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Giving the Big Ten the Attention She Deserves.


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Wow, these look great. It's almost like a Pro Combat thing. It would be very unique to see those Michigan uniforms on the field. I've always thought of a Michigan helmet like that.

Exactly what I was setting out to do with these. I just don't want to use that term, because it's probably one of the most overused phrases in the uniform concept world. Think of them as Rivalry Game Alternates. That's what I'll brand them.

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I LOVE all of these rivalry sets. Michigan helmet looks so good and I like buckeye camo a lot. Wouldn't the numbers be kinda hard to read on that Wisconsin??? I like how you made the jersey look like minnesota's mascot's sweater. Creativity on all 4. I love it.


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I LOVE all of these rivalry sets. Michigan helmet looks so good and I like buckeye camo a lot. Wouldn't the numbers be kinda hard to read on that Wisconsin??? I like how you made the jersey look like minnesota's mascot's sweater. Creativity on all 4. I love it.

Yeah Minnesota and Wisconsin are interpretations of the mascot sweaters, so I kept the white number with a black outline. I used 2px stroke width, so it's pretty heavy. On that background, not a lot is legible. But it's awesome, so the sacrifice must be made ;)

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I like the Michigan uniform you created. I have always wanted to see what the helmet would look like if the colors were reversed. My only suggestion would be to change color of "Hail to the Victors" to maize so you can see it more clearly. Great job on all of your concept I have enjoyed looking at them.

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I like the Michigan uniform you created. I have always wanted to see what the helmet would look like if the colors were reversed. My only suggestion would be to change color of "Hail to the Victors" to maize so you can see it more clearly. Great job on all of your concept I have enjoyed looking at them.

It was my intention to make it less noticeable, more of a subtlety... a lot like the OSU buckeye pattern. It doesn't look right in maize, it's far too 'in your face' and it doesn't flow well. Thanks!

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Alright, next two rivalry sets are up.

Michigan State and Penn State have a very understated rivalry. Almost always, when they meet at the end of the season, there's some form of effect the game will have on the entire conference. Last year, it was whether or not MSU would have a share of the conference title. For MSU, I wanted to go with a white out, and feature the new "spike" font that Nike uses on our unis. I stylized the S on the helmet like that, and used that motif throughout the uniform. I think it's simple, but a nice, modern touch to our uniforms. For PSU, they give you nothing to build on. What's with the stripes? JoePa is in his 5th decade coaching at PSU, hence the 5 stripes. It's a very modern look, but I toned it down, so people wouldn't go into cardiac arrest.


For the Land of Lincoln rivalry, I wanted to have some fun. "Wildcats" is one of the most overused nicknames in college, so I wanted to do something different. I roughed up the font (Minnesota Wild, for anyone who's curious), and added some dark claw marks on the back of the left leg, and both shoulders. Initially I had them purple, but that gave it a 90's feel. For Illinois, I decided to give a nod to the Chief. As controversial as it was, I really don't think it's a big deal. These two are a real changeup for the Big Ten:


Final two rivalry sets coming up this week, early on. Not sure when yet. But they will be Iowa v. Nebraska, and Purdue v. Indiana.

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Michigan State: I love the stylized S. The white out is appropriate for the Spartans. Great job. But whats with the no nike sign on their cleats?

Penn State: I agree, nit much to work with, so the 5 stripes was really creative in giving them something different. Blue lid was a nice touch too.

Northwestern: I knew the black was coming out for them, but I didn't see the claw marks coming with it. I love this design.

Illinois: The silver/grey is giving me a Syracuse feel for some reason. But if you would've used navy, it would've look to close to the regular jersey. The helmet is my favorite part of this one though.


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Haha wow. Don't know how I missed the cleat logo for MSU. At least they have the side logos. Thanks for all the other C&C!

On Illinois, I wanted to put a headdress design like Chief Illiniwek, but I forgot about all the drama associated with it. So I went more subtle, and the slightly-darker white worked well on the helmet. Adding blue made it too bold for what I was going for. The 'Cuse numbers are definitely there, but I like the look.

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If you put the stripes on both sides of the Penn State uniform, that would look amazing.

Why you make fun of me? I make concept for Auburn champions and you make fun of me. I cry tears.
Chopping off the dicks of Filipino boys and embracing causes that promote bigotry =/= strong moral character.
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Love the outside the box thinking on these. Not a fan of the Michigan one, mainly because I associate maize football unis with the atrocities put out by Colosseum that I see all the time. I love that you're building on the blue pants and the subtle HTTV text reminds me of the embossed block Ms on the shoulders of the home unis from 95-97.

Your Illini rivalry concept is just sick. I'm blown away by this. I can't stand Illinois, but would pick that up for my collection in a heartbeat. Not feeling Sparty's, though. It seems too plain. MSU always kind of pushes the envelope a little bit and I think there could be a little more done here. I like that you notched the block S to match the style of the unis, though.

Your creativity in this thread is definitely a home run. Love checking in on these.

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MSU: I like the whiteout and the consistency throughout.

PSU: Nice idea with the 5 stripes, wouldn't have thought of that! I would add sleeve numbers though...right now it's a little too boring (yeah, I know, it's Penn State, but the numbers would help IMO).

N'Western: Love the blackout and the sublimated scratches. The Wild font works great too. Love this set!

Illinois: Not really feeling this one. I'm not a fan of the silver, and I agree with TylerBray that it looks too much like Syracuse.

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The battle for the Farmers Cup.

Why you make fun of me? I make concept for Auburn champions and you make fun of me. I cry tears.
Chopping off the dicks of Filipino boys and embracing causes that promote bigotry =/= strong moral character.
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Battle for the Worst State to drive through?

Yeah, still not feeling the Illinois design. After the pain of losing the Chief, the feathers are just kinda sad. I like grey, its kinda cool.

I dig NU and Penn's.

Not feeling what your doing with my school though...

"Classic" does not mean it gets a free pass for being bad design.


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Battle for the Worst State to drive through?

Yeah, still not feeling the Illinois design. After the pain of losing the Chief, the feathers are just kinda sad. I like grey, its kinda cool.

I dig NU and Penn's.

Not feeling what your doing with my school though...

You have obviously never driven through Kansas.

Why you make fun of me? I make concept for Auburn champions and you make fun of me. I cry tears.
Chopping off the dicks of Filipino boys and embracing causes that promote bigotry =/= strong moral character.
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Some team absolutely HAS to try that Wisconsin rivalry set idea. Absolutely HAS to. I love the idea of that.

*Disclaimer: I am not an authoritative expert on stuff...I just do a lot of reading and research and keep in close connect with a bunch of people who are authoritative experts on stuff. 😁

|| dribbble || Behance ||

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I like all of them except Illinois. I wouldn't be able to tell that it was an Illinois uniform if I didn't know. Maybe adding some blue would make it stand out as an Illinois uniform.

Detroit Falcons (NABL) | Detroit Gears (UFL)

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Im loving these rivalry sets! Theyre so out there - its great that youre pushing out of that comfort zone people here seem to stay within.

I love the PSU set btw. The logo looks amazing on the helmet without the oval outline! I wish psu was the white out team though...

Great job

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