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Erie Freeze's new logo for the AIFL


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The basic idea's okay--but I would prefer to see it looking less chunky...and lose the football...

If you want a football motif then shape the whole logo in a football shape (although that may be cheesy...)

Comic Sans walks into a bar, and the bartender says, "Sorry, we don't serve your type here."

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do you know which Erie this is?...i live in Erie, PA , and ive never heard of anything of the sort, and if i had i would have definately approached the team to make a logo for them thats better than that.

Im just curious, and if it is Erie PA, im gonna contact them anyway and see if i can get them to change it

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do you know which Erie this is?...i live in Erie, PA , and ive never heard of anything of the sort, and if i had i would have definately approached the team to make a logo for them thats better than that.

Im just curious, and if it is Erie PA, im gonna contact them anyway and see if i can get them to change it

It is in Erie, PA

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Well persoanlly I wouldnt have gone for a snow beast. But it is what they requested.

Here is the logo they first sent us and told us to make look nicer:


So from here we re-created it with more of a line backer snow monster theme.


but hey if you can come up with something I can definitly pitch it at them and see what they think. Why not show us what you can do first.

Do you have a portfolio available?

E-Vivid Solutions Inc.


Hell, as bad as the first one is, it looks better than the second ^_^



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"A better wordmark would help it emmensely."

That's immensely, joshua.

"I better go take a long walk off a short pier or something."

Some people on this bolard have told me to do just that.

My "Ron Mexico" alias is "Jon Tobago".

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