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XXI Olympic Winter Games


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Brian Miller is at the closing ceremonies...GOOD FOR HIM! :flagusa:

RYAN Miller, but yea, seeing him smiling with the camera brought a smile to my face after that heartbreaking loss.

Especially considering he looked like he just watched Naked Lunch right after the game was over. It was like he didn't even know where he was.

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and 14 golds beats pretty much anything else.

This. Hats off to the USA for dominating the overall medal count, really, it is something to be proud of.

We have the most gold though, and considering our huge disadvantage in terms of population numbers I think we can claim victory. That and the fact that our 14 gold medals means we now hold the record for the most first place finishes then any other country in a single Winter Games. Quite an accomplishment for little old 34,000,000 Canada.

Again, the US will be THE team to beat for years to come, you Yanks all have a lot to look forward to. This though, is our night, on our soil.

Go Canada Go! :flagcanada:

Only until Operation Testy Badger. Ooops...forget you heard that.

*frantically digs through old files to find Defence Scheme No. 1*

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and 14 golds beats pretty much anything else.

This. Hats off to the USA for dominating the overall medal count, really, it is something to be proud of.

We have the most gold though, and considering our huge disadvantage in terms of population numbers I think we can claim victory. That and the fact that our 14 gold medals means we now hold the record for the most first place finishes then any other country in a single Winter Games. Quite an accomplishment for little old 34,000,000 Canada.

Again, the US will be THE team to beat for years to come, you Yanks all have a lot to look forward to. This though, is our night, on our soil.

Go Canada Go! :flagcanada:

Only until Operation Testy Badger. Ooops...forget you heard that.

*frantically digs through old files to find Defence Scheme No. 1*

The snow fort is being readied as we speak.

Welcome to DrunjFlix

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One thing I just realized: To my knowledge, no one at these Games got DQ'd or had their medals stripped for performance-enhancing drugs (though I did see one Slovakian hockey player got an IOC reprimand for a minor drug offense of some kind). Now, that doesn't mean someone couldn't get busted after the fact, but the IOC and VANOC have to be pleased and relieved to see that.

CCSLC signature.png

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To put this in perspective, the Games were preemptive by a tragic death of the luger from Georgia and the weather was not cooperating early on; however, the last week and a half was exciting and memorable! Thank you Canada for being such gracious hosts!

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If the next Winter Games are in Sochi, why are they showing all this Moscow stuff as part of their presentation? Anyone else find this odd?

Kinda the Orchestra was in Moscow but they had a little thing in Sochi as well.




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just something I made last night!


Allow me....


Now with that's out of the way, hats off to the USA. They played a fantastic game. America will be a hockey power not to be reckoned with for a long time. American fans have nothing to be ashamed of. Nice to see the roster of haters from the US side absent. To the rest of the American fans, congrats on a fantastic showing. You have a lot to look forward to in the future.

That being said, GO CANADA! :flagcanada: The 14th gold (giving Canada the record for most gold for any single Winter Games), in men's hockey, on home ice is just fantastic. Thank you guys, thank you.


let me know how Canada would do against the U.S. in football, basketball, soccer, and baseball. you won a gold medal in your own sport? or should I say the ONLY thing in Canada other than some moose and snow. eh!

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let me know how Canada would do against the U.S. in football, basketball, soccer, and baseball. you won a gold medal in your own sport? or should I say the ONLY thing in Canada other than some moose and snow. eh!

All trash talk when it goes your way, and nothing but juvenile potshots when it doesn't? Lucky for you this community has many mature, upstanding Americans, so you don't reflect too poorly on your country.

Keep it classy vmd, keep it classy.

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If the next Winter Games are in Sochi, why are they showing all this Moscow stuff as part of their presentation? Anyone else find this odd?

1. Because much of the facilities and infrastructure have yet to be constructed for a pleasant backdrop.

2. Because Sochi is within artillery range of Abkhazia and missile range of Georgia.

On 8/1/2010 at 4:01 PM, winters in buffalo said:
You manage to balance agitation with just enough salient points to keep things interesting. Kind of a low-rent DG_Now.
On 1/2/2011 at 9:07 PM, Sodboy13 said:
Today, we are all otaku.

"The city of Peoria was once the site of the largest distillery in the world and later became the site for mass production of penicillin. So it is safe to assume that present-day Peorians are descended from syphilitic boozehounds."-Stephen Colbert

POTD: February 15, 2010, June 20, 2010

The Glorious Bloom State Penguins (NCFAF) 2014: 2-9, 2015: 7-5 (L Pineapple Bowl), 2016: 1-0 (NCFAB) 2014-15: 10-8, 2015-16: 14-5 (SMC Champs, L 1st Round February Frenzy)

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