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Bonds' 756 Logo


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i'm amazed there are still people who think that sports discussion belong in the sports logo forum.

Agreed... let's not turn this thread into a "BONDS IZ A ROIDER" or "BONDS IS TEH GREATST EVA!" debate.

Let's keep the discussion to the quality of the logo, and not your opinion on the man it was made for.

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I'm amazed Bonds still has supporters and that there are people that believe he didn't take roids.

Hey, there's always a clueless minority in society: guys who think O.J.'s innocent, that man never landed on the moon, that JFK was shot by a conspiracy involving the CIA, FBI, Fidel Castro and/or the Mafia... guys like that. Clueless souls you have to simply pat on the head and say, "that's nice," then completely disregard on anything they ever say again based on their total lack of realistic credibility.

That being said, the logo's missing a syringe.

Then theres the apathetic ones who simply don't care enough to engage in bonds hating or bonds wanking. so its not so much people are clueless as much as they either don't care or celebrate it and move on and aren't passionate about the subject.



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I'm amazed Bonds still has supporters and that there are people that believe he didn't take roids.

Hey, there's always a clueless minority in society: guys who think O.J.'s innocent, that man never landed on the moon, that JFK was shot by a conspiracy involving the CIA, FBI, Fidel Castro and/or the Mafia... guys like that. Clueless souls you have to simply pat on the head and say, "that's nice," then completely disregard on anything they ever say again based on their total lack of realistic credibility.

That being said, the logo's missing a syringe.

Then theres the apathetic ones who simply don't care enough to engage in bonds hating or bonds wanking. so its not so much people are clueless as much as they either don't care or celebrate it and move on and aren't passionate about the subject.

... and there's the rest of the world asking "Who's Barry bonds?"

I saw, I came, I left.

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I fixed it, lol


Go away.

Yes, but only because you beat me to it.

Feelings for Bonds aside - his regular #25 logo (on the red part of the ribbon) is pretty sharp - this is a mess. Awful design, for all the reasons mentioned above.

"HRS"? Why not "HRs"?

And why does the same side of the ribbon fade from blue to red at the ends?

None of it makes any visual sense.

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Being the specific breed of geek that I am, when I first saw this logo, I didn't read it as "756 Hours." I read it as "House Resolution 756." Which come to think of it, someone in the Speaker's office should have reserved to be the numerical title of some kind of anti-doping legislation this session.

I didn't catch the gradient on the red bits of the ribbon. Add that to the logo's demerits. Still, the shape of the ribbon is the best thing about this logo. Shame it couldn't have been kept simpler. Gothamite is right: Bonds's personal logo is pretty good. Well, kind of creepy as a concept, but a solid bit of logo design. This 756 logo isn't just not in the same ballpark. It doesn't even play the same sport.

Also, that big Bonds in the foreground isn't some kind of digital animation version of him or whatever. It's a closeup photo of a 6-inch action figure from McFarlane Toys. And in the course of confirming that information, I found that McFarlane is set to release a maroon pinstriped variant of its Cooperstown Mike Schmidt figure in 2008. I'ma get me one of those. Not sure, but I suspect that this 756 logo is really just a bit of packaging design from McFarlane, and not a Bonds personal logo. That would explain the presence of Giants logos: McFarlane owns the rights to use team logos and uniforms for its MLB action figure line.

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I have to say that this logo is absolutely horrible. Is this a fake? Its just bad in so many ways that others have already mentioned.

The logo that I thought was classy, simple and appropriate for the chase of the record was the orange interstate sign logo they used at AT&T park. That was very fitting and well done IMO.

THIS logo is gawd-awful!

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I have to say that this logo is absolutely horrible. Is this a fake?

It's for real: http://mcfarlane.com/news/news6.aspx?id=13181

And I was wrong. It's not a McFarlane Toys logo. I went to http://barrybonds.com/ to check whether he's using it for himself, and Holy Crap! Yeah, Bonds is using this logo as his personal "756" logo in a big way. On the plus side, at his site Bonds appears to be smashing the logo with his bat. He looks constipated, too, like the logo makes him a little nauseous and he's punishing the logo for being so ugly. Which actually raises my opinion of him just a little.

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I have to say that this logo is absolutely horrible. Is this a fake?

It's for real: http://mcfarlane.com/news/news6.aspx?id=13181

And I was wrong. It's not a McFarlane Toys logo. I went to http://barrybonds.com/ to check whether he's using it for himself, and Holy Crap! Yeah, Bonds is using this logo as his personal "756" logo in a big way. On the plus side, at his site Bonds appears to be smashing the logo with his bat. He looks constipated, too, like the logo makes him a little nauseous and he's punishing the logo for being so ugly. Which actually raises my opinion of him just a little.

I saw him wear a hat with that logo. There is a full range of merchandise with the logo on the Giants online shop. It looks to be a collaboration between Bonds and the Giants because Bonds' personal logo is on there.

I saw, I came, I left.

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its a shame bonds has become the poster boy for steroid use/abuse in pro sports. the truth is, the MAJORITY of sluggrs (and pitchers) were using aas (anabolic androgenic steroids) during his MVP era, and bonds is still light years ahead of all of them.

He is the greatest offensive weapon MLB has ever seen. I personally believe in time, people will come to peace with the fact that there truly was a steroid era in baseball and accept it for what it is. Bonds WILL BE a first ballot hall of famer.


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The more I see it, the more I doubt it was commissioned by the team.

The Giants have great graphics, overall:


Although its just a good logo and not a great one, the Willie Mays logo has many elements in it that would have worked really nicely in a Bonds 756 logo if they had done it in that style.

BTW, is Mays hitting a pop up or a homerun in that logo? It just looks a bit awkward for me from that perspective.

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I personally believe in time, people will come to peace with the fact that there truly was a steroid era in baseball and accept it for what it is. Bonds WILL BE a first ballot hall of famer.

... But apparently he is not a first-ballot hall of fame logo designer.

(And forgive me if I have a hard time summoning my inner violins to cry up a river for poor li'l Barry becoming a "poster boy" for steroid use. If he wanted to avoid being held up as a poster boy for doping, he could have, you know, not doped up. So boo-freakin-hoo if Berry is getting picked on for doping. That many others did it too means they deserve more public scorn, not that Barry deserves less. Still, the historic milestone certainly deserves a better logo design.)

On the Willie Mays logo, I think he's just hit a gapper to right that's gonna rattle around in the corner, and he's thinking of stretching it to a triple. He looks like a batter who's just hit a sharp line drive the opposite way, and he's about to start running, not like a batter who's just blasted an obvious home-run shot who's getting ready to jog the bases. Would have been a great template for a Bonds logo, though I'm partial to the road signs the team has been using.

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