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2011-2012 NCAA Football Uniform Thread

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What's with all the Oregon hate exactly? I know I am biased because I'm a fan, but does it really matter whether they use green, yellow, red, purple, orange or whatever? At the end of your day, if the color that a college football team uses bothers you so much, then you really should take a break from sports. Why should people care, is Oregon shoving their colors in your face? If you don't like, don't watch their games, that's all. Shouldn't lose sleep because a team decides to use a lot of colors.

I guarantee nobody loses sleep over it, but this IS the message board to express their opinions about it.

But people are acting like it's the end of the world and everyone's going to die because Oregon uses colors that differentiate from their actual team colors.

Disagreeing isn't acting like the world is ending. If you don't want to see differing opinions on uniforms then you should probably go to a different board where people will just make fun of you for caring about uniforms at all.

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Doesn't make them look any less stupid.

Considering their jerseys sell, I'd say the majority of people think differently than that.

And they'll look tacky and outdated in the next decade just like with any other fad.

That is why Oregon changes every 3 seasons or so. To avoid looking tacky and outdated. Oregon hasn't looked tacky or outdated since they switched logos back in 1999. The diamond plate jerseys were awesome (imo) when they were debuted. But I'll be the first to admit that they would look kinda tacky and outdated if they were still wearing them now. I love the current wing jerseys, but yeah, they have a shelf life of another season or two and then they need to go. So what?

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I find it hilarious that the most stubborn Oregon-uniform-haters on the board are the ones telling people to find other forums if they don't like differing opinions.

That's not what's happening at all. Rather it's the Oregon cheerleaders who cannot accept the other side simply voicing their opinion. You called me "forcing my opinion down other people's throat" for simply stating that I'm not a fan of Oregon's look, and this MC2 fellow is saying people who are critical of Oregon's look are "acting like it's the end of the world...."

Fact is it's the "modernists" who have failed to discuss this matter without over generalizations, exaggerations, and name calling. Any time someone voices an opinion in contrast to your own you freak out and say we're "acting like it's the end of the world" or "forcing our opinions down peoples throats."

You have yet to prove you can discuss this matter without such over reactions to people simply disagreeing with you.

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Yeah, you don't really call people names but you do relentlessly hound people with a stubborn attitude.

Every time you see that someone likes Oregon's uniforms, you don't need to reply. Every time you see the word "Oregon" in Sports Logos, you don't need to reply. But yet, most times, you do, and this argument starts all over again.


POTD: 2/4/12 3/4/12

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Yeah, you don't really call people names but you do relentlessly hound people with a stubborn attitude.

All I've ever done is stated that I dislike the uniforms, and I've stated why. I've essentially done nothing out of the realm of ordinary, acceptable message board behaviour. I haven't called people names, I've tried not to over-generalize those I disagree with. I've even attempted compromise time and time again by stating I can accept Oregon's current look if they keep to school colours, in an attempt to end the discussion on positive "common ground" note. It's always hard to evaluate one's own behaviour, but I can honestly say I don't think I've done anything near the level of what you're accusing me of.

Which is part of my bigger peeve with the fans of modernity here. Your displeasure with me centres not on my behaviour, but with the simple fact that I express an opinion at odds with your own, and that I can back it up. And I'm not the only one.

MC2 apparently thinks someone stating "I don't like Oregon's look" is equivalent to "acting like the world's ending." It seems like those of us on the traditional side of things cannot express our own opinions without the modernists freaking out and making gross over exaggerations.

Every time you see that someone likes Oregon's uniforms, you don't need to reply. Every time you see the word "Oregon" in Sports Logos, you don't need to reply. But yet, most times, you do, and this argument starts all over again.

This is a flawed statement on two levels. The first is that you never miss an opportunity to post the most absurd, obscure, "modernist" designs out there and tell us how awesome they are. You never miss an opportunity to bash the BCS. So you telling me that I don't have to respond to something is, well, hypocritical on your part.

Secondly, this is a message board. The reason I haven't given this speech to you after you've posted the same Diamondbacks TATC jersey for the 500th time is that you're simply doing what your supposed to do on a message board. You see a topic, you have an opinion on it, you post. I'm doing nothing different. And seeing as I've managed to express my opinion about Oregon's uniforms without name calling, over generalizations, and with a hint of the willingness to compromise, I see no issue with my posting habits.

So in short, you like Oregon's uniforms, I don't. I'm sure we can further discuss the topic without the over-generalizations and aversions to the opinions of others that have so far plagued this topic. Have a good night, and a pleasant morrow.

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This is a flawed statement on two levels. The first is that you never miss an opportunity to post the most absurd, obscure, "modernist" designs out there and tell us how awesome they are.

Only in "favorite uniform" threads or during discussions about favorite uniforms.

You never miss an opportunity to bash the BCS.

