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2010 NBA Playoffs thread


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It looks like it will be another Celtics vs Lakers series the way the Conference Finals shaping up right now. <_<

And that's a bad thing? Hate on, haters. :P

On January 16, 2013 at 3:49 PM, NJTank said:

Btw this is old hat for Notre Dame. Knits Rockne made up George Tip's death bed speech.


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Everyone's a hater about everything.

Yep, and I'm a hater hater.

On January 16, 2013 at 3:49 PM, NJTank said:

Btw this is old hat for Notre Dame. Knits Rockne made up George Tip's death bed speech.


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Everyone's a hater about everything.

Yep, and I'm a hater hater.

So you hate haters then... It doesn't make a lot of sense to me, but it probably does for you.

Anyway, on the topic at hand: Another Celtics-Lakers Finals wouldn't bother me none. History plays a large role in this rivalry and everyone that at least in their 20's or so remembers the epic showdowns between Bird and Magic. Those were some best games in the league's history. Now, it's a new generation of players that are taking this rivalry to new heights. Boston has won once already, now I just think it would make sense that Kobe and the Lakers win this year so that possibly there could a rubber match between these two rivals to finally settle it in this generation.


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Isn't it kind of a meaningless construct now?

"I would prefer to see one team rather than another."

"You're a hater!"

Seems a little strong to classify pretty much every thought as "hating," which happens a lot here. But who am I to talk. I can only love, hate, and miss.

♫ oh yeah, board goes on, long after the thrill of postin' is gone ♫

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Well if it indeed shapes up to be what EVERYONE(outside of Orlando & Phoenix) are prediciting, then Paul Pierce will feel at home in Los Angeles(not just because he's from the area). He is the NBA's best actor, and what better place to take your profession than Hollywood. But that is just purely assuming that LA and Boston will meet in the Finals, then again in the NBA nothing is truely written in stone(unless the ref's and David Stern want it to be).


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Well if it indeed shapes up to be what EVERYONE(outside of Orlando & Phoenix) are prediciting, then Paul Pierce will feel at home in Los Angeles(not just because he's from the area). He is the NBA's best actor, and what better place to take your profession than Hollywood. But that is just purely assuming that LA and Boston will meet in the Finals, then again in the NBA nothing is truely written in stone(unless the ref's and David Stern want it to be).

Don't have to say that twice.

The one image that stands out from that Lakers/Celtics Final for me was Pierce acting like his leg had been severed right in front of him by a chainsaw. The tears. The grotesque look. The carrying off. The wheelchair. Then he "magically" and "triumphantly" comes back into the game and starts to sink three-pointers. Freaking tool.


Anyways, so with a 21-point Game 1 win for the Lakers, an 18-point Game 2 win, and Phil Jackson's 46-0 series record after winning Game 1, and 35-0 record after going up 2-0. This thing is over. The Suns might take Game 3, but that's all I'd give them at this point. Unless they do something drastic, I don't see anything past a Game 5.


Also, why the hell are there no games until Saturday? Why do they need three days off? Why does TV even need 3 days off? People will watch whenever the game is. Dumb. Whatever.



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It looks like it will be another Celtics vs Lakers series the way the Conference Finals shaping up right now. <_<

And that's a bad thing? Hate on, haters. :P

I am not hating, i just dont want to see a boring and low-rating series. ^_^

Many thanks to Discrimihater for making the sig.

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Isn't it kind of a meaningless construct now?

"I would prefer to see one team rather than another."

"You're a hater!"

Seems a little strong to classify pretty much every thought as "hating," which happens a lot here. But who am I to talk. I can only love, hate, and miss.

Close, but not quite...it's not "I would prefer to see one team rather than another," as much as it's "Man, this team's gonna make it? That sucks!" When you're bitching about who is going to make it, rather than being happy about who is going to make it, your ass is hatin'. And when your team is down 0-2 and all you can do is bitch about the will of David Stern and the referees, your ass is hatin'. Trust me, bruh, the refs don't have a damn thing to do with why Orlando and Phoenix are looking down the double barrell right now.

I HATE to bring ratings into the discussion, but you already did, lordsketor, so there...you're saying that Phoenix-Orlando is gonna get better ratings than Lakers-Celtics? That's some funny :censored: right there...:P

On January 16, 2013 at 3:49 PM, NJTank said:

Btw this is old hat for Notre Dame. Knits Rockne made up George Tip's death bed speech.


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Isn't it kind of a meaningless construct now?

"I would prefer to see one team rather than another."

"You're a hater!"

Seems a little strong to classify pretty much every thought as "hating," which happens a lot here. But who am I to talk. I can only love, hate, and miss.

Close, but not quite...it's not "I would prefer to see one team rather than another," as much as it's "Man, this team's gonna make it? That sucks!" When you're bitching about who is going to make it, rather than being happy about who is going to make it, your ass is hatin'. And when your team is down 0-2 and all you can do is bitch about the will of David Stern and the referees, your ass is hatin'. Trust me, bruh, the refs don't have a damn thing to do with why Orlando and Phoenix are looking down the double barrell right now.

