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The Big Ol' Counterfeit Jersey Thread

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Again, nothing personal, but I have to wonder who the real "losers" are here.

The people that had their intellectual property stolen.

The people's who I.P. it is already got paid. The theft is taking the cash out of the corporation's pockets, not the artist.

Which makes it more justifiable because...? By that logic, shoplifting is okay because the cashier's going to get paid no matter what. Corporations = teh evilz. Screw those guys!


There comes a point when you don't stand for the constant heartbreak anymore, and walk away.

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Again, nothing personal, but I have to wonder who the real "losers" are here.

The people that had their intellectual property stolen.

And the people with no concept of right or wrong.

:rolleyes: Do you seriously think that anyone who has ever worn a piece of counterfeit merchandise has "no concept of right or wrong?" Do you realize how broad of a brush you're painting with there? The number of people who have worn counterfeit merchandise is a lot higher than you think it is. In fact I wouldn't be surprised if you, yourself, have worn counterfeit merchandise.

I'd hate to know what you think of people who actually commit crimes.

Dude, I'm talking about you, Mr. Defend Everyone From IP Thieves to Pedophiles.


POTD: 2/4/12 3/4/12

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Does anyone else find it ironic that loogodude90 left the "TM" on his avatar?

No, but it's quite ironic that you took it out of yours... well, all of yours.

I'm not going to take the time to edit out the TM of a logo image. Sorry if that bothers you.


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Again, nothing personal, but I have to wonder who the real "losers" are here.

The people that had their intellectual property stolen.

And the people with no concept of right or wrong.

:rolleyes: Do you seriously think that anyone who has ever worn a piece of counterfeit merchandise has "no concept of right or wrong?" Do you realize how broad of a brush you're painting with there? The number of people who have worn counterfeit merchandise is a lot higher than you think it is. In fact I wouldn't be surprised if you, yourself, have worn counterfeit merchandise.

I'd hate to know what you think of people who actually commit crimes.

Dude, I'm talking about you, Mr. Defend Everyone From IP Thieves to Pedophiles.

Oh, ok. So it's ok for you to commit crimes, but no one else. Ok, LightsOut. :rolleyes:


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Does anyone else find it ironic that loogodude90 left the "TM" on his avatar?

No, but it's quite ironic that you took it out of yours... well, all of yours.

I'm not going to take the time to edit out the TM of a logo image. Sorry if that bothers you.

The difference is I'm not defending IP thieves; you are.


There comes a point when you don't stand for the constant heartbreak anymore, and walk away.

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^ I admire the well intentioned but ultimately futile efforts at arguing against something driven entirely by the laws of economics on the basis that it's technically against intellectual property law.

Laws of Economics? Lets see what the Constitution says:

Article I Section VIII (The 7th Enumerated power of Congress)

To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries;

Who cares if it violates economic "law" it violates the law of the country.

PotD May 11th, 2011
looooooogodud: June 7th 2010 - July 5th 2012


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Again, nothing personal, but I have to wonder who the real "losers" are here.

The people that had their intellectual property stolen.

And the people with no concept of right or wrong.

:rolleyes: Do you seriously think that anyone who has ever worn a piece of counterfeit merchandise has "no concept of right or wrong?" Do you realize how broad of a brush you're painting with there? The number of people who have worn counterfeit merchandise is a lot higher than you think it is. In fact I wouldn't be surprised if you, yourself, have worn counterfeit merchandise.

I'd hate to know what you think of people who actually commit crimes.

Dude, I'm talking about you, Mr. Defend Everyone From IP Thieves to Pedophiles.

Oh, ok. So it's ok for you to commit crimes, but no one else. Ok, LightsOut. :rolleyes:

What crime has he been charged for or admitted to?

PotD May 11th, 2011
looooooogodud: June 7th 2010 - July 5th 2012


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Again, nothing personal, but I have to wonder who the real "losers" are here.

The people that had their intellectual property stolen.

And the people with no concept of right or wrong.

:rolleyes: Do you seriously think that anyone who has ever worn a piece of counterfeit merchandise has "no concept of right or wrong?" Do you realize how broad of a brush you're painting with there? The number of people who have worn counterfeit merchandise is a lot higher than you think it is. In fact I wouldn't be surprised if you, yourself, have worn counterfeit merchandise.

