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2010 MLB Preview


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I think the Twins could have made a run at the World Series if Nathan was ok

I don't really understand this line of thinking (not just you, but the general consensus among baseball fans/experts). I really don't think a closer makes that big of an impact on the team. Their team is already winning when they come into the game. Yes, I know there are some tough situations they are asked to get through. But the majority are pretty easy and simple to get through. I think most league average closers can get the job down. There are some truly bad closers, but if a team can find a decent option I don't think it really matters who your closer is.

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Next to the ace, and clean up hitter, the closer is the most important player in this era.

Let's say Nathan was going to save 40 games this season. Who says a bullpen by committee can't do the same thing? I don't think losing Nathan is going to be as big a blow to The Twins chances as people think. They've had all of spring training to prepare for it. It's not like he went down in the first week of May.




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I'm a Dodger fan, so by default I'll pick them to win it all. But the team I'm really looking at is Texas, I really hope they make a run this year. They're very capeable, they've just had the Angels in the way. Now that the Angels are depleted a little, I think Texas can really do damage.

That's some very sound reasoning right there.

what, I can't believe in my own team? :P


The opinions I express are mine, and mine only. If I am to express them, it is not to say you or anyone else is wrong, and certainly not to say that I am right.

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Next to the ace, and clean up hitter, the closer is the most important player in this era.

I would actually argue that it is the most overrated and misused player of the era. Rather than a closer, teams should use the "fireman" role I've seen some argue for. Where a team uses its best reliever in a high leverage situation, whether that be in the 5th, 7th, or any inning. That would be better than just trotting him out there to finish off any game your up by 3 runs or less. I think just about any major league pitcher can convert the majority of save opportunites.

That's just my opinion. I don't think Joe Nathan is to make or break the Twins season. At most I think it will result in one or two less wins, if that.

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"In the national league, the Phillies have no rivals"

But they don't even win a NLDS series? Your reasoning for this is explained, and is fine, but your opening statement probably shouldn't be as strong if you're going to point out that they're vulnerable and will lose.

Tim Lincecum and the Giants will stun the Phillies in the NLDS

I really feel that if the Giants can catch the Phils in a short series, they may just have enough to pull it off. At least that's been my hope all off season.


On 11/19/2012 at 7:23 PM, oldschoolvikings said:
She’s still half convinced “Chris Creamer” is a porn site.)
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Here are three quick takes on your preview Tank...

1. Seattle won't finish more than 3 games above .500. At best. Great defense doesn't put runs on the board. Seattle is going to lose a lot of 3-2 games. The Angels starting pitching makes them the easy favorite in that division. Losing Figgins hurt but Brandon Wood will do an adequate job filling in and the addition of Matsui makes losing Bad Vlad a wash. They also have enough pitching to withstand the loss of Lackey. The Angels are a helluva lot better than people think.

2. The Phillies are a cut above every team in The NL. I don't see a team that can beat them. That's not saying it couldn't happen but I doubt it will. I saw The Phillies in person during spring training and they are one solid ball club. If they lose a playoff series it won't be until The World Series...

3. The Mets at 57-105? Nice try but they aren't that bad. This year's Mets will be the biggest tease of all. They're going to be just close enough to give you hope of a wild card but just bad enough to ensure that you'll be pulling out your hair by around September 5th. Here we go again.

I hate to say this, but 3 games above .500 might be a worst case scenario for the M's... Remember, it can always be worst. I feel the season hinges on three factors: Can Cliff Lee produce on what is essentially a loaner season, can Milton Bradley keep his temper in check and can they actually produce some offense? I would love to see the M's win the West, but there's a reason the Angels have been good for so long... They have some good talent themselves.

The Phils are good... Scary good. If there is a weakness, it could be the rotation after Halladay and Hamels.

Now, the Mets will be decent. They need to keep the injury bug off of them. You saw what happened last season when the Mets were forced to produce a mediocre lineup every day. Even now, the injury bug has reared it's ugly head with Jose Reyes and his thyroid issue. The Mets can be a wild card contender if they can finally kick the injury bug.


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I think the Twins could have made a run at the World Series if Nathan was ok

I don't really understand this line of thinking (not just you, but the general consensus among baseball fans/experts). I really don't think a closer makes that big of an impact on the team. Their team is already winning when they come into the game. Yes, I know there are some tough situations they are asked to get through. But the majority are pretty easy and simple to get through. I think most league average closers can get the job down. There are some truly bad closers, but if a team can find a decent option I don't think it really matters who your closer is.

I'm somewhere between Tank and Baltimore Fan here. One one hand, one would suppose that most leads would not be blown. On the other, in this era of specialization, the loss of a quality closer could lead to a few more losses, which could be the difference between first and second. And in the postseason (where Nathan stunk it up last year, btw), it's nice to have someone to rely on to hold a lead.

As a Twins fan, I'm not going to pretend I'm not disappointed about this, but I think they can survive it.

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The Rangers payroll at the start of 2010 is just $55 M. That is for a team in the fifth largest market in the MLB. I really do not see a team which has Kinsler and Hamilton on the DL annually plus suspect pitching as a contender.

Elvis Andrus looks like the person who the Yankees will sign to replace Derek Jeter in three years too.

More issues with Rangers Sale

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  • 6 months later...

I deserve some credit for picking the Giants to reach the Series in April, if only the Yankees would have pulled their end of the bargain.




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