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Everything posted by tBBP

  1. Okay, so...on the one hand, I lament the loss of the now-previous OK ST branding, because that might have been my favorite in all of CFB and one of my favorites in sports period. Specifically, I LOVED that custom paisley they had. (Side note: that pattern, and that brand in general, is telltale evidence of the greatness that Nike is capable of producing when they focus on designing for the team instead of trying to infuse themselves into the team's brand.) That said, all the gray/silver stuff was getting long in the tooth. On the other hand...if they HAD to update, THIS is the way to do it. Simple orange, white and black...and I see they mixed in the Jason Keep-era OK ST basketball font, as well. I might have reduced the width of those cuff stripes a smidgen, but overall...this is a 10/10, with none of the obvious or even subtle Nikeistic design cues mixed in. Clean and classic..."keep" it, Oklahoma State.
  2. I still think "Warthogs" was the way to go. I don't remember who, but someone somewhere concocted a visual identity that blended imagery of the plane with enough of the animal that one could feel inclined to go either way with it and at any rate emotionally connect more than with "Commanders" (which still doesn't even roll off the tongue right when said after "Washington").
  3. That's what TikTok influence will do for ya...I guarantee that plus the forced-in CLE is what won it for her.
  4. I'm more curious as to why the wordmarks are pushed over to the sides like they are rather thx being centered on the baselines. (I noticed that with Memphis on their home floor as well...then again Memphis' home floor has been quirky for several seasons now.) Has LAL been doing that for a while or is that something new?
  5. You sure about that? Granted, aside from a font change to the chest scripts these were pretty much the same sets Phoenix came into the L with, but I don't think these, or any version of such, has ever even seen a floor since the '92 (?) change. (I could be wrong though.) I mean Tom Chambers, Jeff Hornacek, babyfaced Kevin Johnson and young Thunder Dan Majerle all sported those...I wouldn't mind seeing these come back at least once a an alternate. (But not primary though, just to be clear.)
  6. So I guess the question now becomes: at what point does lightweight becomes too lightweight??
  7. Not for nothing, but after three years of living up here it still astounds me how often I see actual people sporting actual Jacksonville Jaguars apparel way up here in South Dakota... (Tangentially related is the fact that somehow the Skyforce has remained and still is the G-League affiliate of the Miami Heat for over a decade...)
  8. Pictures, people...pictures, pictures, pictures!
  9. Imma just skip right past the acronym looniness and ask: are all the jerseys on this template gonna have the perforated numbers now?? I saw it on the ARIZONA Cardinals jerseys and thought that was yet another Nikeism. The current run of adidas NHL jerseys also had those perforated numbers, I think. I'm still trying to decide if I like them or not.
  10. Time out—where was I when this game was played? This is the first time I've seen the Panthers wear black socks with their away whites...
  11. Well this is interesting (if true): "Reportedtly", the Snatit attempted to trade Tannehill to the Falcons during the draft. Story goes on to say that they may still look to do so during the season.
  12. And that's already caused a bit of controversy. It goes back a couple months, but the fact that TSU was even willing to sell some of their campus in the first place caused quite a bit of an uproar amongst some alumni, current students and some in the community once reports got out. (This gets into some touchy areas, but because I know how certain posters get around here when topics of race get brought up, I'll leave that part out for now.) Worth noting—and I didn't even know this at first until reading that link—is that Eddie George, as in current TSU head football coach, is also part of that group, and at some point over the years developed a real estate development business of his own (good for him!).
  13. If you want the 24-minute behind-the-scenes seams version of this rebranding process, here you go. Pay particular attention to the remark made at the 2:25 timestamp regarding the alternates...
  14. Yup...expect the Nashville Stars group bid to pick up a whole lotta steam if that deal falls through. It might not make a lick of logistical sense—then again, few things in/about Nashville do make any logistical sense—but Nashville is also absolutely, unequivocally and ridiculously hellbent on building itself out as a major-league city, not to mention a major city in general (despite still being 2.3 BILLION dollars in debt...but that's another story). All that said, I'm still legitimately and oddly intrigued, for reasons I can't yet identify other than me having been there a few times, by a potential Salt Lake MLB team...
  15. I doubt they'll do it at this juncture, but I would love to see the Kings take on a new colorway. At the very least, get back to black and purple...that gray never has looked right for them. Oh and that Kings script...if they use it again, I hope someone took to cleaning it up.
