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Everything posted by BBTV

  1. The best thing to do is to go out in a blaze of glory. Start a thread and go on an tirade, using every censored word you can think of. Hell - go around the stupid rated-G swear filter. It might be the first time anyone here had ever heard any of these words, considering this is a place for nuns and is better than every single other site on the internet, but let loose. I'd even work in a few racial slurs too. A popular one right now starts with "r", but there's other ones out there that get people's attention too. You won't have to worry about your account being deleted. It'll just "work itself out."
  2. In part due to things he and his wife have said about their time there, and that he's logoless on his HOF plaque out of deference to the Phillies. Also, while only two great years, he did have the perfect game and playoff no-hitter while with them, and got his true national exposure. It also probably helped that Bryce Harper turned down the number and pushed them to retire it. EDIT: He's a weird case. Obviously he had HOF cred with the Blue Jays, but he had his biggest moments while with the Phillies, and while he was only hear 4 seasons he "feels" like a Phillie (to a Phillie fan). There's countless great players that pass through and never really connect. Hell - there's great players that play their whole careers here and don't connect. There was something different about him that (I really hate saying this) you really need to have been here to 'get'. We claim half of him.
  3. Phillies retired Dick Allen's number 15 today, breaking their policy of only retiring numbers of HOFers (though he was likely to be elected by some committee this year if not for the covid). The "owner" actually wrote a 3+ page policy on what the new policy is, which basically amounts to "we'll do it if we want to." I can't tell exactly where this is. I'm assuming they'll have to repaint all the other walls since they do them in numerical order, and they had already planned for Haladay's 34 to go up this year. For reference, here's the other ones: If Rose ever gets in, they'll probably have to add it to Bunning's 14.
  4. Emphasis mine. This is absurd. It's fine for MiLB teams to have fun with their uniforms and have a few alts and special one-offs, but 9 jerseys and 7 caps is ridiculous by any measure. The uniforms don't even go together, with some with their Woo Sox brush-ish script, and some in the Tuscon-ish font. Just a joke.
  5. It's not a good comparison because you never hear "Khmer Rouge" without "Khmer". I had the opportunity to visit the S-21 prison, various camps, killing fields, and other grim sites that the Khmer Rouge operated. It's beyond horrific - right up there with Nazis. It's a shame that genocides are only taught in American schools if the victims are white.
  6. Gotcha. I don't think anyone ever associated their specific nickname with it, but without context do you agree that one could make that association? Another question - if you played for them, would you feel comfortable saying that you were "part of the clan" or "playing for the clan"? Asking because they said that their own athletes didn't like hearing the word all the time, but curious of your view.
  7. You don't associate Simon Fraser's nickname with it? Or you don't associate the word "clan" at all with it?
  8. But unmodified it does, no matter how much you pretend it doesn't. Yes, the spelling is different, but English is dumb and words can be spelled differently but said the same way. Now if you add a descriptor, like "Scottish clan", or something like that, and they're always used together, then it's completely fine. But whether you bleieve it to be true or not, "clan", "klan", "c(k)lansman", etc. are associated by most people with the KKK and racism. I'd be surprised if it wasn't associated 100% by minorities that may not know anything about Scottish clans.
  9. You could say the same about swastikas, but I think that any western team using one for a logo would have felt the need to change.
  10. BBTV


    If you're going to outline the wordmark on the roads, you're essentially mimicking the late-40s look (which is fine), so I'd make the cap the same as their current alt cap (blue crown/red brim) and make the belt/socks blue.
  11. Yep that's it - SyPhi. Wonder whatever happened to him.
  12. Here's a fun game for those of us who have been around a decade or more - who were the mods when you joined? The ones I remember from way back in my day: Joel Fiasco JP Slapshot Puckguy (I think he was a mod... not certain) Yale Hollander (or just YH) Yzerfan (admin) Spyboy (might have the name wrong... he did like a million Wpg Jets concepts
  13. I've never seen a comments section of any site that is of any value and isn't just ridden with trolls or people with below average IQs that simply didn't have the capability to grasp what point the content was trying to convey. Putting a price on it should at least help eliminate those people. I would doubt it has much to do about a fear of being criticized, it's a desire to increase the signal-to-noise ratio so that it's worth someone's time to read and possibly respond to the comments. Hell - I wish this site charged $99/year if it would filter out most of the clowns and trolls... including the trollbot.
