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Sports terms you want to die


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...oh, wait.. its not 'sports teams you want to die'? oh, oh.. terms...





i thought it said that also..........

i hate hearing that clip of......


same here

I saw, I came, I left.

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Either I didn't read the post right or I just missed it. But here's what I hate:


It's soooooo annoying to me.

The other thing I'd get rid of is Washington Wizards, I'd rename them back to "Bullets"

Can't think of any others right now. I'm stewing over having to type Stuart Scott's annoying catch phrase.

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...oh, wait.. its not 'sports teams you want to die'? oh, oh.. terms...





i thought it said that also..........

i hate hearing that clip of......


I have a bottle opener that says that every time you use it. It's great fun, I'll have to send you guys one.

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...oh, wait.. its not 'sports teams you want to die'? oh, oh.. terms...





i thought it said that also..........

i hate hearing that clip of......


I have a bottle opener that says that every time you use it. It's great fun, I'll have to send you guys one.

UW, if you send me one, i'll video tape it being destroyed. ^_^

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...oh, wait.. its not 'sports teams you want to die'? oh, oh.. terms...





i thought it said that also..........

i hate hearing that clip of......


I have a bottle opener that says that every time you use it. It's great fun, I'll have to send you guys one.


NCFA Sunset Beach Tech - Octopi




Going to college gets you closer to the real world, kind of like climbing a tree gets you closer to the moon.

"...a nice illustration of what you get when skill, talent, and precedent are deducted from 'creativity.' " - James Howard Kunstler

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Bob Brenly's gonna be one of the commentators for the Cubbies next year, and i don't really know waht to expect to hear, aside from not much criticism. great, go from manager to puppet. I mean, you blow a friggin easy shot at the wildcard like the Cubs did, how can you NOT expect criticism?

back on topic, slamalamadingdong


A strong mind gets high off success, a weak mind gets high off bull🤬

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"Grand Salami!"

referring to an interception as a "pick."

referring to a rebound as a "board."

just about anything spoken by Dick Vitale, Chris Berman, and (unfortunately) Dan Patrick.

"...and the Nittany Lions lose another one."


OWNER -- Pittsburgh Spiders (UL) * Dynamo Missouri (PLA) * Montreal Maroons (SHL)

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I don't think so, Brian. A Grand Slam always is a 4-run HR for me.

Saying "Grand Slam HR" is like saying "A Swiss Bernese one".


It's great to be young and a Giant! - Larry Doyle

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Grand slam home run (it's redundant. You can't hit a grand slam triple)

However, you can hit one-run, two-run and three-run home runs. So, given that "grand slam home run" is another way of saying a four-run home run, it's not redundant.

The grand slam part isn't the part that is redundant. It's the home run part. All grand slams are home runs.

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...Oh, wait.. It's not 'sports teams you want to die'? Oh, oh.. terms...


Shouldn' t that be "BCS"?

"I better go take a long walk off a short pier or something."

Some people on this bolard have told me to do just that.

My "Ron Mexico" alias is "Jon Tobago".

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Now for my real rant...

I absolutely HATE IT when announcers use the phrase "Unanswered goals" or "Unanswered points" or "Unanswered runs" etc.

For example. The Blackhawks have a 2-0 lead over Detroit. Detroit comes back to win 4-2. The announcers will say "Detroit scored 4 unanswered goals".

NO,THEY DID NOT. They scored 4 consecutive goals.

Their first two goals were their "answers" to the Blackhawks first two goals. The Blackhawks do not need to "answer" the first two Red Wings goals because they were already ahead by two, thus Detroit only scored TWO "unanswered goals" GODDAMNIT! :cursing:

I was hoping nobody would have posted this rant, so I could have, but since you did, I'll agree.

Plus, there's no need to even call those 2 goals that they won by unanswered...

Of course they're unanswered...that's why they won by 2!

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I hate when announcers call every run by a wide reciever in football a reverse. 99% of them aren't reverses, they're end arounds (ends around?). The play is only going one way, the way the reciever is running. That isn't a reverse, it's just a run. This is even made worse when there is an actual reverse and they refer to it as a double-reverse. :cursing: Why must announcers who are paid to know such things so ignorant about them? Walk-off is another one of mine. I don't mind when it is a home run to win a game, but when I hear someone talking about a "walk-off walk", I want to throw something at my TV. AAAAAHHHHHHH

I've decided to give up hope for all sports teams I follow

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