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2012 NFL Season Thread


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A heart attack is a textbook example of a natural cause of death.

Brett Favre's 58-year old father dying while behind the wheel of his car was "natural". RIGHT. And Grizzly Adams had a beard....

It does not matter where he had the heart attack. Again, we can discuss semantics all night, but the textbook definition of a "natural death" accounts for heart attacks, be they on a plane, in a mine, underneath Rex Ryan's couch, etc.

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A heart attack is a textbook example of a natural cause of death.

Brett Favre's 58-year old father dying while behind the wheel of his car was "natural". RIGHT. And Grizzly Adams had a beard....

You can have a heart attack when you're 58. Hell, you can have a fatal heart attack when you're 18 (although that's less likely).

Yes, you can. And you guys are flailing away at each other without the one piece of information you need: whether Favre's father died from the heart attack (i.e. it would have killed him in or out of the car) or the resulting accident. If the former, it's natural; if the latter, it's accidental with the heart attack as a contributing factor.

Resume flailing.


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Yes, you can. And you guys are flailing away at each other without the one piece of information you need: whether Favre's father died from the heart attack or the resulting accident. If the former, it's natural; if the latter, it's accidental with the heart attack as a contributing factor.

Resume flailing,.

"It didn't appear that the accident was serious enough to cause him to be unconscious, so that leads us to believe that a medical condition was what caused him to go off the road," Gazzo said.


Take that for what it's worth, but I interpret that as meaning that the accident itself did not kill him.


And I concur with CS85, why are we still talking about this? :P

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So what everyone is saying here is: Brett Favre and his family should have grieved less than the Chiefs because K.C. saw a monster at work and Brett's father simply succumbed to natural casues.



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Pretty much. I stopped caring, I have no idea why anyone cares. All we've accomplished is realizing we all feel differently about this and we're simply not going to agree on any of it.

It's like the political thread, but we're all playing the part of tank.

"You are nothing more than a small cancer on this message board. You are not entertaining, you are a complete joke."


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According to cbsports.com the NFL is saying the Panthers-Chiefs game will be played as scheduled.

Disgusting move from Goodell, as the reports are that the Chiefs' players were begging him to postpone or cancel the game. Of course, Roger only seems to care about $$$$.

Would love to see some of those reports you're talking about. I think they have to play the game. Even if we throw the standard NFL protocol/competitive balance issues out the window, which we should in this terrible tragedy, what does playing the game on Monday night do to give closure to anyone in the organization? The reason anyone would give to cancel tomorrow's game would be to acknowledge the tragedy, but would anyone be calling for a cancellation if Belcher had killed only his girlfriend and not himself?

Cancelling the game would be a result of Belcher's death, and you don't cancel a game to acknowledge the death of a murderer. Period.

I don't think it's that simple. The fact that he did this all at the teams' facility and even involved the head coach makes this a matter that personally and directly affects everyone on the Chiefs roster.

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So what everyone is saying here is: Brett Favre and his family should have grieved less than the Chiefs because K.C. saw a monster at work and Brett's father simply succumbed to natural casues.


Brett Farve is one guy. The Chiefs are an entire team, who lost not only a star player and friend but his child's mother in circumstances far more tragic and disturbing that something relatively natural like a heart attack induced car crash.

If you can't see the difference you really are beyond reasoning with.

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Pretty much. I stopped caring, I have no idea why anyone cares. All we've accomplished is realizing we all feel differently about this and we're simply not going to agree on any of it.

It's like the political thread, but we're all playing the part of tank.

Agreed. It was a cute little debate, but it's pretty much run its course.

After this weekend, I doubt many of us outside K.C. will remember... see, I've already forgotten his name ...anyways.


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At this point, I would love not to focus on a football game, specifically the one slated to take place Sunday at noon Central time between the Chiefs and Carolina Panthers at Arrowhead Stadium.

Unfortunately, that's exactly what I'm doing, because the game is expected to be played as scheduled.

I'm appalled that the team and league are sticking to the script, and I question the logic behind the decision. Pardon my skepticism, and that of one Chiefs player who predicted this in the wake of the tragedy: "It's all about money," he said.


I communicated with two Chiefs players in the immediate aftermath of the tragedy, and while neither was enthusiastic about the prospect of playing Sunday, both seemed resigned to the notion. When I asked one player how the league could expect him and his teammates to be ready to play so quickly after the incident, he replied, "Because it's the NFL. Do they really care?"


Still think it's super-important for this game to be played right now? :rolleyes:


POTD: 2/4/12 3/4/12

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According to cbsports.com the NFL is saying the Panthers-Chiefs game will be played as scheduled.

Disgusting move from Goodell, as the reports are that the Chiefs' players were begging him to postpone or cancel the game. Of course, Roger only seems to care about $$$$.

You'll use any excuse to try and bash the man, won't you?

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You'll use anything to try and bash the man, won't you?

No, but considering the players' opinions, the fact that the game will still be played is worthy of criticism IMO.

No, it's not.

Goodell's job is make sure the league runs smoothly. That's what he's doing here. What happened is unfortunate, but he has to do something, and deciding that the game will be played is a valid decision. There really isn't an easy answer or playbook for this sort of thing. It's a difficult decision for a difficult situation.

And don't feed me the line of "look at what the players want!" You decided to blame Goodell before you posted those quotes.

Like ESPN with Jay Cutler you're willing to perform mental gymnastics to justify blasting a guy you've already decided you hate.

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do you know at this time, where Belcher shot himself? if he didn't shoot himself in the head, i hope they look at his brain to see if he had any concussions/brain damage from playing.

Reports said when he entered the stadium that he was holding a gun to his head, so one can only assume that was where he ultimately fired.

The CTE stuff I'm not sure will have an impact considering his age.

"You are nothing more than a small cancer on this message board. You are not entertaining, you are a complete joke."


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Chris Henry was 26 when he died, and when his brain was autopsied they found CTE.

That's the scary thing - it's not necessary some old man's disease. It can affect very young men as well, with the depression and aggression and reckless behavior and possibly suicide.

That's why I was urging caution before all the facts were known, but if he shot himself in the head we might never know.

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Chris Henry was 26 when he died, and when his brain was autopsied they found CTE.

That's the scary thing - it's not necessary some old man's disease. It can affect very young men as well, with the depression and aggression and reckless behavior and possibly suicide.

That's why I was urging caution before all the facts were known, but if he shot himself in the head we might never know.

Interesting, but it makes sense. It's easy to forget that these guys have been playing football since they were little kids.

"You are nothing more than a small cancer on this message board. You are not entertaining, you are a complete joke."


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