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NHL Anti-Thread: Bad Business Decision Aggregator


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7 hours ago, monkeypower said:

Canada only has about 200,000 Mormons and the Mormon hotbeds in America aren't exactly hockey hotbeds so just by the numbers, it makes there wouldn't be many professional Mormon players.

Yeah, but they're all in southern Alberta, which is a hotbed. The WHL produces all sorts of Albertans named Jaxxsyn, Huntzmin, and Crambon, but for some odd reason they aren't Mormons. 


6 hours ago, LaGrandeOrange said:

I am unfamiliar with most about LDS, but is there a reason why the mormon population would not want to watch the team just because they didn't grow up with playing the game?

It's a small market that already has one very well-entrenched team playing a sport that's well-entrenched in the church. Resources are finite and I just don't know how you make Salt Lake City a two-sport town with the two sports running concurrently, especially when one is basketball.

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15 hours ago, The_Admiral said:

It's a small market that already has one very well-entrenched team playing a sport that's well-entrenched in the church. Resources are finite and I just don't know how you make Salt Lake City a two-sport town with the two sports running concurrently, especially when one is basketball.

Bingo.  It's almost a required design spec that every LDS stake has a basketball court in it, even if the room is carpeted.

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17 hours ago, The_Admiral said:

Yeah, but they're all in southern Alberta, which is a hotbed. The WHL produces all sorts of Albertans named Jaxxsyn, Huntzmin, and Crambon, but for some odd reason they aren't Mormons. 


Anecdotally, I was born and raised in Calgary. The only Mormons I knew growing up were my neighbours across the street.


The LDS reports 200,000 Canadians with 83,572 Albertans (but the 2021 Canadian Census only reports 87,725 for all of Canada, FWTW). Cardston, where the famous temple is, isn't really known for hockey and (not that this is the be all end all because there are issues with birthplaces on the site) Elite Prospects only has 17 people listed as having Cardston birthplaces.


Fun fact for you Simpsons fans, Patty and Selma visited the Remington Carriage Museum in Cardston at one point.


Derek Ryan himself is an adult convert through his wife and he's from Spokane.


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19 hours ago, The_Admiral said:

It's a small market that already has one very well-entrenched team playing a sport that's well-entrenched in the church. Resources are finite and I just don't know how you make Salt Lake City a two-sport town with the two sports running concurrently, especially when one is basketball.


14 hours ago, VampyrRabbit said:

So which would be better for SLC? Getting a relocated Coyotes or an expansion franchise?


Yeah, my worry would be the profitability of two professional teams playing concurrently and in the same arena. If they build the new area near the point of the mountain at the prison site it could draw fans from both Utah and SL Counties? Do I think it's doable? Sure. But, I do feel like a relocated team over expansion would be the route, especially if it's Arizona.

"I always wanted to be somebody, but now I realize I should have been more specific." Lily Tomlin

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9 hours ago, LMU said:

Bingo.  It's almost a required design spec that every LDS stake has a basketball court in it, even if the room is carpeted.

Getting way off topic here but it's of interest to me that part of the downfall of the church has been the centralization from ward-based, stake-based communities to a bunch of MBAs in a skyscraper in Salt Lake City dictating everything for everyone. Part of that is that everyone has to follow a standardized design for meetinghouses which, yes, has the goofy-ass basketball court that's also a wedding hall, but is also a bland McArchitecture that strips any sort of local input away and maximizes efficiency while minimizing construction costs. 


I don't think they carpet the floors anymore but they do carpet the walls. I assume some descendant of Joseph Smith is in the carpet wholesaling business or something.

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17 minutes ago, habsfan1 said:

The Atlanta Flames became the Calgary Flames.


The Atlanta Thrashers became the Winnipeg Jets.


The *insert 3rd Atlanta franchise* will become the Quebec Nordiques.


Hamilton Tigers.  Atlanta snowbird teams all end up in Canada.


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I wouldn't be surprised if they give Atlanta a third try. It's a large market, population & TV wise. If they feel there is a strong commitment from an ownership group, it'll probably happen. The Flames left because owner Tom Cousins went broke on the real estate crash and had to sell. Ted Turner & then Atlanta Spirit didn't give a :censored: about the Thrashers. 


Salt Lake & Atlanta expansion for 2026-27.


Still not sure if Rockets owner Tilman Fertitta is still interested in a team for Houston or not. 


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2 hours ago, LaGrandeOrange said:

what makes us think Atlanta will work a third time?


It's the only way we're going to get a team in Quebec within the next decade?

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"I always wanted to be somebody, but now I realize I should have been more specific." Lily Tomlin

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1 hour ago, VampyrRabbit said:

Why in the blue hells are they building an arena in Forsyth County instead of Downtown Atlanta?


Because most of the wealth and season ticket holders are in the suburbs (Ask the Braves). Plus it's a pain in the ass to drive from the suburbs to downtown Atlanta (Ask the fans & former Thrashers players). 

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6 hours ago, VampyrRabbit said:

Why in the blue hells are they building an arena in Forsyth County instead of Downtown Atlanta?

Also, the arena in downtown Atlanta has been heavily renovated by the Hawks for basketball only, and two arenas in one downtown makes no sense.

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On 2024-01-28 at 12:32 AM, Sykotyk said:

Not exactly. Someone from the visiting team's fan base will be like "Hey, let's go to Vegas for vacation this year. This particular week. The Tigers are in town." You're not getting that much with any other city except maybe New Orleans.

I'm planning an Austin trip around TFC/DCU so yup, this.


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12 hours ago, BottomlessPitt said:


Because most of the wealth and season ticket holders are in the suburbs (Ask the Braves). Plus it's a pain in the ass to drive from the suburbs to downtown Atlanta (Ask the fans & former Thrashers players). 


7 hours ago, TBGKon said:

Also, the arena in downtown Atlanta has been heavily renovated by the Hawks for basketball only, and two arenas in one downtown makes no sense.

And just a hunch, but I'm guessing the target audience for this team, those are going to want/have to drive there and aren't exactly advocates for urbanism.

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3 hours ago, VampyrRabbit said:

And just a hunch, but I'm guessing the target audience for this team, those are going to want/have to drive there and aren't exactly advocates for urbanism.


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♫ oh yeah, board goes on, long after the thrill of postin' is gone ♫

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