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Everything posted by Cosmic

  1. If the team wanted to find someone who "chose" the name, they're going to pick the cute little kid over the 40 YO with a scraggly beard and worn cuordoroys. And ultimately, it's the team who chose the name anyway. Picking a "winner" is a marketing scheme. To be surprised or hold it against the team seems like missing the forest for the trees (or the reef for the coral, as it were).
  2. That's true. Maybe it's my rose-colored glasses, but I feel like there were more "sincere" concepts posted than "Here's my State Bird concept series, where I have the Yankees red-breasted robin uniforms."
  3. I didn't realize it was unpopular. I don't care for them, either. They're not great. They're not bad. They're just kinda there.
  4. What about posting concept images in spoilers on threads in the "Sports Logos" section? I don't think spoilered images load until clicked on in mobile (won't eat up data or slow the page too much), and it will keep things decluttered overall. It seems to be fine to say, "I think they should do X, Y, and Z.", but posting a picture showing what it would look like if a team actually did those things is verboten. I think the concepts help visualize what people are talking about.
  5. I think a lot of the badness with the nuBills was going halfway. How many other teams change their color scheme without changing their logo at all? I always joke, "But look at those pants!", but I think the addition of "nickel" actually could look really nice at times. I was looking at that Bills helmet in a museum-- yes, that Bills helmet is in a museum somewhere-- and the stripe looks very pleasant by itself, but it doesn't match the rest of the helmet. The pants look good. The double blue doesn't work, though. The jerseys were probably doomed by the piping and the weird yoke, anyway, but they would have been better if they weren't half stuck in the past. The logo probably could have had a Seahawks-like update and recolor. And of course, changing to something similar to what the Patriots had just changed to ended up being like the mouse dressing up like the cat.
  6. I don't know if the league isn't trying hard enough or if it's just balancing out the different needs/demands of 30 different teams, but it seems like there are always weird schedule quirks. There was a standard "Sabres coach complains about compressed schedule" article recently, but they also had four days off four games into the season; that's only half a day less than a bye week.
  7. Regardless, Jordan playing baseball got a 30 for 30 because it was weird. The early Orlando Magic got their 30 for 30 because they were a huge friggin' deal at the time. We haven't even brought up Little Penny!
  8. I think you just don't appreciate the beauty here. He takes an analytics stat like adjusted shot attempts, then tries to go meta-analytics on that, only to end up (unwittingly, I'm sure) back at the regular old shots on goal stat that's so run-of-the-mill that it's been posted inside arenas for decades. So hot, it's cool. Also, they're 13th in regular ol' shots per game, so he's just wrong.
  9. The only thing that surprises me is that it's not co-branded with McDonald's in some way.
  10. Kazaam, Blue Chips, and Shaq Fu all happened before his time with the Lakers. He was a legit cultural phenomenon; name one other basketball player who had his own fighting video game! Even as a dorky white kid in a city without an NBA team 1,200 miles away, everybody knew Shaq and the Magic.
  11. Hey now, you're talking about one of the 100 greatest players in the history of the NHL there!
  12. I tried to find a picture, and ended up with, "Eh, looks pretty close. Must be him."
  13. Francois Beauchemin - 11 games with the Jackets between the end of the lockout and being traded to Anaheim. Edit: And of course a guy with a name like Francois Beauchemin was drafted by Montreal. He played one game with them. http://ourhistory.canadiens.com/player/Francois-Beauchemin
  14. The jerseys are from the era that the Jets are throwing back to now. The helmet was the start of the next Jets era.
  15. Those three are all also repeat countries for him... maybe it just felt like the right time to start a new era.
  16. The league really should have stepped in and forced him to play there at some point.
  17. Has anybody checked on Gary Bettman this morning? Is he okay?
  18. PLEASE say you had the laser background. Please please.
  19. Very weird, because he played against the Devils in that jersey when it wasn't a throwback. Red/green Devils and early Jagr overlapped by two seasons.
  20. Not so coincidentally, a bunch of those have at least some relationship with the MAC. All except the Cure Bowl, I believe. Poor MAC. Edit: and Arizona
  21. This is quite a lineup: - New Mexico State - Heard of 'em. - UT Rio Grande Valley - Only heard of because of a thread on the boards. - Seattle U - CSU Bakersfield - Chicago State - Grand Canyon U - UM Kansas City - Utah Valley - California Baptist coming soon! Not sure if I'd have pegged more than the top two as D1 teams.
  22. Wow. Did not see this coming in the Fun With Flags!!!! thread. Edit: @Ferdinand Cesarano, do you see any irony in the fact that in one thread you yell at someone for saying women aren't oppressed, and then basically tell the Estionian people that they were "civilized" by the USSR and not, in fact, oppressed themselves?
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