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Everything posted by tBBP

  1. And speaking of RIP'd Heisman campaigns...forget what I said earlier about Nashville (though as a Seminole trueblood I still laughed from a good ol' healthy place at that result): BRUH WHAT IS GOING ON IN SODA CITY RIGHT NOW??? Yeah um, Mr. Heupel, y'all gon' have some 'splainin to do later on...
  2. Many could hope--but I ain't even gonna hold my breath about it. What I WILL exhale my breath about is what just happened in Nashville... ...BREAK UP THE COMMODORES!! From losing 26 straight conference games to now winning two conference games in a row, today taking down them swamp thangs. What up with it tho???
  3. And as one who's been buried under a few of those--in upstate New York--I definitely agree. Also...I'm glad I got the chance to go see the Ralph when I did (two weeks ago)! One day I'll get there for a game, just to partake in the tailgating...
  4. Whoa, hold up--there's one for the obscure uniform detail files. I never realized the Chargers had solid navy bolts on their helmets that first, for however short-lived that was.
  5. No go ye thereforth and proclaim the same thang to all them folk who keep crying about bringing the Houston Oilers back...
  6. I've been looking for an up-close view of this, so thanks for posting! I can't tell if the pinstripes are sublimated or just dark gray (looks to be a really thin dark gray); either way that is about as perfect an execution as you can get with those--and I actually really wish the home whites had ghosted (okay, light gray, or even sublimated) pinstripes on them, as well. (Side note no one cares about: the away grays are my favorite of the set; just wish they'd have paired the TC cap with it instead of the *M.)
  7. Just dropping in to say there's still room yet for independent designers in this space--though I'm sure he still had to adhere to a pretty strictly set design brief (unless the Twins/MLB also allowed him to contribute to said brief): From Sports Illustrated online.
  8. Time out...what??? *checks NFL newswire* Ohhhhh.... Well well well... ... And from having lived there five years lemme tell ya: them Williamson County po-pos do NOT be playing, especially at that hour.
  9. So...Minnie and Paul replaced by Twin Flags. Interesting concept for the cream alts, but I'm sure a sizeable segment of (whatever exists of) Twins Nation are probably miffed the old M&P is gone--unless it ain't. (Still waiting on a logo slick, official or semi-official, to confirm.) I'll have a more thorough review later...because I'm sure you're all looking forward to my Twins New Uniform Deep Dive Analysis, right?
  10. Straight called it about those Twin Cities alts--straight cream and navy, no red.
  11. Also, I completely missed this in the Twitter Teasers, but... We'll see the rest soon enough. EDIT: there IS indeed a gray away set.
  12. Not as long as Tood Downing is still calling the offense. Reference last year's #1 overall AFC seed Snatit's dismal offensive showing in their first--and last--playoff game versus Cincinnati...and how not a dang thang has changed in that man's offensive scheming. Yeah, they beat the Packers this time (and, it should be noted, their former OC-turned-GB HC)...never forget though, that this is the Snatit we're talking about here. There's a reason I've been calling them that the past three or four years...
  13. That's a Bosack job, isn't it? Looks to be his signature style. If it is--and even if it ain't--dude smashed that one over the upper deck grandstands.
  14. You know, if the Colts' white socks had the same double stripe as the ones and jerseys, that'd be a class all-white look. Even with the blank whites, it's actually not terrible--but yeah, striped would be better. I'm pretty much in agreement with the rest of this list--as much as I can't stand Dallas, and as ambivalent as I am toward the Packers, that's still about as good a uniform matchup as we'll get on any given Sunday, so yeah--it belongs up top.
  15. You know what they say: nostalgia is a helluva drug...
  16. And theeerrrree it is--called it. Red script and navy number on front of the home whites, all single layer. I presume it'll be (at least it better be) navy NOB red number on back. Also, kudos to whoever it was that spotted the serifs on the numbers being inspired by the serifs on the (I presume to be) now-outgoing wordmark.
  17. It's been on my list for a good while--that and the Jazz Museum I believe right next to it--I just haven't yet had the off time or opportunity to do it. But soon, bro...I promise. I got to go see that! As for the site you named...I was thinking that area over toward the USPS building further down 18th at I think Indiana might have been another possible option, but wasn't sure. Then again that may be a little further out than what you're talking about. You know what--if they wanted to blow up that Flying J down there at 435 and Front Street, the Blue Beacon across from it, and plop down a new stadium and parking there, I wouldn't even be mad
  18. I'm just curious where in downtown--or close to--they're looking to build this thing. Knock down some stuff in the West Bottoms, maybe? Perhaps over on the river shore by Ballys? Somewhere up by the stone yard in North KC? (I haven't been through there in a while to know whether that large swath of grass is still open--last I knew they were building yet another luxury apartment building up there much like the Union Berkeley (?) one they just finished not that long ago.) I'm trying to think of where else they'd even find space in or near downtown--but they sure been looking mighty hard at something around there...
