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The home jersey is phenomenal in my opinion and the away is great too! I like the third jersey, just not as much as the current one. All of these concepts look good though. I really like the Hawks third and the Stars. Keep up the good work Dylan!

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Thanks Justin... Like I said, I'm gonna go back in and play around with the Gray, I'll see if there's anything I can do with the alternate, I've been thinking of making the white outlines on the flag patterns a little thinner

I really like my Hurricanes concept, but I'm not sure it's completely done now that I look at it



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Been a few days since I put anything up... I've been working on a few new concepts both to show off here and for the ongoing HJC Open over at HockeyJerseyConcepts.com. So for this next post, the Coyotes... Basically just a mixture of their past identity and their current one since I'm not a fan of their current look. The underutilize the sand color which looks very nice paired up with that brick red.


Closer Looks

Home Jersey

Away Jersey

Alternate Jersey

My bad for the large image, didn't realize how large it was before I posted



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I really like the Phoenix set! The home and away are perfect! Good work as usual, Dylan. I think these just knocked me out of the HJC Open! Also I saw the photo of your Sarnia jersey in real life. Looks great!

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This looks really good. Although, I think the home jersey would be better without any white, it already has the sand colour so the white seems unnecessary. Also I think the white jersey could use more red, possibly below the sleeve and hem stripes.


stevengrantdesign.blogspot.com - Twitter: @StevenGrant94 - Instagram: @stevengrant94


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Justin - thanks! I dunno man, your avs concept is just incredible. My first thought when I saw it was " oh :censored:,"

Lycan - thanks a lot man!

Grant - I tred the no white thing on the home and it was too dark overall. As for the white jersey I wanted to keep the jerseys consistent.



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That is worlds ahead of what they have now, though they ARE using their three stripes as a nice visual trademark.

Also, Friz Quadrata just is not right. It's used a lot more by the Coyotes than it should be ? and it feels dated to me.

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New Concept time, This time....Buffalo Sabres. Concocted a new logo made of a couple different Sabres logo, meant to keep the classic look and adding a modern edge to it. Kept the blue and yellow and didn't make the striping too outrageous, just simple. Black alternate keeps the blue and yellow, but brings in black as a callback to the old black red and white days.


Closer Looks -






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All of these are fantastic!

Stars: First off, thank you for connecting the lines at the top point of the star. I know that it's supposed to make an 'A' and possibly pay homage to the ol' North Stars, but that's always bugged me. The alternate is fantastic; who knew the star logo alone would make such a strong logo?

Blackhawks: Whoa, that's a lot of stripes! But as far as fauxbacks go, it's pretty good.

Kings: I can't believe it but the old Burger King logo actually works on that template for some reason... I don't know why but I'm totally digging that alternate! If you're going to bring back purple though, I would like to see some more yellow, I've always liked purple and yellow as a color combo and I'm disappointed that the Kings don't use it anymore.

Hurricanes: I love that you modified the 'Canes alt logo so that it actually means "hurricane warning" and not "tropical storm warning". I tried to do the same in my NHL series but I honestly think yours came out looking better. In mine I flipped the stick to where the blade would be parallel to the ground because I couldn't find a way to fit the two flags on the stick as it was, but I see that you figured it out and it looks great. I really really like that alternate uniform too, kinda reminds me of what the Habs have going, but it's really awesome looking.

Coyotes: These are impressive! I've always loved the striping pattern of the 90s Coyotes and the logos of the modern day 'Yotes and you've tied them together so well. I think though, that the full bodied coyote would look better on the black alt and the coyote head would look better on the home and away jerseys. Don't get me wrong, I love the full body logo, I just think that the head is better for a primary. Full bodied logos, IMO, should always just be used for alternates.

Sabres: I like what you've done here, I did the same thing when working on my Sabres concept with the swords from the 90s combining them with the old school logo. Good stuff. I also really like the striping pattern, it's different but it works. What I don't like is the alt. Maybe if it were a different color, like navy or something, but not black. Especially since there is no black in the primary home or away.

Great stuff here. If I had to rank them:

#1. Coyotes

#2. Hurricanes

#3. Stars

#4. Sabres

#5. Kings

#6. Blackhawks

Keep up the good work!

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I did a Sabres logo like that too but I really like how the white in yours "pops." The home and away jerseys are great. I really like the simplified striping. I just wonder if they could use a shoulder patch of some kind? I agree with Heitert about the alternate, though. I can't wait to see what's next!

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I was thinking of adding the two sabres crossed as a shoulder patch but the sabres have never used a shoulder patch to my knowledge, thought I'd keep it that way.

The Sabres used the primary logo as a shoulder patch back in the day.


Not to mention the crossed sabre B from the Goathead and Buffaslug eras (which would look fantastic in this concept)


On September 20, 2012 at 0:50 AM, 'CS85 said:

It's like watching the hellish undead creakily shuffling their way out of the flames of a liposuction clinic dumpster fire.

On February 19, 2012 at 9:30 AM, 'pianoknight said:

Story B: Red Wings go undefeated and score 100 goals in every game. They also beat a team comprised of Godzilla, the ghost of Abraham Lincoln, 2 Power Rangers and Betty White. Oh, and they played in the middle of Iraq on a military base. In the sand. With no ice. Santa gave them special sand-skates that allowed them to play in shorts and t-shirts in 115 degree weather. Jesus, Zeus and Buddha watched from the sidelines and ate cotton candy.

POTD 5/24/12POTD 2/26/17


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Now that you bring those up I realize that the jersey I was looking at (1977-78) while working on the concept didn't have the shoulder patches. I don't know what i was thinking when typing that... I apologize



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Well since I've made myself look stupid in that last post, I'll go ahead and add an update to the Sabres Alternate. Some people didn't care for the black jersey, so I switched things up and the black has been demoted to the stripe color




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I really like the Sabres home and road. They alternates are quite good but I am not a fan of having black and blue together. Doesn't look quite right for them. Perhaps white or silver.

Yeah between the two alternates I like the first one better. I really wanted to use black somehow since the home and road are based off of the old blue and white jerseys so I wanted to callback to the late 90's somehow. If I can't find a decent way to use black maybe I'll try a yellow jersey (probably won't look good) or just a blue jersey with different striping



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I really like the Sabres home and road. They alternates are quite good but I am not a fan of having black and blue together. Doesn't look quite right for them. Perhaps white or silver.

Yeah between the two alternates I like the first one better. I really wanted to use black somehow since the home and road are based off of the old blue and white jerseys so I wanted to callback to the late 90's somehow. If I can't find a decent way to use black maybe I'll try a yellow jersey (probably won't look good) or just a blue jersey with different striping

A yellow jersey could work. What I have been toying with regards to the black and red era of the Sabres. Is adding red in place of yellow. Perhaps something like that might work.

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