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Everything posted by BBTV

  1. Now it's obviously all about having another jersey to sell, but back in the day, I thought it was because BP was "play around" time, and it was kind of a mental thing about being all business once the real uniform gets on. Like you're hanging out at the bar with your suit jacket off, tie loosened, and button undone, but then it's time for the big meeting so you put the jacket back on and tighten up the tie. Best BP jersey ever (notice the different Ps and slight differences in lettering) :
  2. OK, so I hope that nobody that sees the press release posted here thinks that they were actually announcing a change in color, which is what was implied and how (at least some) people took it.
  3. I'm not sure why teams put out tweets like that when they're guaranteed to receive mostly negative comments. Some are even mildly entertaining. On the other hand, I love how people post their concepts and are so adamant "WOULD THIS HAVE BEEN SO HARD?!?!?" when they're designs are considerably worse. Also sad is that so many people feel like there needs to be a state flag somewhere on them.
  4. I'm glad that works for you. Really. Maybe it's not the big deal I'm making it out to be. Back in the day, PPV and other pay services would have certain rules requiring commercial establishments to pay a different fee for the ability to legally show things like boxing and wrestling. It's 2023 and a lot of things have changed, so I have no idea if there's any rules about it. But either way,, getting Peacock is an additional expense (though not really much) for a place to pay. Also in my limited experience at places that streamed the Amazon games, it wouldn't fail that one or more of the devices would be on a few seconds lag, and you'd hear cheering from one end of the place before you saw what happened. Also, depending on the place, the bar staff isn't always even aware that it's a streaming game and they need to pull out a Roku, and then they fumble around to figure out how to use it (which blows my mind, because it's not like they don't use Netflix or Prime at home... but it's like as soon as they're out of their house, they completely forget how things work... and why not just keep the damned device connected??) Granted, I'm not going to "sports bars", but it's still silly how they go braindead when they have to turn on the same service they use at home, but outside their home (though I don't know any non-wrestling fan that actually watches Peacock, whether they have it or not.
  5. Bar owners probably do too. EDIT: Again... how can this happen when the rights weren't renegotiated? I'm really baffled by these changes.
  6. That's a really rare example of where I do like the headspoon piping on a Cardinals jersey. I think because it's navy, it just kinda falls into the background without competing with the BiB and wordmark, and it makes it look like something more than a BP jersey. Still anti-red jersey for them, but that would be the way to do it.
  7. Where did you read anything about the color/logo in their press release? All I read about was Jonesy and Brierre - I didn't read anything *official* about colors or logos, and didn't see the graphics you posted anywhere. In fact, one is missing the (r), so it would seem like one or the other isn't official.
  8. That's basically the definition of taking a quote out of context. While the full context doesn't make him look much better, it was in response to a series of questions about James Harden going to Houston, and was IMO trying to deflect that and say that even if they make it a point to bring Harden back, it doesn't matter because that alone isn't going to be the panacea for their ailments. Everyone needs to improve, including him. So not great... but not as bad as the lazy out-of-context "reporting" is making it sound like.
  9. It was the $500M-$1B figure I was doubting, not the waiver. I'd wager that there's math that shows where the break-even point is if the other owners no longer had to pay these teams their revenue-sharing money in exchange for forgoing a relo fee, and it probably makes a lot of sense to make relocation as easy as possible. But there's no source as to the amount - I think it's something that was made up out of thin air. It's definitely been printed, but not validated by anyone that would know anything. Relo fees are usually to either discourage owners from moving on a whim, or to compensate the other owners for losing something - whether perceived or real. Like with the Rams - the owners were losing the ability to use LA as the bargaining chip to extort money from cities, as well as allowing one of their peers to exponentially increase the value of his franchise and be able to compete harder against them. The reality is that they had milked the LA opening for as much as it could have been and someone was going to move there, but they wanted to be compensated. In this case, I doubt there's a single owner that wouldn't want this situation figured out ASAP, and I don't think MLB is using LV as a bargaining chip. It's A's or expansion... that's it. While expansion would certainly line their pockets more, it's still costing everyone to keep the A's in Oakland. I'm not sure where TB resides on the revenue-sharing list.