  16. I feel like this statement should go into a time capsule...and 50 years from now when our grandchildren dig it up and read this, and be like, "what kind of uniforms did they wear?", I'll look at them and be like, "I ain't know then, either." That may be all and good, but now thanks to the Utah red rock and Phoenix rainbow-esque alternates (that's what I'm referring to them as--bump all that mess up above), not to mention the other NBA team that made rainbow-esque motifs part of their identity (that'd be the deer), it wouldn't even be all that unique to Denver anymore.
  17. I always did wonder what the whole Roman centurion thing was about with Ottawa...now I know. They could always reverse course on their senator imagery and go from Roman to Romulan:
  18. Time out...what's up with this here? Blue??? What'd I miss?
  19. Wasn't as much of a stomping as the final score may have made it seem. The game really didn't break open till about halfway through the third period, and then Memphis went off...only to of course, again, nearly lose it in the fourth. Both teams looked absolutely gassed by about five minutes to go in the game. Oh and Ja may have hurt himself...again. As did Luke Kennard...and AD at one point. I still think this is over in six...but we'll see what happens.
  20. Pragmatically, no. Then again, public money should never be necessary for these facilities—BUTTT, we know the day, the age, and the times we live in now. Anyway, to summarily dig into the numbers of this soon-to-be new venue: Nashville-Davidson County contribution: 760M State of Tennessee contribution: 500M Tennessee Titans contribution: 840M, plus all cost overruns. About the soon-to-be-new playplace: apparently this place will have a translucent roof, which I'm guessing will be similar to US Bank in Minneapolis. It will be built in the parking lot of the current stadium, last I knew. And about that public kick-in: it is, by far, the largest public contribution to a sports team venue in history according to some outlets. Aye caramba...
  21. It's not...but given all the other number rule changes, it should be. I'm trying to see it again...20, 21, 22, heck, 25. Bump it—33 and 36. I'm trying to see it again. #HigherQBNumberAdvocatePost
  22. Ooh...now that's an interesting thought to think about! I don't think one would go wrong one way or the other picking Miller Time or Jimmy Buckets. That said, had that last shot actually fell through the rim last season, yeah...dude's star would've been near-meteoric. As it is, he's probably one of the most underrated stars in the league right now, but one thing is for sure: come playoff time, dude's gonna bring all he's got. What you (and the rest of sports media) meant to say. For the record, I agree with you...dude chirps too much—and too disproportionately—relative to the amount of team success. I can appreciate the fact that he's embraced being "Dillon the Villain", but at the same time, it's gotta be backed up on the court. And as an individual player, his play has yet to match his mouth. That said, the grizz is done. I called Lakers in 6, I'm sticking with it.
  23. Julio Jones did in Atlanta for about a decade...
  24. Ehh, some see "classic", some see "cliché"... ...Personally, I see the current Broncos identity—as originally intended, meaning navy over white—as a modern classic all its own. And believe it or not, I've never cared for the 70s/80s/half-the-90s uniforms...and for the record, I'm not one of those people who espouse such-and-such team(s) wearing such-and-such uniform sets just because said team(s) won a 'ship or some in them. (That argument to me is just about as tired as the ongoing debate between modern and traditional not to mention the "honor the past, embrace the present/future" cliché, and probably more so.) That said, I do believe a/ those colors should definitely return—or at least a me royal hue or blue—and that b/ the uniform sets before those Morton/Elway-era sets, the three-year iteration on which the '94 throwbacks were based, are the ones the Broncos should look at basing an update on. As far as logos go...except/unless in throwback alternate form, that old horse-in-D logo needs to stay exactly where it is: in the past. I know nostalgia is a helluva drug, but not even that is strong enough to get me to believe it—or even an updated version of it—should come back. (I wouldn't be opposed to a well-done capital D mark on its own, though.) From a utility perspective, the current Horseheads beats that old logo any day in every way (versatility/embroidery/digital applications, etc.) And for having been designed way back in '95/'96, it still looks remarkably modern even by today's standards. Could it be improved upon? Sure, but it'd have to be a good update.
  25. Now THAT'S how you do a throwback. Granted, those numbers may be near-illegible unless they darken the gray some more, but for what they are...bravo
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