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2009 NFL Season Thread


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Zorn, Campbell, et al...

It was nice knowing y'all. I'll help y'all motherf***ers pack!

The biggest problem The Redskins have is in the owner's box.

Well... it could be worse... they could be the Browns... Brian Moorman has thrown as many touchdowns as the Browns have so far this season.

I saw, I came, I left.

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3-0 for the first time since 2004 with a trip to New Orleans in store next week. I'm floored. I seriously expected 0-4 on paper when the schedule came out. Couldn't possibly be happier with what they've done so far this season, and it's not like it's against the Lions, Rams, and Browns. I know the Titans are 0-3 but they're still a damn good football team, the Patriots are good, and the Texans, while an enigma, aren't bad themselves. I can't say enough about the fans at the games either. 19 years I've been going as a season ticket holder and they've NEVER been into it quite like they are now. I'm giddy...


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Zorn, Campbell, et al...

It was nice knowing y'all. I'll help y'all motherf***ers pack!

The biggest problem The Redskins have is in the owner's box.

unfortunately theres nothing we can do about that...firing the coach and benching the starting QB is easy, but when an owner is set in his ways with an awful player personnel guy making his decisions and he has his hand in every decision theres not much they can do.

"I don't understand where you got this idea so deeply ingrained in your head (that this world) is something that you must impress, cause I couldn't care less"


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Got something of a pretty decent slugfest going on in Cincinnati. 20-15 Steelboyz at current, about 2:00 to go in the game, Bengals driving.

This is the first I've seen the Bengals play, and I think I can see how they beat the Pack last week. Cedric Benson really has reinvented himself in Cincy, and they really appear to be firming up on D--at least inside the box, anyway. Those DBs still got a lllooonnggg way to go in coverage assignments, though. But I'm liking what I'm seeing up on the O- and D-lines. Rey-Rey Maualuga looks to be the real deal (here's hoping he can shake off that lil' injury he just incurred). And Antwan Odom (is that his first name?) looks like a player to watch. Seven sacks in two games? That's something. (EDIT: he just got another.)

Speaking of players on Cincy's D-line, WHO IN THE HELL IS THE GUY ON THAT LINE WITH ALL THAT GOTDAMN HAIR??? I'd note the jersey number, but I ain't been able to see it all game! And here I thought Puhlamalu had the NFL Samoan hair crown cornered. I ain't hating, I'm just saying...that's a lotta hair.

EDIT #2: TOUCHDOWN BENGALS! Tell me I didn't just see that! And as I type, the game is over and the Bengals have snatched victory from the jaws of defeat. Way to go, Cincy!

*Disclaimer: I am not an authoritative expert on stuff...I just do a lot of reading and research and keep in close connect with a bunch of people who are authoritative experts on stuff. 😁

|| dribbble || Behance ||

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I know its only one game, but 2-1 feels a million times better than being 1-2, especially if the team we beat was the Steelers.

Well I only dislike the Steelers because I went to Penn State and, well, I don't need to get into it here. But it is fun watching them go down.


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Did not want it to happen this way, but here we go.

I think Henne's has some potential at least.

I think Henne is intentionally throwing bad passes to Ted Ginn.

And I have to ask, Tank are you ever happy with any of your teams?

Ted Ginn cant catch a cold.



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It appears to be Bizarro Boller day in St. Louis.

Boller is an excellent backup, just don't count on him for an extended period of time. He's good to have if yours starters injured and you need a spot start or two.

HOLY :censored:!

Vikings lose the ball on 4th down with 1:30 Left.

49ers have to punt on 3 and out.

Vikings drive down the field, and Favre hits Lewis in the endzone to win.

That was awesome.

Say what you want about Favre, but he's still got it. I don't think there is any other QB in the NFL I'd rather have in that situation.

Ravens are 3-0! We're looking really good both defensively AND offensively. I think next week's game in New England will prove if we're a real Super Bowl contender or not.

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Did not want it to happen this way, but here we go.

I think Henne's has some potential at least.

I think Henne is intentionally throwing bad passes to Ted Ginn.

And I have to ask, Tank are you ever happy with any of your teams?

Ted Ginn cant catch a cold.

I think you missed the point with Henne and Ginn (Michigan guy throwing to Ohio State guy) but you did manage to answer my question. I have come to the conclusion that you are never happy with any of your teams.

Say what you want about Favre, but he's still got it. I don't think there is any other QB in the NFL I'd rather have in that situation.