  10. There are huge legal ramifications if they or any sports league were found to be rigging games. Probably most in MLB due to anti-trust, but heads would roll and tons of money lost if any league was ever caught.
  11. According to NBA, he's the "crew chief", while the Boston fan is the "referee". I'm not sure how the hierarchy works, but at least there's nothing to extend after a game 7.
  12. So here's Sixers/Celtics referee Eric Lewis' family a year ago (the jersey on him is obviously photoshopped): Then there's this, from Game 6 per Woj (different ref):
  13. I dislike both Cardinals alts with the headspoon, for the sole reason that there's no need for any additional decoration on a jersey that features the ionic birds-on-bat logo. It's already fancy enough - doesn't need any superfluous trim to enhance it. But the red jerseys - the Cardinals, Phillies, and Angels, all suck. Not simply because the lettering is red-on-red, but if there needs to be two outlines on any jersey, it usually stinks. I can't think of a situation in which a jersey script with two outlines looks better than one with only one. I wish the Phillies would drop their white outline altogether, but at least they've significantly reduced its weight in the past few years (at the expense of adding a gray outline to the road script, but at least that's not visible in most cases... though when it is, it sucks.) They should definitely not have a royal outline on the red script. Looks terrible.
  14. There is no circumstance in which either team would be asked to pay half a billion dollars as a relocation payment. I've not found any source that any relocation fee (whether waived or not) has even been decided on.
  15. To clarify this, it was that the Canucks were afraid that more teams would mean that the TML and Canadiens would visit fewer times, which would reduce their gate. Not that the Canucks had concerns with their own travel. https://www.nytimes.com/1979/03/23/archives/nhl-approves-plan-to-merge-with-four-clubs-from-wha-no-details.html
  16. So this angle where posters are telling posters to make love to... well, posters, got me to do some googling and it turns out EDP445 is actually alive (and not in prison). In fact, he's releasing videos on his own platform, and for a limited time, you can book an hour Facetime with him for 33.33% off! https://edp445.com/collections/all
  17. The C on the right is really neat, but from a distance (as visible on the cap) it has a weird effect. At a quick glance, I thought it looked like a blurry Flames logo. But it's still a cool mark, even if it has nothing to do with the Reds. It's clear that they're just designing cool-ish things, and then figuring out ways to get them on the field. But I suppose if I was a Reds fan, I'd buy a cap with that logo on it (though maybe not with the red piping under it.) What bothers me is that the cap C and jersey C are completely different. The first jersey C doesn't match anything else - not the cap, not the socks, not even the other jersey C.
  18. That is amazing. One of the few that made me genuinely laugh out loud. Surprised they'd use an AEW-inspired logo given the WWE connection.
  19. Wasn't the TV contract negotiated years ago? How are they making all of these changes (games are "free agents", streaming games that aren't Amazon, etc) on the fly?
  20. What was with the sequence where there was a "clear path" foul, Embiid shoots the free throws, then there's action and another foul (which was reviewed), and then the referees said "our bad, Embiid shouldn't have shot those free throws a few minutes ago, Maxey should have" - and then took points off the board and made Maxey shoot the free throws even though time had come off the clock and they honored a foul that was called? That doesn't make any sense.
  21. Am I the only one that noticed this dude's username is EDP445?
  22. He is definitely nothing like all the gatekeepers that have been holding the team back for decades. This isn't a Clarkie, Barber, or Holmer situation - not at all. I don't have any idea if he'll be successful, but if he fails, it won't be for the same reasons the club has been failing for the past few decades. Never in the history of man have any people rode an accomplishment longer than the guys that won the cup in the mid '70s.
  23. i’m cool with Stars based on that reasoning, but it does set them up for ridicule when the team has no stars and sucks. But Dreamers is still dumb.
  24. Now that there's the ability for more simulcasting (like Manning Cast, Nickelodeon cast, etc) I'd be in total favor of "Adult Cast", where the announcers are completely uncensored and the commercials can be of a more racy nature. The sideline reporter aspect could be problematic, but I'm sure we could work around that with creative and strategic coverage options.. Mic every player. Every single one. I want to hear it when a guy gets drilled and is like "oh F!" and when they're talking sht to each other.
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