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Ren69-- The work you are doing here is beyond amazing. The attention to detail in your vectors, especially with the additional shading you have added really makes each one of these "updates", a work of art. I personally have a million different pics I'd love to see done, but if on your loooong list of requests you could take a shot at these, I'd greatly appreciate it


Ren do you mind if I take a crack at this. I'm not trying to threadjack or anything.

Go for it! All help is appreciated.

I hope I did this logo justice, It's not perfect but an update for sure


Like you said definite upgrade. However, I do think it could be improved on by making all the hair marks thicker. Some of the logos Ren re makes with small details he conjoins into thicker, bigger, and sharper cuts. I think that could really work here.

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As a Milwaukee Admirals fan from their IHL days, an AWESOME Christmas present would be to see an updated version of this.


I second this.

Every logo you've done so far has been nothing short of amazing. Keep up the good work.

Reposting this so it doesn't get lost in the shuffle. Amazing work!

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How about a crack at this oldie but goodie?


The Chargers and this website already have you covered to an extent:


similar but not the same. the updated logo is more slender where the old one posted is shorter and fatter. The font is thinner and doesn't have the pacific blue outline on the "chargers" and has San Diego across the top in the older logo posted.

this could use an update.




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How about a crack at this oldie but goodie?


The Chargers and this website already have you covered to an extent:


similar but not the same. the updated logo is more slender where the old one posted is shorter and fatter. The font is thinner and doesn't have the pacific blue outline on the "chargers" and has San Diego across the top in the older logo posted.

This is what I was going to say. Thanks! :)

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This is my last request, the original SF 49ers logo. As you'll all see later I have a very specific reason for requesting it. Also I'm working on the Generals and Chicacgo Packers logos now. The Generals is much more a true update than just a better rendering of what they had 30 years ago. Many thanks in advance!



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