Ravens are 3-0! We're looking really good both defensively AND offensively. I think next week's game in New England will prove if we're a real Super Bowl contender or not.

I think I'd take Brady or Peyton Manning first. And your Ravens are a real Super Bowl contender.






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I have to explain this before I get into how :censored:ing excited I am. My buddy has an apartment on court street (Ohio University's main drag) and this apartment has a balcony that overlooks all the bars and whatnot. In Athens, Ohio on Court street there are bars that are designated as the Bengals' bar, the Browns' bar and the Steelers' bar. The Bengals' and Browns' bars are right next to each other and the Steelers bar is directly across the street from both of them. When the Bengals won, Red Brick Tavern (the Bengals bar) went nuts. About a hundred bengals jerseys came pouring out while the same number came out of Lucky's (the Steelers bar). The Steelers fans were obviously just upset and trying to go home. The Bengals fans began shouting at them and they replied with their own quips and retorts, but thankfully nothing went down in terms of fighting. The Steelers fans disappeared very quickly . The Steelers' bar put plywood in front of their windows and called the cops in anticipation of some destruction, but nothing happened. Someone should tell Lucky's that we aren't Browns fans. After the win we went out on the balcony and yelled "who-dey" at anyone in a Bengals jersey. And waved away the Steelers fans that had something to say. Honestly, this ranks in the top ten of my all-time Bengals wins. It was that great.

About the actual game, the Bengals beat the Steelers with a fourth quarter drive that I have never seen from Carson Palmer. They converted two 4th downs including a 4th and ten and went ahead with 14 seconds left. It's exactly the kind of thing that never happens to us Bengal fans. They don't win games like this. They don't win games they shouldn't, they lose games they should and they shouldn't have won this game. The Steelers had a lot more total yards and a lot more time of possession. It's so refreshing to see a Bengals team take victory from the jaws of defeat and that my most hated enemy, the Pittsburgh Steelers, who are usually the heartbreakers are now 1-2.

and Congratulations to the Detroit Lions. About time. Now the Rams and Browns are officially the worst teams in the league.


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I have to explain this before I get into how :censored:ing excited I am. My buddy has an apartment on court street (Ohio University's main drag) and this apartment has a balcony that overlooks all the bars and whatnot. In Athens, Ohio on Court street there are bars that are designated as the Bengals' bar, the Browns' bar and the Steelers' bar. The Bengals' and Browns' bars are right next to each other and the Steelers bar is directly across the street from both of them. When the Bengals won, Red Brick Tavern (the Bengals bar) went nuts. About a hundred bengals jerseys came pouring out while the same number came out of Lucky's (the Steelers bar). The Steelers fans were obviously just upset and trying to go home. The Bengals fans began shouting at them and they replied with their own quips and retorts, but thankfully nothing went down in terms of fighting. The Steelers fans disappeared very quickly . The Steelers' bar put plywood in front of their windows and called the cops in anticipation of some destruction, but nothing happened. Someone should tell Lucky's that we aren't Browns fans. After the win we went out on the balcony and yelled "who-dey" at anyone in a Bengals jersey. And waved away the Steelers fans that had something to say. Honestly, this ranks in the top ten of my all-time Bengals wins. It was that great.

About the actual game, the Bengals beat the Steelers with a fourth quarter drive that I have never seen from Carson Palmer. They converted two 4th downs including a 4th and ten and went ahead with 14 seconds left. It's exactly the kind of thing that never happens to us Bengal fans. They don't win games like this. They don't win games they shouldn't, they lose games they should and they shouldn't have won this game. The Steelers had a lot more total yards and a lot more time of possession. It's so refreshing to see a Bengals team take victory from the jaws of defeat and that my most hated enemy, the Pittsburgh Steelers, who are usually the heartbreakers are now 1-2.

and Congratulations to the Detroit Lions. About time. Now the Rams and Browns are officially the worst teams in the league.

So when the Browns beat The Steelers did the fans vandalize "Lucky's" or something? Never mind. Forget I even asked. I should already know that most of the people now attending OU probably weren't even alive the last time The Browns beat The Steelers. Hell, most of them probably weren't alive the last time The Browns scored a touchdown on offense. And you shouldn't insult Rams fans by saying their team is as bad as our team is.

You're way too excited about it and my guess is that the beautiful OU women are anywhere but your place right about now but congrats on a big win anyway. Only 3 wins to go this season. Choose them carefully. (You didn't really think I'd let that "we're not Browns fans" thing slide without comment did you? :D )






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