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2011-2012 NCAA Football Uniform Thread

Lights Out

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I am calm. Please cease discussion.

can we talk about uniform aesthetics, please? I'm all for off-topic discussion but this is way too far.


You know what they say, "Traditionalist's can go die in a hole if they don't like it."

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I know that this is not a uniform but i didnt see a point in starting a new thread for this, but

Appalachian State announced a new turf installation this spring and they unveiled the new design:

New Turf:


Previous 8 years:


their wordmark is terrible...but that is a really nice 1AA stadium

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Now I love traditional jerseys as much as the next guy, but I love everything about Oregons jerseys. The black, the carbon, the fact that every game, no matter how much someone hates or likes them, we all can't wait to see what they trot out in every week

In the end that's all they want. It's fantastic marketing. :censored:, even when we lose Nike has a campaign for us going


Complete with merchandise:


And sweet free posters you can pick up


How can I get one of those posters?

that is the most pathetic excuse for a poster if I've ever seen one...if I was a uo player I'd be embarrassed that nike is commemorating a loss.

apparently nike forgot their old slogan from the 90's "2nd place is 1st loser"...but this is emblematic of 21st century corporate culture...when you fail to meet your goal you either blame somebody else or change the message to de-mphasize and distract from your failure.

they had a great season. they fell short. national runners up. better luck next year.

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I know that this is not a uniform but i didnt see a point in starting a new thread for this, but

Appalachian State announced a new turf installation this spring and they unveiled the new design:

A bit off-topic, but have you heard the rumor App is getting new uniforms? I read it on Appfan and didn't know if it was true or not. I'm so used to the Miami template anything else is going to look weird. I'm shocked they would want to change since we won 3 NCs and 6 SoCon championships with it - unless they want to have something "fresh" when (as opposed to if in my mind) App moves up to FBS.

Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% about how you react to it.
App State Mountaineers / Alabama Crimson Tide / Atlanta Braves / New York Jets / Atlanta Hawks
"If you believe in yourself and have dedication and pride - and never quit, you'll be a winner. The price of victory is high but so are the rewards." [Bear Bryant]
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OMG I want to jump into this argument so bad, but I'm so tired of saying the same thing over and over and not getting anywhere. Maybe someday soon I'll give it another shot. Ugh, IceCap, you're so far stuck in the mud you can't see your way out. Not every college recruit thinks the same way. And I'd venture to guess that you and college recruits are a lot further apart in your thinking than you know.

Let me ask you something. Out of everyone that Oregon recruits this next year, what percentage will choose the school because it just went to the National Title game? And what percentage will choose the school because they want to look like walking highlighters?

I hope 0% choose the school solely because of one of those reasons. I'll bet that the both the National Title game AND the uniforms at least entered the mind of 100% of this year's recruiting class, with each kid placing various degrees of importance on each one. I'm assuming the facilities, coaching staff, university, conference, location, Nike connection, and success over the past half-decade were the biggest reasons a player would want to come to Oregon.

I'd say the uniforms are a highly visible reminder of the Oregon-Nike connection. And yes, I believe the Oregon-Nike connection is very enticing to a lot of young athletes.

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I know that this is not a uniform but i didnt see a point in starting a new thread for this, but

Appalachian State announced a new turf installation this spring and they unveiled the new design:

A bit off-topic, but have you heard the rumor App is getting new uniforms? I read it on Appfan and didn't know if it was true or not. I'm so used to the Miami template anything else is going to look weird. I'm shocked they would want to change since we won 3 NCs and 6 SoCon championships with it - unless they want to have something "fresh" when (as opposed to if in my mind) App moves up to FBS.

I heard the same thing on appfan as well. I think it would be nice for an update on the unis but I have become so accustomed to what they have now, if they do change I hope that it is not a drastic one. - Jgsmith725 (ASU '03 class)

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Interesting quote from the article:

I?m told these new Pro Combat uniforms have been part of a recruiting pitch to high school prospects by the Boilers since 2010 concluded.

Huh, I guess uniforms ARE used by schools as part of recruiting.

And we all know Purdue is recruiting the finest football players in the land. :rolleyes:

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Interesting quote from the article:

I’m told these new Pro Combat uniforms have been part of a recruiting pitch to high school prospects by the Boilers since 2010 concluded.

Huh, I guess uniforms ARE used by schools as part of recruiting.

Schools pushing something =/= that something being effective.


Calm down.

can we talk about uniform aesthetics, please? I'm all for off-topic discussion but this is way too far.


Oregon looks pretty snazzy when they stick to combos that use their school colours.

Nike can and has, in Oregon's case even, designed a good looking football uniform. Sorry to disappoint Lights Out. It's just when they start pushing their corporate image over the programs they're suppose to be serving something's wrong.

Buc said it best, that new uniforms are starting to be used as advertisements for the manufacturer, not the team. As something who is a fan of sports logo and uniform aesthetics that bothers me.

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Interesting quote from the article:

I?m told these new Pro Combat uniforms have been part of a recruiting pitch to high school prospects by the Boilers since 2010 concluded.

Huh, I guess uniforms ARE used by schools as part of recruiting.

Schools pushing something =/= that something being effective.

These schools aren't stupid. They wouldn't be doing it if it didn't help.

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Arkansas Stats new uniform.

[picture omitted]

I REALLY hope that's not piping. If so, that looks absolutely ridiculous. Way to go adidas. <_<

Is it wrong that the first thing that came to mind when I saw these was the Thong Song?

Like, seriously, adidas...like the good man TFoA said, you can't be serious if you think THAT look is going to catch on. (On another note...who told the Crying Wolves that baseball numbers on a basketball jersey over top of thong-piped biker shorts makes for a good football uniform?)

Yes, the numbers too! Not only are those numbers more fitting for baseball like you said, there's no consistency between the chest numbers & the sleeve/shoulder/armpit (? :P) numbers. Idk about you, but that's a big pet peeve of mine when it comes to numbering. Adidas really dropped the ball on this one.



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I don't know that they ever even held the ball to begin with, Flame. :P

*Disclaimer: I am not an authoritative expert on stuff...I just do a lot of reading and research and keep in close connect with a bunch of people who are authoritative experts on stuff. 😁

|| dribbble || Behance ||

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You'd be surprised about how long people hang onto something, thinking it's working. Hell, maybe they show the Pro Combat stuff to recruits, the recruits think they'll cool, and the program considers the uniform to be a selling point. I doubt the kid's going to let the uniform impact such an important choice in his career, though.

Lets just admit what this is Lights Out. You're looking for a justification for wacky designs that "push the envelope." If you can argue that new crazy designs increase recruits you'll be able to prove you're tastes are measurably "better" then those old traditionalists who just like to pretend how "above it all" they are, eh? ;)

Seeing as the question at hand with you is purely one of modern vs traditional I'll just say that many schools with traditional uniforms seem to do just fine with recruitment.

Really though, it's not about modern vs traditional. It's about corporate design creep.

Oregon looks pretty snazzy when they stick to combos that use their school colours.

Nike can and has, in Oregon's case even, designed a good looking football uniform. Sorry to disappoint Lights Out. It's just when they start pushing their corporate image over the programs they're suppose to be serving something's wrong.

Buc said it best, that new uniforms are starting to be used as advertisements for the manufacturer, not the team. As something who is a fan of sports logo and uniform aesthetics that bothers me.

Anyway I'm continuing this discussion with gdu over PM. Heck, I might even learn something about a brand of football I'm only now getting interested in. Regardless, anything else I say on the matter will be to him over PM.

Also, nice edit tvko

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