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Everything posted by Cosmic

  1. Kinda like how Jagr overlapped the Christmas Devils by two years, and is still chugging along. And wore the NHL 75th anniversary patch, as well as the NHL 100 one.
  2. As long as the Bruins aren't the home team, it doesn't sound that strange for a one-time event.
  3. Hmmm... maybe that explains the TV commercial for UCLA women's gymnastics season tickets I saw today... in Buffalo.
  4. The Fox Trax pucks had it, and I don't remember them being blown apart all the time. That could just be an effect of not having every single thing in the world on the Internet back then, though.
  5. I've thought for a while that the glow puck technology could be used to just make the puck blacker and more visible. The execution was very cheesy and 90s, but the idea was solid.
  6. Glad the Army's legal team finished the massive bender they were on in time to file an extension. The Creator has offered nonstop evidence that he is ripping off West Point.
  7. Good to see that the guy who did the Mighty Ducks' opening show is still around...
  8. I would go across the street from my own grandmother's gas station to save a penny per gallon.
  9. Unpopular opinion alert: sports teams aren't deserving of my "loyalty" any more than my gas station or grocery store. Just do whatever makes you feel good. Life is too short to be bound by a nebulous, one-way loyalty agreement with a business.
  10. Any combo except colored monochrome... they can just mix and match IMO. I don't think they have a bad look.
  11. Thanks. Very weird and not good, but at least it's still there.
  12. For around the last week, I can't read notifications or (as I just found out) sign in on Chrome for Android. Three different devices are having the same problem, on wi-fi and mobile data. They're all up-to-date AFAIK. When I click on the three lines in the upper right corner, the screen dims like it normally does, but nothing ever pops up. I can use the other buttons at the top; it's just the important one that's the problem. Anyone else?
  13. Puck Podcast is Lozo-less, because I have no idea who the guy is.
  14. Now that they're actually trying to win, I think it's the final thing that hasn't been tried yet (well, not in a long time). If things don't start to resolve in the next few years, I don't really see how it can go on.
  15. Unless they do it in Week 1 against the Patriots, the Kansas City Chiefs will have gone 30 years without winning a game with a QB they drafted. The last one was
  16. The Utah Jazz do NOT sponsor the Salt Lake City Jazz Festival; this is unforgivable.
  17. What? You've never heard of the Special Administrative Region of Clearwater?
  18. You can get wasted and gamble pretty much anywhere now. Ask Atlantic City.
  19. I like the idea behind that United We Stand project, but it completely fails on one of those "official" rules. 45 out of the 51 flags have a 5-point star, and they're all crammed into the RWB color scheme. That's not exactly distinctive.
  20. Welcome to the Good Business Decision Aggregator?
  21. Do you guys normally gravitate towards video news stories, sports or otherwise? If it's a sports highlight or a news story that has a compelling video component, sure. Other than that? I normally run the other way. I find it normally takes a video three minutes to tell me what I can read in 30 seconds. If Fox is headed towards mostly video, I won't be going there much.
  22. The concept is so good that I almost want to say yes, but it will look just as mismatched as it did during the slug era. It was designed to go with the red and black. I would, however, really like them to circle back and re-do this logo with a different B. They've never had another good shoulder patch.
  23. Does it seem to anyone else like it could be a cigarette logo? Just needs a Surgeon General's warning hem stripe.
  24. There's been talk on the news of the Sabres bidding for it, but nothing concrete. The area around the arena has come a long way from the mid-90s, but it's going to be changing a lot more over the next 3-5 years or so. The Sabres might be waiting for the right time to strike. I'm sure it's just a token waiting period for Vegas.
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