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My first tattoo


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Well I decided on getting a tattoo finally and figured if it's going to be with me forever, then I might as well get something I want and love so I came up with this-


It has a cousin-in-law's initials and two friends initials who all died in 2008.

I'm not quite 100% sold on the "No Regrets" font but I can't find or think of any others to go with it just right. Any ideas?


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surely not?

okay, i have a slight issue with some memorial based tattoos. were i to get a tattoo to commemorate my late grandfather, its function would be as a simple reminder to myself of someone i loved and respected.

in order to achieve this, i might use some sort of icon that related to my grandfather. he carried a pipe and glass of whiskey constantly and my enduring memory of him, besides patience and generosity of time

is one of a warm hazy smokey bourbon smell. perhaps i would get a small tattoo of a pipe discretely on a wrist or something? i dunno?

what i wouldnt get are his initials or the year he dies. these have nothing to do with the man or my memory of him. now obviously these are your friends and i know nothing about them, but is the best tribute to them

that of a knock off 'no fear' style t-shirt logo? all the design above seems to do is invite the invitation 'whats that all about?'. now perhaps thats your aim, but id inclined to assume you arent that cynical.

i have a friend(ish) who was in a train crash over here, next to the scar on his arm he had the words 'survived' and the date tattooed for all to see in huge letters. this, as was claimed, was not a way to remind himself

of the incident, but to remind others and allow the retelling of his pathetic story.

as for 'no regrets', it seems very much out of place next to the memorial of two (i presume very young as you are 19) friends. something for which regret seems more apt.

as someone who got his first tattoo aged 16, i can promise you that getting those words emblazoned across your arm will seem more than a little ironic in the years to come.

i really dont want to come across as a huge downer on the idea, i think its a cool idea, i just think the execution above something you may start to regret in a few years.

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Let me start off by saying that I am covered in tattoos, a self confessed tattoo freak and so Im fully aware of the intense draw towards them.

I can completely understand you're reasons for getting this very poignant tattoo and I will also like to say I am not one to have a go at ones choice of body adornment.

That being said I am drawn to one your point that you are not '100%' on the font. If you're going to get a tattoo make sure you're 100% sure on the font. Yes if in 5 years you think it's :censored: then a talented artist can probably cover it up for you but what a waste of money that would be?

My advice to you in this situation would be:-

1. Scrap the part that you are unsure on ie 'No Regrets'

2. If you are sure you want that statement then wait and scour the net for a suitable font (if you are going to design it yourself), there are plenty around.

3. Find a tattoo artist you like and brief them on what you want and let them crack out a design. After all they're the pros and should deal with custom work most of the time.

With regards tattoo artists be certain that the one you choose is really that good. Sometimes its worth paying that little extra for a service.

My first tattoos i had done by second rate tattooists who I thought were good but didn't do enough research on their work and subsequently I am not as happy with their work as i would like to be.

Now I pay a higher rate but I go to tattooist that I know are well respected in the profession and I look at their work before hand to see if I like their style and their tattooing ability.

All of this being said it is ultimately completely up to you which route you take. And one thing, don't listen to people who say 'what about when you're old and wrinkly?' As I say to those people 'How often do you see old men walking around with their shirts off showing off their wrinkly bodies?'

Anyway, whichever path you choose good luck, it doesn't hurt like everyone says and no doubt you'll have more. Just remember to consider your choice carefully.

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I think memorial tattoos are a wonderful and touching monument to loved ones. My sister has plans to get our grandmother's favorite flower tattooed on her shoulder blade as a memorial tattoo.

But with that said, I think you've got some really good advice here. I hope you head it.

...as someone who got his first tattoo aged 16, i can promise you that getting those words emblazoned across your arm will seem more than a little ironic in the years to come....

I don't think we can expect to have much of an idea where life will take us. By that, I will share that I got two tattoos when I was 18 and both reflected the religious faith that was the most important thing to me in life. But now, having come through something of a religious existential crisis / spiritual awakening (depending on what side of the bed I woke up on that morning), I'm not particularly religious anymore, but those tattoos which I now somewhat regret are stuck on my biceps forever.

3. Find a tattoo artist you like and brief them on what you want and let them crack out a design. After all they're the pros and should deal with custom work most of the time.


Take your memorial tattoo idea and find a reputable artist to work with to help you flesh out the bones of your idea.

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I got my first tat when I was 17, simply for the sake of getting one. Now, 13 years on, I hate it and want it covered. What I do now is to take my design, print it onto tattoo transfer paper (like the temporary tats you can buy) and "wear" it until it wears off. That way I can get a feel for the design and placement before getting it permanently inked. Jimbo has some really good advice here, listen to the guy.

