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Michigan state & twins concepts


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no, no concpet yet, i'm just announcing that i am releasing a michigan state baseball concept (as in nowadays, not TATC), and also my Twins TATC.  The link will be here tonight or tomorrow, so get ready :D


A strong mind gets high off success, a weak mind gets high off bull🤬

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Hope the Twins TATC incorporates the Twins and Sox guys shakin hands.

Those guys are supposed to represent the cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul, which is why they're straddling the Mississippi River...

I would refer (but not remote load) to this for a good picture...


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Some good things here, and IMO some bad things here as well. Firstly, is this a TATC concept?

Anyway, since I'm not going to get into your use of green or the font on the front, I'll just say that on all of the jerseys except for the home, the name on the back has too many outlines for a serifed font. This would work better with a more block type font, or else drop some outlines.

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thanks fellas, i needed that.  it's been crazy here, two deaths in my family a week apart :( i'm going to be a pallbearer for one in a few days, so i have to push the Twins TATC release back AGAIN...the phone will be ringing off the hook :P which sucks cus i am ready to release that and a giants TATC (both very risque designs, i assure you)...


A strong mind gets high off success, a weak mind gets high off bull🤬

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