  19. I'm wondering about that, too. It looked like one of the navy t-shirts in that leak photo had a red number with white NOB--that'd be about the worst possible way to go, being that white is far more visible against navy than red. One would hope they took that crucial piece of visual hierarchy into account--but sometimes, you just never know until you know. (Which will be Friday unless someone catches a leak before then.) EDIT: looks like I guessed right on then benchmarking the Padres for the direction of their new brand identity. From TwinsDaily.com:
  20. Because it's always good/fun to read these things... ...Here's your breakdown of the crest's meaning. I'm glad they explained the overall shape, because I was curious before I saw that particular point. I suppose that's a pretty neat way to combine the forms of the ship's bow and (I presume a traditional heraldic) shield--but something about the curvatures at the top of the shape mildly bugs me. Looks just the slightest bit off. I'm curious if they could have enlarged their monogram a little bit, to emphasize RI (Rhode Island) a little more. I get that they wanted to drive home the point of the anchor--but that's really a minor nitpick in the grand scheme of things. Speaking of the anchor...I get the reasoning behind combining the anchor with lightning bolts; I just don't know that I like it in that guise. I get spider vibes from the finished shape. "Rhode Island Amber"...now this makes sense, and now I'm curious how other squada hadn't thought to use this color before. True, they came about it via a different explanation, but doing what I've been doing the past twelve years I'm so used to seeing amber marker lights all over the place I guess it's only a wonder I haven't seen the color pop up on some team's branding yet. (And while I don't recall ever having seen amber lights on a ship, just the fact that they're so commonly used for signaling and warning resonates with me and thus this. Now for my real question: I'm seeing that light blue color they used for the section headers in that graphic, and also this: Change kit colorway, perhaps?? I don't see it much anywhere else on their website, a good thing since it allows the nav--sorry, Bay Blue--and Rhode Island Amber to breathe on their own along with the white. All that said, my only gripe with this isn't even with the club or crest, but with the continuing notion that American soccer clubs keep sticking FC after their names--yes its a personal annoyance, but an annoying annoyance nonetheless. Either call it soccer or call it football; whichever it is, use the letters to match. This club straight up spoke to that in that graphic: "we call ourselves a football club...but make no mistake, we play soccer". I'm sorry but that sentiment just seems silly as heck to me (and not just for RIFC but all the other Americsn clubs that pull this mess, too). All that said, from what I see I'll give thus a solid 9/10. Nice work there, NAIL.
  21. Funny you should bring up RSL, because I'm already seeing chatter around the interwebs & within some STLC circles that the new kit is drawing similarities to RSL...probably because of the yellow. (That'd be another reason for STLC to get rid of jt, but I doubt they will.)
  22. I believe that's pretty doggone close (like 90%) to the real thing; but we'll see come Friday, they say? If they include the front numbers I'm 100% positive it'll be navy. The big question is whether the back number will be red or navy...I'm gonna guess at navy NOB and red number, to keep with the single-layer duality going on here (which actually makes a load of sense for a team whose whole identity is built off twin entities). Now about the neck piping: whether the real jerseys include it or not is yet to be seen, but looking at that mockup, I think I prefer without, if only because it then pulls more of the eye's attention to the dual stripe motif going on (after seeing the chest script, of course). I can see how some would call that "too plain", but in this instance--and presuming they're intending to stick with this look for more than a handful of years--less is best, if only to establish a new contemporary classic aesthetic, which it looks like they may have achieved pretty well. The one I'm most curious about is the Twin Cities deal...to me its a bit redundant, considering "Twins" itself already references the Cities...and with that being on those pennants, I don't see that being a City Connect as much as part of a planned regular rotation. For one, something that simple doesn't fit Nike's MO for specialty one-offs such as City Connect and for two, I keep thinking about the supposed M* hats to come, and wondering if a Twin Cities alt jersey is to be paired with a M* hat. (And of course, the other thing about "Twin Cities": what about the rest of Minnesota? Which also is another reason the entire notion of city connect was, to me, shortsighted to begin with--especially when some teams represent entire metro if not regional areas--but that's another topic for another forum.)
  23. The only thing I can figure is that possibly the textile color was difficult to create with whatever they had on hand, so they (and by they I mean adidas) got as close as they could for the present with whatever color they have/had on hand, which happens with nontraditional colors such as this. And I'll have to see it in person to really gauge it, but yeah those kits, at least in that lighting, definitely appear on the lighter side of pink bright rose CITYRed. (As does the ballcap I have compared to the scarf, which would lend more credence to the difficulty in reproducing the thread color.) All that said, and I suppose I better clarify itself: of course the yellow comes from the city flag; I personally don't believe that means it has to be a club color just because (though I can see the logical sense in it--you know, CITY theme and all). To me it just look out of place.
  24. More shots of the new CITY kit: From MLS.com: I love how they're calling their signature color CITY Red, when it's so very obviously pink, as referenced by the scarf, lanyard, and ballcap sitting next to me on my table as i type this (and the t-shirt hanging in my closet). I know, splitting hairs--but having been to CITYPARK and in their team shop which is swathed ceiling to floor in the color, dawg--that's pink. Of course I have zero issue with the color, as my hometown Wahoos have been using it since 2012 (they call it "Bright Rose") & because of that I've ve been using it in personal branding for a while myself. Yep--the yellow is one of their official club colors: The inclusion of yellow is messing with me on this kit. I get the steel plate motif, and that's cool. I had somewhat high hopes for this, but now that I see it, this inaugural kit is gonna get a "pass" from me dawg. (Doesn't mean I can't swag out in some of their other apparel, though!)
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