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On 2/11/2021 at 2:04 PM, packerfan21396 said:

Black is as prominent of a supporting color as blue is in terms of their appearance on the jerseys:



But, blue actually makes an appearance in a tertiary logo, fittingly representing Wisconsin's water borders:



On 2/11/2021 at 4:27 PM, QCS said:

That is very nice, I love the look! Each team looks good, but I'm not super sold on blue for Milwaukee. I don't think it contrasts well enough with the green to use it as a base. I'll second trying it in black after the series is over.


On 2/11/2021 at 6:44 PM, TrueNorth13 said:

Part of the reason I used the blue, was just to go with that kind of crazy reverse retro kind of style that comes with that design. I think black would've made it seem too normal haha. But I'll look into seeing what black can look like once this series ends. 


The other reason I'd like to see it in black is that the Bucks have already introduced a couple black alts with the current set that feature a giant deer head. Seems only natural (to me anyway) that they'd go black on their original deer head template.

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Washington Wizards - 1997


The Wizards are one of those teams that I actually like their current look. Although, not a huge fan of the circle logo that has infected the entire league in recent years. I actually much prefer their only other primary logo in their history. The Wizards have actually put out some cool looking uniforms recently, but I think this concept would fit perfectly in as a reverse alternate.



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The Wizards might be my favorite of the set. I've hated that they've gone with the Washington Monument logo in recent years. If you're going to keep the Wizards name (which they probably shouldn't), at least have a Wizard in the identity. That jersey is the perfect blend of both eras

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New York Knicks - 1997


This is another one I kind of changed last minute. I had a white version of this, but it just felt exactly like what the Islanders did for their RR uniform. Basically changed nothing except the shade of blue. So I switched it into an orange alternate, with white as the secondary colour, and blue as the accent. I think this makes it a true reverse retro without making it the exact same uniform, just with a colour shade difference. It's not too exciting, but the Knicks haven't really changed up their style much. Which is great for the brand, but annoying for this series haha. I'm quite a fan of having a lot of white on an alternate uniform, as the secondary colour, but I know it's not for everyone.



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We are nearing the end! Only 3 concepts left, plus a couple of the changes and fixes as a bonus at the end.


Philadelphia 76ers - 2000


I think these are arguably the best Sixers uniforms in their history. In the least, it's their most unique look in their history. Bringing it back to the Iverson days. It is definitely a better throwback than their strangely formatted 'Seventy Sixers' script uniform from a couple years back, at least in my opinion. I think this is the perfect blend between their new look and one of their most classic looks.



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Charlotte Hornets - 2004


For the final 2 teams, it's kind of like they are trading identities. For example, the Charlotte Hornets started as the Hornets until 2004 when they became the Bobcats, and in the year after, the New Orleans Hornets took the name. Until 2013 that is, when New Orleans switched to the Pelicans name and Charlotte brought back the Hornets name the season after. A confusing time where 2 cities within a 10 year span used the name 'Hornets'.


That said, I decided to bring the Charlotte Hornets back to their Bobcat days. I definitely love the Hornets look better, but the Bobcats days brought some cool looking uniforms that really work with their current colours.


I hope the Hornets don't switch back to the Bobcats anytime soon, but bringing back this retro uniform, would be a perfect way to honour that part of their history.



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Not your fault at all, I just never liked those specific bobcats uniforms, despite really liking their color scheme 🤣 I feel like Charlotte has so many better looks throughout their history, obviously the muggsy/johnson era, but I understand how in their current palette it wouldn't be much of an interesting reverse retro... What about the later bobcats uniforms, like 2012/13 road jersey as your base? Could be a cool look, idk. Nothing wrong with the current look except for my personal dislike of the jersey its based off of.

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I was busy with a different project, but we have reached the final concept. Besides a couple revisions I'll add after this.


New Orleans Pelicans - 2010


This might be the equivalent to the Golden Knights in the NHL. Throwing it back a whole 10 years to the days of the New Orleans Hornets. The Pelicans colour scheme works perfectly for this uniform. I think the best part is the seamless transition to a modern look. The logo still fits New Orleans and the jersey script is perfect as well. I also just love some pinstripes.



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Now that the series is technically over, I'll post some of the updates, fixes, and suggestions some people had. Starting with the Milwaukee Bucks reverse retro in black. I still personally love the craziness of a full blue uniform, and the fact that they have never worn a blue uniform like that, I like a unique style for a one off alternate. But the black can work as well. I guess it fits more into their current look, something that would fit easier into a full time alternate. 



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11 minutes ago, NicDB said:

Good god the black one is gorgeous.


Here's to hoping some Chinese bootlegger thinks that's real. I'd totally buy that.

“Yo bootleggers! Print this good stuff out immediately!”


Im an isles,rangers,devils,Sabres,Yankees,Mets,Braves,hawks,knicks,nets,bills,giants,falcons,and jets fan. So?

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