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NFL to make thigh and knee pads mandatory.


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Just saw this on ESPN. Starting in 2013, players will be required to wear thighpads and kneepads.

End of bicycle shorts, I hope.

I wonder if kickers and punters will be exempt. I'd have to think that those positions will be the most inconvenienced. In addition is there a correlation between leg padding and injury reduction?

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Punters can't be exempted - they're fair game on the return. Same for blocked field goals, so kickers would have to wear them as well.

But I'd be interested to know what's spurring this, too.

The whole "look! we really care about your well being...now look away while we talk about that 18 games thing again..." situation is what's spurring this.


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Punters can't be exempted - they're fair game on the return. Same for blocked field goals, so kickers would have to wear them as well.

But I'd be interested to know what's spurring this, too.

The whole "look! we really care about your well being...now look away while we talk about that 18 games thing again..." situation is what's spurring this.

the cynic in me says that this is just a PR stunt to say "we care about safety" when they damn well know that the real safety risks involve repeated above the neck injuries.

HBO real sports did an extensive series on how the nfl had been actively hiring medical professionals and create conflicting head injury research in an attempt to discredit independent medical research. The subject matter is pretty compelling.

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Wow, I didn't even know not wearing them was an option (I thought they were like inserts in most pants anyhow). Are there any prominent players that don't wear them? I usually never notice when I'm watching them on TV so I always assumed they were just standard equipment.

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Wow, I didn't even know not wearing them was an option. Are there any prominent players that don't wear them? I usually never notice when I'm watching them on TV so I always assumed they were just standard equipment.

Pretty much every skill position player outside of QBs and RBs.



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Wow, I didn't even know not wearing them was an option. Are there any prominent players that don't wear them? I usually never notice when I'm watching them on TV so I always assumed they were just standard equipment.

Pretty much every skill position player outside of QBs and RBs.

Yeesh, I never noticed that then. I just remember back in high school and before, they were mandatory so I guess I just assumed that was the case higher up too.

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When did they become optional to begin with? I remember everyone still wearing their pads back in the 90's. I then started to notice more and more players going padless, but I don't know when this trend began and if it was because of a rule change.

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Wow, I didn't even know not wearing them was an option. Are there any prominent players that don't wear them? I usually never notice when I'm watching them on TV so I always assumed they were just standard equipment.

Pretty much every skill position player outside of QBs and RBs.

Yeesh, I never noticed that then. I just remember back in high school and before, they were mandatory so I guess I just assumed that was the case higher up too.

Even most lineman stopped wearing them.


I can't imagine playing at that level without protecting your knees.


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yeah, a good number of rbs it seems dont wear knee pads and light thigh pads, i dont think this will be a big deal, players in college wear super thin pads, so i think if its mandatory many players will just put placeholders in their pants, or just take a fine if thats what it takes.

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