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2008-2009 NHL Offseason Thread


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Hey now, I'm allowed to voice my opinion. I do remember that people were booing Stevie Y last year when he went up to the podium which I thought was kind of crazy but more amusing than anything. This is just a pet peeve of mine no matter what city it happens in. You don't have to cheer for a team you don't like but you shouldn't boo them, it looks bad on the people in attendance and the city hosting it in my eyes. I think I said something about columbus last season for some of the booing that went it, it just annoys the hell out of me. People should go there to have fun, not sit with a stick up their ass and act like its a hockey game. Its a bunch of kids and management, nothing to get so bent out of shape over. It just looks bad no matter where it happens.

I see your point and agree to a certain extent. But then you had to go and say the Senators draft pick was another "Daigle". So you basically just became one of the fans you hate so much for booing by attacking a team for drafting a good young player.

Now with that said, I am utterly upset that the Leafs got Schenn. The whole lead up to this draft I kept saying that if I had the 2nd pick Id take Schenn over Doughty and Bogosian. The kids going to be a good one. Although on the other hand Im happy that the Leafs have finally decided they should start building properly instead of trying for the big trades to win now. Its upsetting when you see a team essentially sabotaging themselves at the expense of their fans for a couple of playoff dates.


"Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution"

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Why the :censored: did the Canucks pass on Beach? We NEED a big, bruising center, fercrissakes, and we pass him up?

Great start, Gillis.

Two concussions last year and character issues, no thanks.

Then only thing I'm mad at Gillis is that he probably could of made a better offer for Joiner than Phoenix.

I think the Canucks were perfectly justified in passing on him. With that said, I do really like his selection for the Blackhawks only one slot later. Yes, there are character issues, and the concussions are scary, but this is a guy that was a top 5 talent coming into the year. He had a down year (and what a down year it was), but if that can be attributed to the concussions, and if he can steer clear of any more concussions (easier said than done with his style of play), he can be a helluva player for the Hawks, and they can use a bigger Center. Maybe pair him with Kane down the line.

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Booing other teams at the draft is not that big of a deal. I was at the draft last year in Columbus and while Blue Jackets fans aren't as rabid as you great white northerners, we booed Detroit, Chicago, St. Louis, and Nashville. We even did our part and booed Gary Bettman WHILE he was complementing our city. I think you're trying to make something of this Neon.

And I like the R.J. Umberger deal, but that might be because I loved him when he was at Ohio State.

Hey now, I'm allowed to voice my opinion. I do remember that people were booing Stevie Y last year when he went up to the podium which I thought was kind of crazy but more amusing than anything. This is just a pet peeve of mine no matter what city it happens in. You don't have to cheer for a team you don't like but you shouldn't boo them, it looks bad on the people in attendance and the city hosting it in my eyes. I think I said something about columbus last season for some of the booing that went it, it just annoys the hell out of me. People should go there to have fun, not sit with a stick up their ass and act like its a hockey game. Its a bunch of kids and management, nothing to get so bent out of shape over. It just looks bad no matter where it happens.

He never said you can't say your opinion.

They did go there to have fun, and half of the fun is cheering and jeering. You know like how you boo a player every time he touches the puck, just because you don't like them does that mean you shouldn't boo him?

I'm sure you have booed the mention of the Ottawa Senators, or one of our players, I would put money on it that somebody who is the "official hater of everything Sens" must have booed our team when they heard mention of it.

Relax a little.

Hi, how are you?

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its ok to boo Bettman, and the delegation from a hated team at a draft, its not ok to boo the pick. i laughed when the Ottawa fans booed Toronto mercilessly, its in the spirit of the rivalry i think. i also laughed when i heard loud chants of LETS GO CAPS as McPhee and Co. approached the stage, that was great. :D

"I don't understand where you got this idea so deeply ingrained in your head (that this world) is something that you must impress, cause I couldn't care less"


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its ok to boo Bettman, and the delegation from a hated team at a draft, its not ok to boo the pick. i laughed when the Ottawa fans booed Toronto mercilessly, its in the spirit of the rivalry i think. i also laughed when i heard loud chants of LETS GO CAPS as McPhee and Co. approached the stage, that was great. :D

Yah for some reason there seems to be quite a few Caps fans up here.

