he could sign our college pick, can have for the man.

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If you don't think he is to the Celts what Halas was to the Bears, you are crazy!!!

Call me crazy, then.

If he didn't found the team, if he didn't create the league, then he isn't the same as Halas.

And I hate Halas with the passion that only a fan of the Packers, a team he got booted out of the NFL so he could sign our college pick, can have for the man.

Fine, you are crazy. I guess guiding a team to 16 Championships isn't good enough if you didn't found the team. Just because you ran it from top to bottom for over 50 years and led it to the greatest run of success in sports history isn't enough to justify putting a permanent symbol of your contribution on the uniform.

Sounds reasonable to me.....

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Hes close to Halas

He was the GM and Coach of the Celtics

He built the dynasty that won 16 NBA Titles

He was the first to hire a black coach

Start an all black line up

He was inovative, and he was a powerful forced in getting rules passed during the leagues developing years.



For the best in sports history go to the Sports E-Cyclopedia at



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He might have made the Celtics a force in basketball, but he wasn't anything like Halas in terms of his singular contribution to his club.

Really? Nothing "like Halas in terms of his singualr contribution to his club", huh?

Here's where Red Auerbach was exactly as important to both his team and his league as Halas was to the Bears and the NFL: Without the presence of Auerbach and Halas at the helm of franchises in their respective leagues' nascent stages, it is highly likely that both the NFL and NBA would have gone "belly-up" as business enterprises. Period.

Just as Halas defined the Chicago Bears, Auerbach defined the Celtics. Auerbach's .662 winning percentage with the Celts compares favorably to Halas' .680 winning percentage with the Bears. Auerbach's 9 NBA championships as a head coach eclipse Halas' 6 NFL titles as an NFL coach. Further, whereas Halas' Bears won just two titles when he abandoned the sidelines for the front-office, Auerbach presided over an additional 7 Celtics NBA championships as the team's general manager.

Halas may have owned - and played for - his team, but there's no denying that Auerbach's contribution to the Celtics was every bit as "singular" as Halas' to the Bears.

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This is pretty interesting to me. I feel that you're going to get different perspectives from various cities or fans. You really can't make an EXACT comparison to Halas. It's not Red's fault that the Celtics were already established as a franchise. So, from the time of his involvement... with all that he has accomplished... he is damn worthy. So is Halas.

Teams honoring these type of people permanently is OK by me. We don't know if Boston will permanently honor him or not. But, it would make sense if they did.

For the Record: I do not think Lerner has the accomplishments to have a permeanent Memorial on the Browns jersey. If he brought the team back and they immediately won 3 straight titles.. maybe there's a discussion. The Browns were "saved" long before he was named the owner. He had the highest bid.

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