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Odd Sports for Video Games


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The other day i was walking through the local blockbuster looking for a decent sports game to play for XBOX and or PS2. Beside the obvious choices of realistic Madden Football Series and the NHL series, there are other more brash versions of football like the NHL Hitz or NFL Blitz. I also noticed what i thought were ridiculous games. A Extreme Beach Volleyball with scantily clad women and An Extreme Golf as well. Why have we resulted to Video Games that have regular sports turned into something Extreme and Sexual? Why don't companies resort to making a decent Lacrosse Video Game. The National Lacrosse League is growing in fan base, and i love the game, field lacrosse is pretty big in the states as far as i know. Does anyone know of a decent Lacrosse game on the market? And for the Canadians, where is the CFL version of Madden Football? CFL Football 2004, I and many Canadians outwest would love that game! Anyways, The next thing we know, there'll be a hockey game with girls in bikinis skating around on outdoor rinks body checking each other and getting in snow fights! If or when a game of that nature is produced, I will quit video games forever!


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I understand what your saying and don't like it either but basiclly "Sex sells." Yeah I never saw a lacrosse game but EA sports will jump on the opritunity to make some money soon probably.

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I remember going on Ebay and bidding on an Aussie Rules Football game for the PS2, I read the disclaimer, tho, and the game was supposedly only coded to play on PS2's sent to Australia. Could this be true?

I remember Midway made a Lacrosse game for PSOne, much similar to NFL Blitz, but the graphics on it were horrendous. I'd shell out $50 anyday for a quality NLL game, or a CFL game for that matter

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Sex & violence sell, so add sex, or increase violence--

But yes a lacrosse game would be cool, and hoepfully it wouldn't be just a hockey game with a few graphic & rule changes, although they certainly could use some of the Hockey programming to get a head start...

CFL game for PC!!!!!

(When will Maximum Football be ready--if ever?)

I tried the demo version of rugby--it was fun, but I think it would be better if I knew the game better...

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I have a copy of the Aussie rules PS2 game and it works fine, maybe its never been released in the US.

I think for the games manufacturers what they are looking for is fairly simple sports without many complicated rules. Hence trying to market a minority sport game is tough.

Incidentally the graphics on the Rugby game stuink to high heaven! isn't a bad game though!


2011/12 WFL Champions

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never seen any Aussie rules game here, and if there has been then said people woulda had to go in. i've taken my ps2 apart, but only to clean it. i figure some of you might have heard of the knife trick. basically, it's cus American PS2s won't play, for example, AFL Live or Arsenal Club Football

and dammit, i know Midway is synonymous with juiced-up sports games, it's what they do. they HAD a gold mine on their hands with Hitz, though. but NOOOOO, they had to screw it up and not only cancel the series, they basically decided to hold Next Level (the development team) hostage as well. this, my friends, this means no one will be able to play what I think would have been the best hockey game out this year. haven't touched NHL since 2002 and i hated ENH 2k4, unfortunately my preference of the upcoming crop-Faceoff 05-is unproven, coming off a second hiatus, but the good news is the new developer worked NHL 2001.


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I don't know why EA doesn't release a CFL add-on to Madden. I've been preaching this for a while now... all it needs is a few rule mods, stadiums, fields, teams, players, and the Grey Cup. It would cause more Canadians to buy Madden, and if they sold it as a $30 dollar add-on to an already $60 game, that's $90 I'm willing to drop right here, right now.

But does anyone listen to me? Noooo.... :mad:

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I read in some Canadian video game magazine about why there isn't a CFL game. They said that it would likely cost the developers more to change just change an existing game like Madden (the rules, fields, stadiums, , a new AI for 3 down football, penalties for untucked shirts etc.) that they couldn't make money on the whole thing even if it sold well.

I'm not so sure about that reasoning. But since alot of EA operates out of B.C. (if I'm not mistaken) than they'd at least recognize the potential for the game if there was one.

On another note, I have an ESPN wintersports game for gamecube and it has all sorts weird sports in it like curling and figure skating. I'm ashamed to say the figure skating is fun. So is the curling too. Get a bunch of friends together to play it and scream, "HUUUUURRRRRYYY!!! HURRY HARD!!!"

Good times.

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I'm not ashamed to say that I have tennis for SNES. Play it on a 60-inch HD tv. Good times. Played all the old SNES games (used to have NBA Live 98; complete with the incomparable PG Tim Hardaway... WHOO!!!).


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A few years back EA I think made Blast Lacrosse, perhaps it was Acclaim, you can probably find some on ebay or else go to the NLL's 'unofficial' fan boards at http://www.lacrosse-network.com/outsidersguide

There is usually someone offereing their version or others looking for one, they are good folks to get in touch with, dedicated lax fans always wanting to expand their fan base.

I'm a big lax fan, and the old MILL was my first exposure, I've followed the NLL since, but have moved all over the place so the last game I went to was Albany-Toronto championship about 2-3 years ago.

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remember Midway made a Lacrosse game for PSOne, much similar to NFL Blitz, but the graphics on it were horrendous

A good LAX video game would do well - at least on the US coasts and Canada.

I saw the PS1 game, the graphics were bad - plus the players seems to stay on the floor for ever after you checked them. Other than that it was an ok game.

The game was called "Blast Lacrosse" by Acclaim.

See sample of the game at this site:


My son told me they are making a "GAELIC FOOTBALL" video game - to be sold mainly in Europe but we will see a few here in the states.

Anytime they add the word "X-treme" to the game, I'm a bit leary about it - either is sucks so bad that they had to put that on the title to sell it, or it's to complicated to learn to play it. So much for that topic! :blink:

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I've seen a curling game that was a stand alone game, and it had a follow up too, I forget the name--but you can create players or teams, create jackets etc, and curl--could be fun...

Comic Sans walks into a bar, and the bartender says, "Sorry, we don't serve your type here."

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