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  1. Past hour
  2. I meant from Spring Training. I was hoping they would darken the navy but they didn’t
  3. The piping on the jersey is now red instead of white.
  4. Braves finally breaking out the navy alts. Doesn’t look like any changes were made from ST
  5. It's an example idea. Another route would be rotating opponents each season so that each team can play everyone else at least once in a six year span OR a pairing rotation that switches after two years. So, in the case of Arizona... Year/Pairing 1 - Albany and Dakota Year/Pairing 2 - Columbus and Fishers Year/Pairing 3 - Georgia and Green Bay Year/Pairing 4 - Jacksonville and Iowa Year/Pairing 5 - Massachusetts and Quad City Year/Pairing 6 - Orlando and Sioux Falls
  6. Braves in the navy jerseys tonight. First time in regular season right?
  7. Today
  8. https://www.instagram.com/p/C6jumvtRDag/?igsh=MWNjamEyZHJtcWZiaA== The Stallions have locked up a playoff berth with Memphis losing..
  9. If there’s any logo the Titans should be using on a helmet, it should be the current alternate logo T-Sword Ball & Stars logo. It has the state logo rendered as a shield and would fit better with the sword shoulder pattern on the jerseys.
  10. Yes, I can blame her because she's deciding to be petty when there is no need to be. Capitalism and trademark law doesnt excuse one's decision to....***act in a less than empathetic way*** .... as a means to potentially accrue more money. This whole thing really just reeks of manufactured drama on both clubs part to bring in more attention($$$) and hype up a rivalry (again, for more $$$).
  11. Georgia has Guardian cap covers with the helmet design. I wonder if the NFL rolls with these as well.
  12. Yesterday
  13. Lol I forgot he went to Baltimore.
  14. Just thought of a pun: If they were still called the Oilers, we could call him "Oil Derrick" Henry
  15. • Keep the Titans name • Use the Oilers throwbacks full time with proper away jersey • Add third navy blue jersey with silver helmet and pants Essentially this, but swap the Columbia/Luv Ya/whatever blue for navy on the silver
  16. I doubt people in LA resonated with rams, trolley dodging, or lakes. The name, uniform, and logo were all perfect so they should have stayed. Now we've got a flaming thumbtack and Love Ya Blue pit stains! Life stinks
  17. Probably why teams who want new stadiums will probably get stadiums in the suburbs of their current market anyways if they choose not to renovate.
  18. Chiefs are probably going to end up in Kansas anyways.
  19. There's no space in the metro area. The Alamodome is a good short term solution, but the stadium is likely to be between San Marcos and Austin. There's enough people down here to put their own money in, including the Hunts, but they would ask the state and cities to put up half the money for it at a minimum.
  20. There are zero viable US markets for the foreseeable future. I don’t know if Toronto is a non-starter, but I don’t think relocation threats work in the NFL anymore unless it’s within the same market. Unless some billionaire in San Diego is willing to privately finance a stadium and buy a team that’s not even for sale.
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