  14. I think this is incorrect, but age plays a big role in it. To me, he's an Astro first, then a Ranger. I'm in my 40s so I'm not a youngster. I collected enough baseball cards as a kid to know that he was a Met and then a star with the Angels. I know that he was dominant with the Angels, and then with a few exceptions, barely above average (let's be honest here) afterwards. He either struck out 20 or got shelled. But... it was with the Astros that most people in their 30s/40s got to see him, it was with the Astros (I think) that he had reached the tenure necessary to start setting career marks, and with the Astros that he got a little more national exposure simply due to the national TV. Speaking of that, that's why I think the Rangers are 2nd (but maybe 1st) because even though he was mostly washed up and was one of those guys that simply held on long enough to get to 300 wins (though again - it was either no-hitter or he got killed), it was with the Rangers that he was on Sports Center every time he started, and when he got in that fight, and he was always labeled a "Texas guy". You're correct that his best years by far were with the Angels, but I really think he's more associated with either of the Texas teams.
  15. On a serious note, the Flyers used this one for a few seasons. It's very Roundball Rock-esque and I think it worked really well for a hockey broadcast:
  16. I gave my boss a proposal for a project that would modernize our data center which would reduce down time to <1%, decrease annual maintenance costs by >$5M, and enable cloud-based functionality that would revolutionize our mobile presence. Her response? "well, it's no Roundball Rock, but I guess we should do it anyway. Next time try harder."
  17. That road uniform is really nice. I think it was the best part of the package Radom put together. Just make the number solid navy and put the DC on the cap and you've got a winner. The home version didn't work as well - can't put my finger on why, but it just didn't. Regardless, the scripts are the way to go (but I'd still use DC).
  18. I mean... they say the naughty word for poop on cable all the time now, and even on PG wrestling, but the "b" word is too obscene... for the internet? In the grand scheme of things, much like Will Smith, I don't need to 'cuss in my raps to sell records', but the minimum age here is allegedly 13 - not 5. In the grand scheme of things it isn't a big deal, but again - it's one of those things where more time and effort is spent on blocking the word bizzach and spamming the board with 'let's pick the best Macon Bacon logo!" than is on making things user friendly or adding actual logos to a logo database. For the record, this has nothing to do with the mods - I don't think they don't control those most - if any - of those things.
  19. ive called that out before. The search here is as worthless as any I’ve ever seen. If you screw up or need to refine, you have to sit around and wait, so you just give up and either just go without finding what you wanted, or start a redundant topic only for people to say “use the search next time, nOOb!” (though I haven’t noticed the later much lately... probably because people know how hard it is to search for anything). it’s a freaking sports logos site - not the CIA or KGB archives. There’s more stupid controls here (can’t even type the female word for dog? Can’t search or post more than once a minute?) than any other site I go to (and that’s not to mention the hijacks, ads that take over your mobile, and potential viruses). I’ll stop complaining (eventually) because I’m sure it’s some violation to call out the board or the equally-as-bad-but-in-different-ways mothership, but if every other non-porn site on the internet can get by without all the garbage ads (and I’m not talking about quantity or content, but how they hijack your screen and trick you into clicking), below PG-rated word restrictions, a worthless search, and years without updates, I’m not sure why a simple sports logos community where all we really do is argue about stripes and complain about wrestling has to be made so freaking complicated.
  20. It blows my mind that there can be current threads that aren't even new and aren't on the site, and in some cases, changes have just been missed for years. Example: the Cavs uniforms stop at 2017, and the Sixers says "2015/16-present" which doesn't reflect the Nike change that's been in place for years. There's time to build annoying bots and make deals with absurd ad services to make money off of other people's IP and bake in viruses, but not to have someone mock up current uniforms for a site that claims to be "your virtual museum dedicated to education of the history of sports logos and sports uniforms"?
  21. Any claim that this site doesn’t have significantly more issues than literally ANY non-porn site on the internet are false defense mechanisms. I browse hundreds of sites, and only have the ridiculous ad hijack issues, virus warnings, ads that consume the border and bottom of the page, and the nonsense I have today on this site. Chris sold his soul to the devil with these ads. I’d gladly pay a membership fee to make this site legit and not have it affiliated with the trash ads. it’s almost like there was a checkbox for “crap mode” and “yes” was selected by mistake.
  22. The common theme is that people experience these things only on this site.
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