I'd hate to know what you think of people who actually commit crimes.

Dude, I'm talking about you, Mr. Defend Everyone From IP Thieves to Pedophiles.

Oh, ok. So it's ok for you to commit crimes, but no one else. Ok, LightsOut. :rolleyes:

What crime has he been charged for or admitted to?

Paying attention isn't exactly your strong suit, is it?


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Again, nothing personal, but I have to wonder who the real "losers" are here.

The people that had their intellectual property stolen.

And the people with no concept of right or wrong.

:rolleyes: Do you seriously think that anyone who has ever worn a piece of counterfeit merchandise has "no concept of right or wrong?" Do you realize how broad of a brush you're painting with there? The number of people who have worn counterfeit merchandise is a lot higher than you think it is. In fact I wouldn't be surprised if you, yourself, have worn counterfeit merchandise.

I'd hate to know what you think of people who actually commit crimes.

Dude, I'm talking about you, Mr. Defend Everyone From IP Thieves to Pedophiles.

Oh, ok. So it's ok for you to commit crimes, but no one else. Ok, LightsOut. :rolleyes:

What crime has he been charged for or admitted to?

Paying attention isn't exactly your strong suit, is it?

Perhaps (Hell who am I kidding what that perhaps) that squiggily thing at the end of my sentence confused you. A ? is known as a question mark which indicates that an interrogative sentence has occurred. It was a question. If you have the answer to this query please provide it, if not just go back to defending counterfeiters and child predators.

PotD May 11th, 2011
looooooogodud: June 7th 2010 - July 5th 2012


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Again, nothing personal, but I have to wonder who the real "losers" are here.

The people that had their intellectual property stolen.

The people's who I.P. it is already got paid. The theft is taking the cash out of the corporation's pockets, not the artist.

Well in theory, how much a company is willing to pay for design services is proportional to how much they think they'll make from it. If they're not making as much due to counterfeiters, it's possible that their budget goes down next time (and someone else who is studying them as a case study to determine how much they themselves should budget would under value the work).

Also, if the designer gets "points" on the sales, then that's even a more direct loss (not sure how common that is in the industry though.)

"The views expressed here are mine and do not reflect the official opinion of my employer or the organization through which the Internet was accessed."

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Can someone explain to me how to spot a fake. I'm what you would call a novice when it comes to jersey's. I have 2 and both were purchased at the packers pro shop so i know they are legit.


Part owner in the Green Bay Packers

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Can someone explain to me how to spot a fake. I'm what you would call a novice when it comes to jersey's. I have 2 and both were purchased at the packers pro shop so i know they are legit.

Among other things, some indications could be crooked, wrongly-sized, or just flat out wrong lettering, numbers, wordmarks, etc. Those are probably the most obvious indications.

Truth is though, that many fakes are so well made that it's hard to even tell.


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Can someone explain to me how to spot a fake. I'm what you would call a novice when it comes to jersey's. I have 2 and both were purchased at the packers pro shop so i know they are legit.

Unless it comes from the Leagues official online shop or a website that has a NORTH AMERICAN phone number or retail store location listed on it's site then it's safe to say its fake. If you see a website that says "cheap wholesale NFL jerseys for sale" its 100000000% FAKE. Just a tip on buying jerseys online.

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Truth is though, that many fakes are so well made that it's hard to even tell.

Really? Everything I've ever seen posted anywhere as "yeah I got this from an Asian knockoff site" is such obvious garbage. The letters and numbers are terrible.

Well, I actually don't own any fake jerseys, and I've only seen a few in person (well, at least ones that I know for a fact are fake, since the person wearing it told me), so maybe more of them look like garbage than I think.

I do own a couple of counterfeit hats though (at least I think they are counterfeit - I bought them off the street in NYC Chinatown, so I am assuming they are counterfeit), and they look great.


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Its no speeding ammirite?

They can both be construed as bull :censored: crimes. It just depends on who you ask and how much they care about either one. Technically, though, they are both crimes. We've been over this, I would hope it's sunk in by now. But based on your track record, I'm not going to hold my breath.

And you don't need to end every post with "amirite?"

P.S. Let the record show that charjerk77 brought the crime of speeding into the conversation this time. Maybe he's finally acknowledging that it's a crime.


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