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Bakersfield Condors' Michael Jackson tribute jerseys


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I once thought those prison-themed jerseys from last season were about as zany as minor-league hockey uniforms could get.

I was wrong.

There's just so much to mock. The condor is wearing Jacko's trademark hat. The sweater numbers are laughably illegible. It even has the suspenders. The best part is that each player will also be wearing a single white glove.

CCSLC signature.png

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Haha... HAHAHA. Can't imagine what kind of Smooth Criminal came up with those... they're seriously Bad. I'm sure that game will be a Thriller. Hopefully there'll be some Blood on the Dance Floor.

Okay, I think I'm done. At least This Time Around.

Why stop now? You Can't Stop Until You Get Enough.

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Why not?

They look ridiculous? And FTR I think the same regarding those Don Cherry Kingston jerseys.

I know there's a history of this sort of gimmick at this level, but really each year they just manage to lower the bar when it comes to good taste a little more.

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Eh, decent idea, I think the idea is lost in the execution, I realize the image is a graphical depiction, but are they planning on using the metallic material, or are there going to be actual "faux shadows" printed onto the jerseys? The suspenders are just akward...meh at best...

But like Icecap mentioned, even though there is a tradition of wacky jerseys at this level, it's just out of the box so far it seems akward...even to a die hard fan...

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A.) They are pretty cool.

B.) Its the Bakersfield Condors. :)

I'm not defiling the discussion, because I love this place. But you ask why? Cause its a minor league hockey team in Northern California.

Its a cute idea. Its Halloween. Its the Thriller jacket.

Why not? Dude is megabucks business these days, like it or not.

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Haha... HAHAHA. Can't imagine what kind of Smooth Criminal came up with those... they're seriously Bad. I'm sure that game will be a Thriller. Hopefully there'll be some Blood on the Dance Floor.

Okay, I think I'm done. At least This Time Around.

Heeee heeee heeeee!

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