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Columbus Blue Jackets


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This is the logo I drew up after becoming inspired and bored in class on monday afternoon. Since then I scanned it and then recolored it in paint. I think it's is slightly off in a few places, namely the eyes. I could really use your guys input on how to make this better.



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-The Beard is kinda lower on his left side of the face

-Also The hat looks a little too tilted (If that makes sense)

-And I find right now it is rather dull and lifeless, maybe add a hint of red.

This is something I learned in school and could be applied to this concept logo.

Imagine if this loge was all black, like a silhouette. Now would you still be able to tell what it is? if the answer is yes, then you got an appealing logo/drawing.

Right now this logo would be mighty difficult to figure out if it was a silhouette.

Hi, how are you?

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Honestly, if you could find some way to add in some red to make the logo pop a bit more I could really see this on a white 3rd jersey. It looks fantastic.


On 11/19/2012 at 7:23 PM, oldschoolvikings said:
She’s still half convinced “Chris Creamer” is a porn site.)
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I think that some red would really help excentuate some of his features. I see a lot of potential in this logo and think that it would make a great alternate logo for the blue jackets.

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Well, right now he looks kinda dead. Also, it is too complex for a logo. I'd simplify it and re-work the overall appearance.

But of course. Maybe they've been spreading lies in your northern schools, but everyone here in the South knows that the only reason the North won the war was because they employed zombies, who know neither fear nor pain.

Umm, but seriously, the gray soldier just doesn't work. And his facial shape/features need some tweaking. The proportions aren't quite right yet.

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Bringing this back. I appreciate your help from the first time and I took alot of it into consideration. I added a C behind him (something I had planned on all along) and made that red to balance out the mostly blue bust. I also dropped silver in favor of a grayish tan color, hopefully this makes him appear more human. I rotated the angle of the head as well as played with the shape of his face and the lines in his moustache. This is the first time I've ever drawn a logo in this style before so I could really use your help. The biggest problem I'm having is with the left (our left) side of his face. I don't know what to do with that eye or how to properly define the cheek. C and C is appreciated.



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I know I'm just being a type geek, but NO COPPERPLATE! No offense to you, it's just a hideous font. The soldier is starting to come along, but he still looks a little morose. Try changing the angle of his head, so he doesn't look like he is sulking. Maybe try an angle where the viewer looks up at a valiant soldier.

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A few tips to improve it...

-The shape of the cap has some similarities to a smurf hat. It's not straight so it appears like it doesn't fit his head very well.

-An agressive look would be better.

-Most importantly, there are just too many details on his face. Even though it's mostly two colors, all the little lines in the beard seem like too much.

-Yeah, a teeny bit more red.

Overall: Keep doing your thing, practice makes perfect...or almost perfect. ^_^

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He look cross-eyed.

I've been trying to figure out why this thing looked out of whack ever since he posted it. You, my friend, have just hit the proverbial nail on the head.

To correct this, you'll need to maintain a vertically-central meridian throughout the length of the face, and map out the features in accordance to both the afformentioned 'center line' and each other. This technique should also straighten out any other asymmetrical flaws within your design.

If the guy remains in 3/4 view, make sure the line is in 3/4 view, too.

Sigs are for sissies.

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