It's definately worth finding a good artist, even if it costs more. I've been using the same guy for 12 years now (he's done all but 3 of my 30+ tats) and can't see myself ever going to anyone else.

I like the idea of a memorial, though. I got my grandfather's initials in a scroll with 2 roses after he passed; the design isn't really anything to do with what he was about (a hard-as-nails Irish prison guard), but it reminds me of him every time I look at it.

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Davidson - My reasoning on getting this tattoo is to remember them, up until that point of my life I had never known anybody who had died, and then all of a sudden 3 people close to me are gone. All this happened in the year I graduated high school as well so it has some "me" meaning that way as ever since then I've had a totally different outlook on life. The placement of this tattoo isn't going to be where people can see it all the time, it's going to be on a shoulder blade just so people aren't asking me about it every time I go out.

Jimboqb12 - Thanks for the advice. When I went to book the appointment, I told them what I wanted done and where and they did a quick sketch of what I described, so on top of my own design, there should be some artist renderings of it too. One of the guys I work with has had all of his tattoos done at the same parlour so I've been able to see what the artists are capable of since the majority of his tattoos have a fair amount of detail in them.


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Davidson - My reasoning on getting this tattoo is to remember them, up until that point of my life I had never known anybody who had died, and then all of a sudden 3 people close to me are gone. All this happened in the year I graduated high school as well so it has some "me" meaning that way as ever since then I've had a totally different outlook on life. The placement of this tattoo isn't going to be where people can see it all the time, it's going to be on a shoulder blade just so people aren't asking me about it every time I go out.

sure, as i said in my first post, i understand why you are getting it. my point is that it doesnt have to be that (and i dont mean to sound harsh, but i believe in being straight) ugly or facile.

i just think you will end up regretting getting something that looks like a frat t-shirt from the 90's tattooed on your back.

look, its entirely up to you, but im sure i and some of the others in the thread would help you out with a design that might look a bit nicer.

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Right, something simple like that. You know who died, you don't need their names or initials on there (unless you have poor memory.) The "08" (or even some symbol, like Davidson's initial suggestion) is the memorial. Anything more is (just my opinion, obviously this is a very polarizing subject) crossing the line into a living memorial. You can pay respect and honor memories a little more subtly (or at least less obviously) than by going with names or initials.

As for the "No Regrets", honestly, it looks really childish. Rather "No Fear!!!! Extreme!!!" ish, if you will. Again, just my opinion - it's your body, do with it what you must.

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Well I decided on getting a tattoo finally and figured if it's going to be with me forever, then I might as well get something I want and love so I came up with this-


It has a cousin-in-law's initials and two friends initials who all died in 2008.

I'm not quite 100% sold on the "No Regrets" font but I can't find or think of any others to go with it just right. Any ideas?

Sorry but that looks like a H.S. Graduation tattoo.

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Honestly, you could just do three black stars. The big 08 is the weakest part of the story/memorial, in my opinion. Maybe you do three black stars and one colored star (for yourself, still living it up with a new outlook) and put a 2, 0, 0, and an 8 inside the stars.

I still don't have a website, but I have a dribbble now! http://dribbble.com/andyharry

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I think before getting something so permanent as a tattoo you should try remembering your friends through your actions. Try telling others about good things those people did, or if they died from something like cancer or drunk driving then try donating to or volunteering at local organizations supporting those causes. Art is a wonderful way to create a lasting memory of someone close to your, but before you place it on your skin permanently, make sure your doing it for the right reasons and that it's won't be your only memorial to people you have lost.

Just my take.

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Something to remember about tattoos is the long term. Not the "Oh, sonny boy, you will regret it." But the long term of how your skin is going to change and how the ink will change i the next 30+ years.

You are going to want to avoid putting TOO much into it. The simpler the better. If you are going to try and cram a lot into a tattoo, in the next 10-15 years, you will begin to see them change due to skin tightening and shrinking, skin loosening, sun fading, small ink runs... an assortment of things.

With my memorial tattoos, I have tried to avoid making them too clear where as other people can guess what they are. With mine, I feel more comfortable knowing they are mine and someone can't just look at them and go, ppfff i know what that is. I don't really like when people what mine me. I find its more meaningful when I, and maybe a few people in my family, know the purpose of my tattoos.

Just some things to think about.



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Well here is the final product...


The stars look a little off in the picture because of the angle of the camera and my shoulder. Must say I love the final outcome, and thanks davidson for the design. The artist thought it was a really cool design and enjoyed doing someone elses work other than his.


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