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The Cornucopia of Possible NBA Logo Changes


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Well, that apparently confirms the fauxback logo at center court, no? As long as that curved line is part of the center circle.

I still don't have a website, but I have a dribbble now! http://dribbble.com/andyharry

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The Magic officially unveiled the logo that had leaked on the watch:


I like it. Nice and clean. I hope they maybe introduce a new secondary logo, but I'll take the cleaned up look.

Edit: Also, the Magic web designers screwed up and posted what appears to be the wrong new logo on the "Evolution of the Logo" page on the official website:


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The Magic officially unveiled the logo that had leaked on the watch:


I like it. Nice and clean. I hope they maybe introduce a new secondary logo, but I'll take the cleaned up look.

Edit: Also, the Magic web designers screwed up and posted what appears to be the wrong new logo on the "Evolution of the Logo" page on the official website:


And what is no surprise (to me, anyway), they also screwed up the color reproduction of the logos. The Magic have used three different shades of Blue in their history, and the lightest of these three was used in the original logo:


The original "Electric Blue" was a custom color, then they went to a darker, more traditional Blue (the same Blue that is used in the NBA logo), and then to the current slightly lighter Blue.

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Is it true that the Magic have labeled "Magic Black" as one of their colors?

Initially, the Magic listed their colors this way:


Since then, they - like most pro teams - list their colors with either the team name (or just the nickname) plus the color name - for example, Magic Black, Magic Blue and Magic Silver. I think it is supposed to indicate some sort of ownership to each color.

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The Jazz have just officially unveiled their new logos.

Mountains- http://ow.ly/i/24Xs

Note- http://ow.ly/i/24X3

Look, it has a grey border. Weird.

Good find...the mountain logo is utterly pointless, LOL. Note logo isn't bad. I just wish they would've ponied up the money to make it the primary if they really wanted the note so bad...

the children are the future!

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I'm guessing that his files are just a little off, color-wise. And the wordmark seems to be missing its gray outline.

Here's what the Jazz put on their site:


Still, awfully dark.

What a pointless exercise this is, a "Primary Logo" that they'll never use and which doesn't match the uniforms or any other logos in their scheme.

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What a horrible cluster-:censored: of crap. These aren't brand identities anymore, they're just a conglomeration of ideas, incongruous elements and random colors all blended together in order to pacify the fans out there who seem to want to hold on to the old logos and uniforms, while saving money by not letting go of the former identity and trying to update it all by mixing together a bunch of of the former colors into one pathetic mess.

I blame the NBA for instigating this rule about changing the primary logo, and the Jazz for being so perpetually cheap over the past 30+ years that they can't ever just come up with something that truly ties into the region.

Those original Jazz owners (who moved the team from New Orleans) are probably the true villains here however; if they wouldn't have been so freakin' cheap in the first place, they would have changed the nickname at the onset, and we wouldn't have had 30+ years of this mess.

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