I HATE to bring ratings into the discussion, but you already did, lordsketor, so there...you're saying that Phoenix-Orlando is gonna get better ratings than Lakers-Celtics? That's some funny :censored: right there...:P

An opportunity for a team winning NBA Championship for the first time since 2006 (Heat-Mavs) instead we would see 2 teams who have 32 of the 63 NBA Titles , and yes in my view that would be boring.

I like to see different teams win for a change :P

Many thanks to Discrimihater for making the sig.

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Well if it indeed shapes up to be what EVERYONE(outside of Orlando & Phoenix) are prediciting, then Paul Pierce will feel at home in Los Angeles(not just because he's from the area). He is the NBA's best actor, and what better place to take your profession than Hollywood. But that is just purely assuming that LA and Boston will meet in the Finals, then again in the NBA nothing is truely written in stone(unless the ref's and David Stern want it to be).

Don't have to say that twice.

The one image that stands out from that Lakers/Celtics Final for me was Pierce acting like his leg had been severed right in front of him by a chainsaw. The tears. The grotesque look. The carrying off. The wheelchair. Then he "magically" and "triumphantly" comes back into the game and starts to sink three-pointers. Freaking tool.

I remember that, wasn't that just inspiring? What a brave, selfless act, coming back from this:


A true warrior.

P.S. Anyone know how Vince Carter's broken wrist is doing? Give him my best wishes. He looked like he was in a world of pain; I wouldn't expect him back for a few months at the least. ;)

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You are kidding right?

Pierce not Carter.

Yes. I won't lie, though; I -- and I think the whole fanbase was aware (or definitely should have been) of the cheesiness, even at the time -- was very willing to overlook the faux aspect of it when it happened. It was clearly not a drastic wheelchair-inducing injury, but when it's your team and on that stage, I think you just look past that part and roll with it.

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You are kidding right?

Pierce not Carter.

Yes. I won't lie, though; I -- and I think the whole fanbase was aware (or definitely should have been) of the cheesiness, even at the time -- was very willing to overlook the faux aspect of it when it happened. It was clearly not a drastic wheelchair-inducing injury, but when it's your team and on that stage, I think you just look past that part and roll with it.

Haha ok good. Yeah I understand that part of it. (See Chris Pronger's two suspensions in the Ducks Stanley Cup run. Then, I thought the NHL was high. Now I get it. Bad plays lol)

I was about to give you the look of Pau Gasol in your avatar, but alright. Equal field.

Celtics still suck though :P

(Also the second image from that series was the Celtics being up 30+ in the latter minutes of Game 6, and Eddie House continuously looking down at the floor to see where he was, stepping back behind the arc, and shooting threes. I damn near broke my television. Fully brought me and my generation of Lakers fans into the Celtics rivalry and rebreed the undying hate for the Celtics.)



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You are kidding right?

Pierce not Carter.

Yes. I won't lie, though; I -- and I think the whole fanbase was aware (or definitely should have been) of the cheesiness, even at the time -- was very willing to overlook the faux aspect of it when it happened. It was clearly not a drastic wheelchair-inducing injury, but when it's your team and on that stage, I think you just look past that part and roll with it.

Haha ok good. Yeah I understand that part of it. (See Chris Pronger's two suspensions in the Ducks Stanley Cup run. Then, I thought the NHL was high. Now I get it. Bad plays lol)

I was about to give you the look of Pau Gasol in your avatar, but alright. Equal field.

Celtics still suck though :P

(Also the second image from that series was the Celtics being up 30+ in the latter minutes of Game 6, and Eddie House continuously looking down at the floor, stepping back behind the arc, and shooting threes. I damn near broke my television. Fully brought me and my generation of Lakers fans into the Celtics rivalry and rebreed the undying hate for the Celtics.)

OK, we're cool :P

Yeah, I mean if Kobe did that I would be pissed at him for being a faker but I couldn't fault you if you ate it up cause that's exactly what I did ;) When he hit those 2 3's, it was like being hit with pure adrenaline and like 6 other drugs at once, just that they give you elation instead of addiction. Speaking of which, when Eddie House and Co. piled it on down the stretch, that was the same feeling, but spread out. Believe me, I wanted to win by 60 points that game. It was freakin' awesome. :D

I can totally imagine that feeling, and if it ends up being Celtics-Lakers, I don't want to experience it, haha. I can't imagine watching Kobe win 2 in a row while the C's last chances dwindle away in front of them. I was pretty much trained to hate the Lakers, and the Finals made it more fun and passionate, but luckily I've yet to have that out-for-blood moment like losing in the Finals would do to you. Let's keep it that way! (but not by having the Celtics blow this series)

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There probably are reasons, but they either don't make sense or they do and they won't satisfy anyone asking the question. Either way, there is a game on tonight and the both series go 7, there will be games every night for the rest of May. If people don't like it, watch something else. There are plenty of other options. We'll all be fine.

On January 16, 2013 at 3:49 PM, NJTank said:

Btw this is old hat for Notre Dame. Knits Rockne made up George Tip's death bed speech.


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It's because the broadcast partners call the shots, that's all. The NHL can churn out the Stanley Cup on a reliable game-rest-game-rest basis because all they do is pre-empt bull riding and America's Wackiest Sports Bloopers.

♫ oh yeah, board goes on, long after the thrill of postin' is gone ♫

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