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Another NBA crossover. (NBA to MLB) (GS added)


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Welcome, this is my first ever concept, and I'm just getting my feet wet with concepts and coming fresh from a beginner's photoshop class at my high school.

Anyways, I saw the NBA to NFL thread, and got inspired by that thread to make this crossover.


  • I haven't really watched or payed attention to baseball, so these may not look like traditional baseball jerseys.
  • Most NBA logos can actually be replaced with a baseball, so I feel like I can get away with unmodified ones. Some, however (ex. Miami Primary) won't work at all, so I'll avoid ones like that.
  • I've done a Home and a Road Jersey, and may come back to do Alternates.
  • I'll try to post a West/East concept in every update.
  • Updates may not be constant.

So first up, we have my Phoenix Suns. I wanted to put the Sunburst on their jerseys in, but thought it would be too weird. Should I have?


Next up is the Orlando Magic. I like this one, because it reminds me more of a baseball jersey and is decent imo.


So guys, any constructive criticism? Should I continue? Any team suggestions?

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These are great for the most part. Only a few suggestions:

-Add some gray pants for each team

-Use the Orlando "O" or the star for the hat and helmet logo. Color it either white or silver so it'll be easier to see.

-Change the color of the numbers on the white Suns jersey from black to purple.

This is a very good start however and I could definitely see these being used as actual baseball uniforms. These two teams' looks really transition over the baseball very well.

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-Change the color of the numbers on the white Suns jersey from black to purple.

The numbers on the actual Suns white jersey is black, so I assume that's why it's black here.

These are really well done. Can't wait to see more.


Thanks Dolphins91 for the jersey avatars.

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