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And I like the R.J. Umberger deal, but that might be because I loved him when he was at Ohio State.

He told the Philly papers last night that he likes the deal because of tOSU, being reunited with Hitchcock and being closer to home. He also said he expected a trade because of the Flyers' salary cap issues and needing to re-sign Jeff Carter and Randy Jones while also going for a top free agent, and he's looking for at least $3M/yr as a RFA....

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Luke Schenn! Not bad, not bad.

But Jamal Mayers?

Jamal Mayers is a great player, who stick up for his team mates , comes in a does the job.

Of course the team needs some toughness and he is the right guy for it.

I can see him on the PK, or maybe on the 3rd line up with some young guns.

Plus with Ron Wilson as the coach , and hes from T.O , I think he will do well.

As for Luke Schenn , this is the guy who I wanted them to pick but didn't think they would trade down in the draft. This is a great pick and a key future to the Leafs. A solid young D which the Leafs need badly. I still cant believe they got him and I can't wait in about 2 years to see him.

As well the leafs pick up other solid players in the draft such as , Jimmy Hayes , Mikhail Stefanovich and Joel Champagne.

The Leafs imo , had a great draft yesterday and today, and one of the best in a long time.

I cant wait too see all these players play for the Leafs, can you see it now Neon ?


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I like the BJ's picking up Umberger, and if they sign Malone I think it makes them an official team to watch next year. I'm not sure and too lazy to look up their goaltending/defense situation, but Umberger and Malone are two character guys. PIHL represent!

"Purists will bitch and whine, but so what? Purists will Always bitch and whine. That is their function. Res Ipsa Loquitur."


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I like the BJ's picking up Umberger, and if they sign Malone I think it makes them an official team to watch next year. I'm not sure and too lazy to look up their goaltending/defense situation, but Umberger and Malone are two character guys. PIHL represent!

All they need is Bill Thomas (or Parros, but "the 'Stache" was born in Washington Co. and grew up in NJ) and they got the Steel City line.

Pittsburgh Arsenal - Elite Football League (NFL) - est. 2006 

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Hey now, I'm allowed to voice my opinion. I do remember that people were booing Stevie Y last year when he went up to the podium which I thought was kind of crazy but more amusing than anything. This is just a pet peeve of mine no matter what city it happens in. You don't have to cheer for a team you don't like but you shouldn't boo them, it looks bad on the people in attendance and the city hosting it in my eyes. I think I said something about columbus last season for some of the booing that went it, it just annoys the hell out of me. People should go there to have fun, not sit with a stick up their ass and act like its a hockey game. Its a bunch of kids and management, nothing to get so bent out of shape over. It just looks bad no matter where it happens.

I see your point and agree to a certain extent. But then you had to go and say the Senators draft pick was another "Daigle". So you basically just became one of the fans you hate so much for booing by attacking a team for drafting a good young player.

Now with that said, I am utterly upset that the Leafs got Schenn. The whole lead up to this draft I kept saying that if I had the 2nd pick Id take Schenn over Doughty and Bogosian. The kids going to be a good one. Although on the other hand Im happy that the Leafs have finally decided they should start building properly instead of trying for the big trades to win now. Its upsetting when you see a team essentially sabotaging themselves at the expense of their fans for a couple of playoff dates.

I was taking a shot with the Daigle comment but I was not being serious. Just having a little fun there.

Having seen Bogosian play many times this season, I will admit I'd still rather have him... JUST because he is what McCabe USED to be - a offensive d-man who can play D (well, maybe McCabe got lucky in his positioning...). He is quick and has a killer shot. I really like him and was hoping to see him here but I am not disapointed with Schenn. The more I have read about him the more I am liking him. He is something we really do need and all I hope for is that he isn't a bust or that he becomes injury prone. That would probably do a lot more damage than a few more seasons without the post season...


Because Korbyn Is Colour Blind, My Signature Is Now Idiot Proof - Thanks Again Braden!!

Go Leafs Go!

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Booing other teams at the draft is not that big of a deal. I was at the draft last year in Columbus and while Blue Jackets fans aren't as rabid as you great white northerners, we booed Detroit, Chicago, St. Louis, and Nashville. We even did our part and booed Gary Bettman WHILE he was complementing our city. I think you're trying to make something of this Neon.

