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The Si Curse


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many say it exists, many others say it's bullplop. it's become legend over the years, the phenomenon known as the SI Cover Jinx. Personally, I do think it exists. Here's hoping it's 'broken' come October, as guess who's on this week's cover(hint-look down) :cry:

cus look...Jameer Nelson was on the cover, and then St. Joe's lost. The Panthers got the cover before Super Bowl, and then here comes that Vinatieri guy again, living outside teh laws. and that's just with recent covers.


A strong mind gets high off success, a weak mind gets high off bull🤬

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Yes, but In SI's defense... St. Josephs was overrated, and the Panthers were very much underdogs :D .

I don't think it exists. Just like the EA Sports jinx. Culpepper was only bad that year cuz' Moss stopped caring, not because of Madden. ^_^


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I don't think it's a curse. I think SI knows that a particulate team will not win it all so SI picks them and when the team does not win, we call it a curse. The result is more publicity for SI.....

I saw, I came, I left.

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I think both exists. First with the SI cover, Jake Plummer was put on the cover, three days later, he breaks his foot, out for 5 weeks. Earlier in his career, John Elway was on it 4 times, twice he lost the super bowl, the other two he injured his hamstring and the last he got food poisoning.

As for the Madden curse, 2001-E.George, was injured most of the year; 2002-D.Culpepper, worst year of his career; 2003-M.Faulk, injured mosy of the year; 2004-M.Vick, broke his leg, missed most of the year, Falcons were crap.

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Please for the love of god, dont put Georgia Tech on the cover. Curse or not, this homer couldn't handle it if we got the voodoo jinx hex put on us.

NCFA Sunset Beach Tech - Octopi




Going to college gets you closer to the real world, kind of like climbing a tree gets you closer to the moon.

"...a nice illustration of what you get when skill, talent, and precedent are deducted from 'creativity.' " - James Howard Kunstler

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Perhaps if there really is an SI Jinx... it will cancel out the Curse of the Billy Goat. Is that a possibility? Or will both curses use a collaberative effort to ensure that hell freezes over... resulting in a Cubs World Series victory?

We'll find out come October.


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So what would happen if SI put every baseball team on its cover except the Red Sox and Cubs?

Like if you put a piece of toast, jam side up, on the back of a cat and drop it... does it levitate?

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Please for the love of god, dont put Georgia Tech on the cover. Curse or not, this homer couldn't handle it if we got the voodoo jinx hex put on us.

usually, nothing happens to champs...after all, no more season to play ;)


A strong mind gets high off success, a weak mind gets high off bull🤬

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Well... This year the UConn men and women graced the cover of SI at the same time. Okafor and Taurasi shared a cover, i believe. Didn't seem to slow them down, as both teams struggled at points in the season. But having one team in the Championship and one in the final four doesn't seem like too terribly bad of a curse to me! Hell... if that's a curse... curse my 49ers and Notre Dame football, please! :D


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