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Smiling birds


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Laying in my brother's Brooklyn apartment at 2 AM with a 5 AM wake up call for a flight at 730, I thought of what everyone would in that situation, "What would the Blue Jays and Cardinals look like if they used the Orioles' smiling bird logo?". So i took screenshot of each logo on the mothership's pages, then when I got to Philly(The flight from NYC to Philly was literally 20 minutes), I sketched up these in like 5 minutes. I got back to Indiana and made them on inkscape.

So look, look with your special eyes.



Anyone want them separated for avatars?

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But Mbannon, I have family in Martinsville

I went to school nearby, ever heard of Indiana? haha

Nice country round dem parts. No like northern Indiana, which is boring as hell.

Love the birds, nice work.

Hey now, don't be badtalking northern Indiana.

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It's definitely a comfort thing, but I'd recommend it to anyone. I've used for like 3 years, and figured out how to use it to it's full potential. I would look up gingerbreadman's tutorial first, but I would do it!

Seriously, look at CJayZ's work and that is what inkscape can do

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