And I like the R.J. Umberger deal, but that might be because I loved him when he was at Ohio State.

Hey now, I'm allowed to voice my opinion. I do remember that people were booing Stevie Y last year when he went up to the podium which I thought was kind of crazy but more amusing than anything. This is just a pet peeve of mine no matter what city it happens in. You don't have to cheer for a team you don't like but you shouldn't boo them, it looks bad on the people in attendance and the city hosting it in my eyes. I think I said something about columbus last season for some of the booing that went it, it just annoys the hell out of me. People should go there to have fun, not sit with a stick up their ass and act like its a hockey game. Its a bunch of kids and management, nothing to get so bent out of shape over. It just looks bad no matter where it happens.

He never said you can't say your opinion.

They did go there to have fun, and half of the fun is cheering and jeering. You know like how you boo a player every time he touches the puck, just because you don't like them does that mean you shouldn't boo him?

I'm sure you have booed the mention of the Ottawa Senators, or one of our players, I would put money on it that somebody who is the "official hater of everything Sens" must have booed our team when they heard mention of it.

Relax a little.

I have done it while a game is played, not while a kid is being given a jersey.


Because Korbyn Is Colour Blind, My Signature Is Now Idiot Proof - Thanks Again Braden!!

Go Leafs Go!

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They weren't booing the kid. They were booing his team.

Technically you are booing the kid since he was a part of that team. ;)

Although I'd allow booing of Richard Peddie. ^_^


Because Korbyn Is Colour Blind, My Signature Is Now Idiot Proof - Thanks Again Braden!!

Go Leafs Go!

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They weren't booing the kid. They were booing his team.

Technically you are booing the kid since he was a part of that team. ;)

Although I'd allow booing of Richard Peddie. ^_^

Technically... :P But then that would just make him the same as a player already on the team, technically...

Great draft IMO I really thought that every team did great picking up what they needed. One that sticks out to me is Beach going to Chicago, this team is poised to return to the form it was in the early 90's and with an edgy guy like Beach there with Toews and Kane, all they need for the future is a goalie they can count on, I'm not sure if they have someone in the farm team for that role.

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I found this petition online that gave me a good chuckle. Leaf fans are already showing their disdain towards the possibility of Sundin being traded, especially to the rival Habs.

Now if I were a Leaf fan, I would understand that the team is in a rebuilding process, and it begins with good draft pics and getting rid of your veteran franchise player. In fact, I don't understand the logic of being upset from this. Woudn't all die-hard Sundin fans love to see him get a shot at the Cup, and retire alot happier, just like Ray Bourque, instead of thinking what if? So if he comes to MTL, will those same people boo him when the Habs next visit the Leafs, despite everything he's done for the organisation?

I don't get it but what can you do? :rolleyes:

Here's the link: http://www.thepetitionsite.com/1/sundin-do...n-with-montreal

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I found this petition online that gave me a good chuckle. Leaf fans are already showing their disdain towards the possibility of Sundin being traded, especially to the rival Habs.

Now if I were a Leaf fan, I would understand that the team is in a rebuilding process, and it begins with good draft pics and getting rid of your veteran franchise player. In fact, I don't understand the logic of being upset from this. Woudn't all die-hard Sundin fans love to see him get a shot at the Cup, and retire alot happier, just like Ray Bourque, instead of thinking what if? So if he comes to MTL, will those same people boo him when the Habs next visit the Leafs, despite everything he's done for the organisation?

I don't get it but what can you do? :rolleyes:

Here's the link: http://www.thepetitionsite.com/1/sundin-do...n-with-montreal

He will be boosed by those who honestly believe that we could trade a sack of potatos for Malkin or something of the sort. I won't be happy if he goes to Montreal but I won't boo him if he does. I'd rather see him pull on the blue and white until he decides to hang up his skates, he didn't let us trade him when he could have helped us with our rebuilding and now he would be leaving us while we get nothing in return. We shall see what happens I guess....


Because Korbyn Is Colour Blind, My Signature Is Now Idiot Proof - Thanks Again Braden!!

Go Leafs Go!

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he didn't let us trade him when he could have helped us with our rebuilding and now he would be leaving us while we get nothing in return.

It's not his responsibility to make up for the shortcomings of management.

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