Only when pertinent - unlike Oregon haters, who will often intentionally bring up the argument in threads about completely unrelated uniforms. Both the Washington State rebrand and Arizona State rebrand threads have been derailed by Oregon-related crap.

By the way, disagreeing with you ≠ "aversions to the opinions of others."


POTD: 2/4/12 3/4/12

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This is a flawed statement on two levels. The first is that you never miss an opportunity to post the most absurd, obscure, "modernist" designs out there and tell us how awesome they are.

Only in "favorite uniform" threads or during discussions about favorite uniforms.

And I only ever criticize Oregon's look when it comes up in conversation. I've never come into a thread void of an Oregon discussion only to start one. Never.

You never miss an opportunity to bash the BCS.

Only when pertinent - unlike Oregon haters, who will often intentionally bring up the argument in threads about completely unrelated uniforms. Both the Washington State rebrand and Arizona State rebrand threads have been derailed by Oregon-related crap.

First off, I'm not to blame for that. Others got that ball rolling. Have I joined the discussion after the point of no return? Yes. Did I do the derailing? Nope.

Secondly, the Oregon fan club's just as much to blame for the derailing. For every "oh no! Nike did to ASU/WSU what they did to Oregon!" post there's a "sweet! ASU/WSU are following Oregon's lead!" post.

By the way, disagreeing with you ≠ "aversions to the opinions of others."

I never said this was the case.

What you have, done, however, is taken me simply disagreeing with you and interpreted that as "shoving my opinions down other peoples throats" and MC2 has taken people disagreeing with your side as "acting like the world is ending."

The modernists, yourself included, have a history of overreacting to people simply disagreeing with you.

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anything said about Oregon

You have ruined this thread.

OMG! I am not personally responsible for the ruination of this thread despite being heavily involved in every single Oregon argument on these boards! You all can't handle the opinions of others just because you disagree with me. You are all overdramatic namecallers - I'll state for the 450th time that MC2 said we were "acting like the world is ending"! Never mind the fact that I never miss an opportunity to jump down people's throats and exaggerate their posts during this same old argument - see how much of a mean jerk he is? Stop disagreeing with me!



POTD: 2/4/12 3/4/12

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anything said about Oregon

You have ruined this thread.

You're an unbearable troll. See how that works?

anything said about Oregon

You have ruined this thread.

OMG! I am not personally responsible for the ruination of this thread despite being heavily involved in every single Oregon argument on these boards! You all can't handle the opinions of others just because you disagree with me. You are all overdramatic namecallers - I'll state for the 450th time that MC2 said we were "acting like the world is ending"! Never mind the fact that I never miss an opportunity to jump down people's throats and exaggerate their posts during this same old argument - see how much of a mean jerk he is? Stop disagreeing with me!


And once again you prove unable or unwilling to discuss this topic without over the top hysterics, over-generalizations, and name calling. Thanks for proving my point.

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This is what I meant with my post, you all take this so serious and act like it's your duty to prove modernists wrong. Notice how I haven't posted since? Because I can let it go since I frankly don't care about people's hate for cool looking jerseys.


Fast. Hard. Finish.

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You're an unbearable troll. See how that works?

And seeing as I've managed to express my opinion about Oregon's uniforms without name calling


My name calling of TVKO has nothing to do with his opinions on Oregon's look, or any other opinion he may or may not have. It's based purely on his trollish behaviour.

Exactly. I think it's funny how we're being accused of "over the top hysterics, over-generalizations, and name calling" when we're clearly not taking the argument half as seriously as he is.

Well you're being accused of those things because you've done them. This post included.

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I know most of the time I'm a stand by and watch threads rather than post but can we please guys possibly get on track and stop talking and bickering over this whole Oregon uniform deal, or at least put it in a new thread. I personally like all the various options uniforms can offer for teams like Oregon and it's whatever the university wants to do. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions and it should be respected (unless it's way out there :grin: ) Like I said, I know I'm usually one of the watchers on the boards but I'm just trying to let my little voice be heard lol.

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I know most of the time I'm a stand by and watch threads rather than post but can we please guys possibly get on track and stop talking and bickering over this whole Oregon uniform deal, or at least put it in a new thread. I personally like all the various options uniforms can offer for teams like Oregon and it's whatever the university wants to do. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions and it should be respected (unless it's way out there :grin: ) Like I said, I know I'm usually one of the watchers on the boards but I'm just trying to let my little voice be heard lol.

Here guys i made a new thread for BFBS so i dont have to hear people argue about it in every single thread.


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Exactly. I think it's funny how we're being accused of "over the top hysterics, over-generalizations, and name calling" when we're clearly not taking the argument half as seriously as he is.

Well you're being accused of those things because you've done them. This post included.

Enlighten me: exactly where in that one sentence was I at all hysterical, generalizing, or name-calling?


POTD: 2/4/12 3/4/12

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